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Prophet Muhammad Companions are hypocrites, floated injustice and terrorism says Iraqi VP

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Nov 29, 2013
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Saudi Arabia
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Iraqi Vice President Nuri al-Maliki


In response to comments crowded out social networking for the expulsion of the Saudi, Iraqi Vice President Nuri al-Maliki network after it came to her would suggest the death of Prince Saud al-Faisal, his office confirmed that it is nothing more than a common .. with raised remarks to the owners of the companions accused of encouraging the injustice and terror campaign rejection and condemnation of institutions Several religious.

London : denied the Information Office of the Nuri al-Maliki on Sunday, visiting Iraqi Vice President's controversial to Saudi Arabia and offer condolences to the death of Saudi Arabia's former Foreign Minister Saud al-Faisal stressed that all raised on the subject rumors and pure fantasy and that following reports indicated that the plane carrying al-Maliki It landed in the city of Jeddah on Sunday to offer condolences Balfaisal but authorities prevented them from landing came back to Baghdad.

Office stressed in a press statement seen "Elaph" the text that "no truth to the throughput of the media reports that First Deputy President of the Republic Nuri Kamal al-Maliki's visit to Saudi Arabia or offer condolences to the death of Saudi Arabia's former Foreign Minister Saud al-Faisal" .. He said "All what was raised on this subject is rumors and pure fantasy."

During the last hours busy Amordon Saudis news about the expulsion of the Saudi owners have showed the positions of opposition to the policies of the man described sectarianism and practice of persecution operations against the year led to the emergence of the organization of the Islamic state "Daash".

The period was characterized by Maliki the presidency of the Iraqi government between 2006 and 2014 tense Iraqi-Saudi relations where has repeatedly accused Kingdom export terrorists to his country, which vehemently denies Riyadh certainly exclusionary policies that are the cause of predominance of terrorism in Iraq. Maliki rejected the accusations of the Companions B_ea terrorism

On the other hand, al-Maliki caused an uproar and a wide throw the remarks during a religious lecture carried by satellite "woke up" a spokeswoman Dawa party and accused the Companions of the Prophet Muhammad who collected the Qur'an and the Hadith that they floated injustice and terrorism in the nation.

Imam Abu Hanifa mosque has rejected accusations in Baghdad, al-Maliki of the Companions stressing that what it was asking for pronunciation by al-Maliki's value against Islamic fathoms tall like the companions of the Prophet Muhammad.

Also denounced the Islamic Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ISESCO) Maliki's comments about the Koran and the companions of these saying it "is in the foment sectarian strife sparked by views her ambitions are no longer hidden and hatred based on racial look expansive and contributes to devote hatred and discord among Muslim communities."

The statement demanded Aasaskovi Islamic Councils and bodies leading scientists in the Muslim world to condemn these accusations that are offensive to the great book of God and the elite of the companions of the Holy Messenger. She pointed out that al-Maliki has exceeded that of fixed facts of history received by the nation's scientists to accept, particularly the issue of the collection of the Qur'an and the Hadith and justice senior companions who carried out this work Galilee.

Statements also angered Amordan on social networks that Aattaborha stirring to temptation and avoid the companions of the Prophet and pointed out that al-Maliki not only during his presidency of the Government of his country for a period of eight years of fomenting sectarian and causing civil war in the country during 2006 and 2007 but is back now to exercise the same role .. The Mgrdon called al-Maliki to leave the policy and recognize his mistakes committed by the heavy against the Iraqis, according to saying.

Maliki was accused in his lecture the companions of Prophet Muhammad who collected the Qur'an and the Hadith, spreading injustice and terrorism in the nation and said that "the alliance which was formed from a lost modern and who interpret the text and twist his neck even persecuted nation and Ahaawa atmosphere of horror. And terrorism continuously".

Maliki said "There is nothing called the Koran Fatima, but the verses that were down on Fatima and his companions while they record wore explanation her on the sidelines and this margin was revealing a lot of hypocrites."
The Lamaze al-Maliki, speaking caliphate third Othman bin Affan who collect the Koran and burned Sporadic copies of the Koran, and said that "burning His goal was to eliminate all the explanation and detail who wrote the verses to eliminate the conversations."

Video-Maliki accused the Companions encourage injustice and terrorism:

Maliki is talking about Quran Fatima and the Companions of the Prophet peace be upon him, accusing them of fomenting injustice and hypocrisy and burning copies of Quran to hide evidence

Published on Jul 9, 2015
Maliki is talking about the Koran Fatima and bad for the Companions of the Prophet peace be upon him, accusing them of fomenting terrorism and injustice .. 07/08/2015

إتهام المالكي للصحابة بالإرهاب يثير عاصفة رفض
In a weird spectacle that reflects the oddities witnessed by post-occupation Iraq, former Iraqi prime minister and current Vice President Nouri al-Maliki recently took to the podium lecturing about early Islamic history, about the companions of the Prophet Muhammad and about the Koran.

