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Prophet Mohammad (Pbuh) movie will be released on August 26th

You know people could draw portraits 1400 years ago. Or is this something you just came to know (people being able to draw portraits)!
No I didn't know! Really? Good to know ... you figured it all out... keep it up.

Funny to think, Mohammad (pbuh) said ... don't draw me ... no no don't ... I have a bad hair day ...ridiculous!
No I didn't know! Really? Good to know ... Good and necessary post. You got my intention pretty well. Same comprehension issued the Fatwa's I believe, keep it up.
There is no need to act as an imbecile, it would benefit you greatly if you accept your asininity and admit to yourself (the only one that matters) that you have learned something new.
There is no need to act as an imbecile, it would benefit you greatly if you accept your asininity and admit to yourself (the only one that matters) that you have learned something new.
Ok :) Whatever you say ..
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Got my answer,

You people are confused folks :). I am sure movie would be good because it preaches all the good things on which Islam is based.
Weird Notions and beliefs are every where so not a problem. Showering bullets because somebody got offended is something that disgusts me.
No movie should be made to depict Prophets and companions of Prophets.
You are revering PerVEZ Khusro? the king that tore the letter of the GREAT PROPHET(SAW)?
"Khosrow II tore up Muhammed's letter, and commanded Badhan, his vassal ruler of Yemen, to dispatch two valiant men to identify, seize and bring this man from Hijaz(Muhammad) to him."

Islam is the only Identity that can be revered for a Muslim, not your race, or nationality that you take birth with.
I revere and respect all the Muslim figures that ever lived, whether they were ARAB, TURK, ANDLUSSIAN, CENTRAL ASIN, OR PUNJABI. cos this is the only thing that binds us together

What he did for Sassanian empire is important and how he extent the empire to Egypt. That letter was torn apart by all kings at that time even Romans nobody accept Islam by heart only later by sword. How can you convert to a religion by just a letter and leave your 2000 years old culture and faith. The action was wrong but we respect him for modernizing the empire in aspects like military and music. Afterward when he passed away the empire got into serious troubles on who control's it . soon after Yazdgir III earned the power but because of weakness of army after wars with Rome he lost to Arabs too soon we became Muslim.
Do explain. I am simply against it because of too many screw ups by not only the western world but as well as us. They tried all sorts of movies from Noah to Jesus Christ. At the end of the day they made sick and disgusting Parodies like Black Jesus and Allah knows how many more. The Messenger is by far the only movie which has depicted event some what correctly.

In adam khubie, vase chi bahash injuri sobat mikoni haman jan? Momkene laj kone.
this is what he said :

But if Again IF i get the slightest feeling that this is going to Awkward town. I will hunt down each and every member of the cast. Burn them and shoot them in the head. Mockery will not be acceptable.

does this look like the thoughts of a sane person to you ?

Do explain. I am simply against it because of too many screw ups by not only the western world but as well as us. They tried all sorts of movies from Noah to Jesus Christ. At the end of the day they made sick and disgusting Parodies like Black Jesus and Allah knows how many more. The Messenger is by far the only movie which has depicted event some what correctly.

you didn't say that .

you said you'll hunt the cast to oblivion :lol:
this is what he said :

does this look like the thoughts of a sane person to you ?
Yeah still better option than allowing a bunch of actors to make a mockery out if things which we are becoming good at day by day unfortunately

this is what he said :

does this look like the thoughts of a sane person to you ?

you didn't say that .

you said you'll hunt the cast to oblivion :lol:
Does Sarcasm never appeal to you.:(
according to me they will not deict even the voice of The Great PROPHET (SAW) cos it cant be depicted.
watch this movie (THE MESSAGE 1977), AND then make up your mind.


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