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Prophet Mohammad (Pbuh) movie will be released on August 26th

Shia are weird people.
Any pictorial depiction of our Holy Prophet (PBUH) is forbidden in Islam. How do you know He(PBUH) looked like that actor or someone else?

Do you understand English? It seems you don't, because it has been repeated various times in this thread that this movie is NOT depicting Prophet, it won't show his face. So stop bringing sects and trying to start a sectarian fight here.

Before posting in a thread, you should check the first post, to prevent lame posts like this.

If Iran do anything in Islam , it is shown as act of Shia and start condemning........no cure of rigid conservative people. Who's brain are made up before even seeing the film. This is the age of media. Even a straight forward person give a reference of biased and terrorist media sources.
Watch it as human being , no need to bring in your sect, again if you are not agree, then no one is forcing you to watch this movie. But stop mud slinging on shia...

It is extremely annoying, some people are swimming in a sectarian hate, showing extreme levels of intolerance and dogmatism. Everything coming out of Iran, it first passes a 'Shia Herecy' filter and then reaches these guys.

They can't even tolerate a movie made in Iran and have already made their judgement on it. I'm waiting for them to issue a death sentence for film crew.

ISIS mentality isn't only about blowing innocent people up in markets and streets or cutting heads and crucifixions, it can also be rooted in one's mind even if he/she doesn't show any show of violence.
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Its the same director who made the classic children of heaven!!!! Havnt seen other work but that movie alone shows his merit. Really hoping this movie gets premiere on channel 4 in the UK, who do show international movies sometimes.

For people worrying about depiction, should watch the animated film of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), where only his walking stick was shown, and when people were directly looking at the camera and talking, they were looking at the Prophet. There is no way, anyone will depict the Prophet, why is everyone so worried over nothing?

Heres the film. Beautiful movie.
Do you understand English? It seems you don't, because it has been repeated various times in this thread that this movie is NOT depicting Prophet, it won't show his face. So stop bringing sects and trying to start a sectarian fight here.

Before posting in a thread, you should check the first post, to prevent lame posts like this.

It is extremely annoying, some people are swimming in a sectarian hate, showing extreme levels of intolerance and dogmatism. Everything coming out of Iran, it first passes a 'Shia Herecy' filter and then reaches these guys.

They can't even tolerate a movie made in Iran and have already made their judgement on it. I'm waiting for them to issue a death sentence for film crew.

ISIS mentality isn't only about blowing innocent people up in markets and streets or cutting heads and crucifixions, it can also be rooted in one's mind even if he/she doesn't show any show of violence.
Scripts of these movies are mutually approved by Shia Sunni alims. These type of movies goes through rugged pre filming.
How you Iranian shia Define Blasphamy? and wehich Ahle bait ever painter Prophet (PBUH) pcs?
Kaafir used to do that and worshipped the pics and idols , thats why forbidden in Islam. But weird Shia wont understand.
your papa and mama are weird. I'm just alright
Even a dumb shiiiiiiit head would easily understand that prophet's face is not shown. Why? Because Iranian members confirmed so in about a hundred posts

You insulted all my family members and my country men snd you got what you deserved here you f-ing terrorist
But if Again IF i get the slightest feeling that this is going to Awkward town. I will hunt down each and every member of the cast. Burn them and shoot them in the head. Mockery will not be acceptable.
don't lie to us and don't fool yourself, you wont do anything.
how do I know?! some body has already done that in U.S and you did nothing.
Muslims should really get over the no-images rule. Back then, there was a ruling against pictures so it doesn't turn into idol-worshipping but in 2015, if an actor plays Prophet Mohammad, is everyone going to start worshipping them?

We Muslims follow rulings from 1500 years back without knowing the reason behind it and just want to copy it exactly in today's world.

Anyway, this film doesn't show the Prophets face but we really should stop with all this ridiculous sensitivity that causes our children to know more about Batman's life than Prophet Mohammads's life.
Muslims should really get over the no-images rule. Back then, there was a ruling against pictures so it doesn't turn into idol-worshipping but in 2015, if an actor plays Prophet Mohammad, is everyone going to start worshipping them?

We Muslims follow rulings from 1500 years back without knowing the reason behind it and just want to copy it exactly in today's world.

Anyway, this film doesn't show the Prophets face but we really should stop with all this ridiculous sensitivity that causes our children to know more about Batman's life than Prophet Mohammads's life.

:) my dear we very well know the reasons behind ruling from 1500 back and it is also a fact that even in 2015, we have a great number of people who tend to worship even some characters who promise to heal them through magic etc so yes there is a great chance that thousands may fell for pictorial thingy and end up revering and selling even the actors' posters.

(You can take this example from India of that saaee baba who is worshiped literally by muslims and hindus alike in India with having his idols and pictures)

Having said that I must add that Iran had been producing some world class movies including those on different Prophets of Abrahamic faiths . I have watched Iranian movies on Prophet Ibrahim, Prophet Yousaf (Josef), Prophet Musa (Moses). You may cry endlessly whenever you recall watching the movie on Hazarat Yousaf.

Looking forward to watch this movie on Last Prophet of Allah, the Muhammad (PBUH).
don't lie to us and don't fool yourself, you wont do anything.
how do I know?! some body has already done that in U.S and you did nothing.
He is posting from Guantanamo bay where he was sent on his first attempt. Should tell them to take his internet privileges! But you know when he even claims this stupid thing he is risking being caught based on intention to commit murder? I don't know why these guys are so stupid and ignorant! He must be banned for this. it is a criminal act to threaten the crew like this considering what has happened in Pakistan and with ISIS these days.
Has anyone watched the movie ? what is the stroyline? can you download from the internet?

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