Throughout the years of his opposition to the Baath regime, al-Maliki was known to be a man of operations, dubious or otherwise. He was known during the heavy years of his rule to have personally supervised processes of embezzlement and corruption never experienced by Iraq in its entire history. He was known for building a parallel state apparatus loyal to him personally and an army of former militiamen. Above all, he was known to pursue sectarian and hegemonic policies.

His rule ended with gross failure that manifested itself in the collapse of his army in the face of a few hundred fighters belonging to ISIS. The latter ended up controlling at least one third of Iraq. However, no one knew al-Maliki, whether during his years in opposition or during his years in government, to be an expert in Islamic history capable of discussing Islam's major events in a scholarly fashion. Yet, this is exactly what happened when al-Maliki gave himself the right to condemn the vast majority of the Prophet's companions and to call into question the authenticity of the Koran.

Maliki's attack on Koran

He said that the companions of the Prophet terrorised the early Muslim community and imposed on them a version of the Koran which they put together, implying that the Koran which Muslims read now is not the sound and correct one.

The oddity of what al-Maliki said does not emanate from the nature of his discourse. Such claims are often made by extremist and ignorant Shias. The oddity does emanate from the fact that this man was once the ruler of all of Iraqi peoples, whether Sunni or Shia communities, Muslim or Christian. He would have been expected to show some respect for the faiths of his people rather than stand pouring insult over the faith of half of the Iraqi population.

Yet, there is something even more serious than just this. If al-Maliki is not qualified to address Islam's grand historical questions, he must be expressing received beliefs that cannot be separated from the overall political steps and stances he adopted during the years of his rule. But if al-Maliki's beliefs are exactly those espoused by the ruling Shia political class in post-2003 Iraq in general, then it can be concluded that Iraq is heading toward a much darker future than what it has been through during the past decade.

Throughout the eighties and the nineties, Iraqi Shia opposition leaders were keen to stress their belonging to the global Islamic Umma. Shia opposition leaders from Al-Da'wah Party and the Supreme Muslim Council maintained close relations with the Sunni Islamic forces. Some of them did not even conceal the influence left on them by Sunni political Islamic thinkers and ideologues.

Retreat to sectarianism
However, the failure of the Shia uprising in the south of Iraq during the few weeks that followed the 1991 Kuwait war provoked a sense of desperation within Shiite opposition forces. Instead of responding to their failure with stronger attachment to the general Islamic current, they retreated toward sectarian Shia positions.

In 2003, influential neocon elements within the George Bush Jr administration enabled Shia political forces to seize control of Iraq and to dominate its new state that was built in haste during the occupation years. The opposition figures who spent much of their lives in exile suddenly became the rulers of Iraq. It was expected of them to rise to the occasion and to work for rebuilding the Iraqi state and national unity.

All those who ruled Iraq since its birth in the early 1920s recognised the challenge emanating from its sectarian and ethnic diversity and became aware of the necessity of building the unity of the nation on foundations that transcend sectarian and ethnic differences. But it did not take long for the new ruling class to exhibit utter ignorance of the country whose reins of power were delivered to them. Simply put, these rulers have not been able to liberate themselves from the shackles of their own sectarian inclinations and cultural orientation.

After invasion: Iran
Yet, another factor has played a major rule in the sectarianism of these rulers. The power vacuum created by the occupation and the collapse of the state turned Iraq into a zone of Iranian influence. The overwhelming majority of the new Shia ruling class were allied with Iran during the years of opposition and exile. But as they became rulers of the one of the most important and richest countries in the Middle East, they no longer needed to be subjugated to Iranian will.

However, within a very brief period of time, and with the full knowledge of the occupation authorities, Iran managed to infiltrate the main institutions of the new Iraqi state. Not only that, Iran set up a number of armed militias that were completely loyal to Tehran. Consequently, instead of maintaining the independence of the state they took control of, the new Iraqi rulers started to compete in exhibiting loyalty to Iran and its leaders. In the absence of a common linguistic and national ethnic base, Shiism in its most extreme form emerged at the very heart of this loyalty.

Sectarian tension has been on the rise in the mashriq since the invasion and occupation of Iraq, reaching a new height with the eruption of the Arab revolutions. Sectarian tension started from Iraq itself. The country lived through a sectarian civil war during the few years that followed the invasion and occupation.

Elements from within the Shia ruling class were involved in fanning the flames of this war. No sooner had the flames of the Iraqi sectarian war been extinguished than Lebanon endured an internal political posturing by Hezbollah, which embarked on an attempt to subjugate the Lebanese state to its own sectarian whims.

Spreading the virus
With the arrival of the Arab revolution, Syria became the battlefield for a bloody sectarian conflict at the heart of which stood Hezbollah and Iran. Shia fighters started being brought in from Afghanistan, Pakistan and Iraq in order to defend the Assad regime. It seemed clear that Iran was seeking to internationalise the sectarian tension so as to penetrate into all territories where Islamic sectarian pluralism existed. Effectively, the Iranian endeavour soon manifested itself in the Houthis' foolish attempt to seize control of Yemen and its state.

Apparently, neither Al-Maliki nor the majority of the Shia ruling class in Iraq have learned much from the years of sectarian conflict in the first decade of this century. Nor have they taken into consideration the necessity of fortifying Iraq in the face of the winds of sectarian tension that swept across the entire region.

As soon as the Syrian revolution erupted, al-Maliki embarked on chasing and pursuing his Sunni partners in the political process, one after the other. When the Iraqi Sunnis took to the streets in the Sunni-majority provinces to demand recognition of their basic rights, the prime minister did not conceal in his pronouncements, publicly as well as privately, the utter sectarian approach he was to adopt toward the millions of fellow countrymen.

Crushing dissent
Just as the Assad regime did in Syria, al-Maliki resorted to state violence in order to crush the demonstrators in the cities of Al-Anbar, Salahuddin and Ninawa. The demands of the protestors were neither big nor unusual. It would have been possible to meet them without undermining the authority of the state or the position of the government. However, Al-Maliki, who was driven by sectarian persuasions, chose the path of confrontation.

Today, al-Maliki returns to expressing his sectarian convictions in the rudest and ugliest manner. His remarks about the early Islamic era will certainly have no influence on the way Muslims view their own history. What these remarks indicate is that it will be impossible to reconstruct Iraq's national unity under the yoke of such a ruling class.

Thanks to the flagrant failure of al-Malki in governance, Iraq has ended up being divided between ISIS, the government of Baghdad, the authority of the Popular Mobilisation militias, which seems to be entirely independent of the al-Abadi government, the ever-expanding authority of the Kurds and the deep Iranian infiltration into the body of the Iraqi state. It would seem inevitable that Iraq may have to take a very long time before it is delivered from its predicament, that is, if such deliverance is still possible.

Dr. Basheer Musa Nafi is a historian studying Islamic and Middle Eastern History.

The views expressed in this article belong to the author and do not necessarily reflect the editorial policy of Middle East Eye.

Photo: Iraq's new premier Haidar al-Abadi (R) shakes hands with Vice President Nuri al-Maliki during a parliament session to submit his new government for approval in Baghdad on September 8, 2014.

- See more at: The flagrant collapse of Iraq's national identity | Middle East Eye

ISESCO condemns al-Maliki statements about the Qur’an, Prophet Muhammad’s companions


Rabat, (IINA) - The Islamic Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ISESCO) denounced the statements made by Iraqi Vice President Nouri al-Maliki about the Qur’an and Prophet Muhammad’s (peace be upon him) companions.
ISESCO considered that this statement is a blatant disregard for the unshakable historical facts which acquired the consensus of the scholars of the Ummah, particularly with regard to the issue of the collection of the Holy Qur’an and the integrity of the Prophet’ senior companions who carried out such a noble task in great care for the great book of Allah Who vowed to protect it against corruption as he said “We have, without doubt, sent down the message; and we will assuredly guard it (from corruption).”
ISESCO said that such statements, disproved by factual accounts and the Ummah’s consensus through the ages, only fuel the sectarian strife waged by parties with expansionist racist ambitions known to all, and stir up hatred and discord among Muslim communities.
On that occasion, ISESCO called on the Islamic fiqh academies and associations of senior Muslim scholars to condemn such allegations that are offensive to the great book of Allah and to the immaculate elite of the companions of the holy messenger, may Allah be pleased with them.

The Shias have made such accusations over the the centuries against Hazart Abu Bakar, Umar and Usman and others before. Nour Al-Malik is well known sectarian and sensationising this now is Saudi propaganda against Iran. Al-Maliki sectarian actions in Iraq has now effectively divided Iraq in three regions.
Hard core Shias have always said such stupid things against Hazrat Abu Bakr, Hazrat Umar and Hazrat Usman. This idiot named Maliki speaking filth to be popular in extremist shia circles.

Iran and Saudis have been arsonists in the fire thats gutting the Middle East.
I know the solution. Suicide bomb some shia mosques. That will be a good counter-argument.
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