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Prophet Mohammad (Pbuh) movie will be released on August 26th

Such a nice poster and movie , hope this change worlds view on Islam and prophet.

Movies or posters doesn't change the world view but act does.

I hope muslims watch this movie seriously and try to implement all the good things shown. This movie is for muslims themselves not for anyone else.
Movies or posters doesn't change the world view but act does.

I hope muslims watch this movie seriously and try to implement all the good things shown. This movie is for muslims themselves not for anyone else.
Well it is for every one to be educated about the Prophet PBUH ignorance is the enemy of the man kill that ignorance free the man.
No movie should be made to depict Prophets and companions of Prophets.

This movie is not 'depicting' Prophet, it's not much hard to understand from film poster in first post. There is a light on his face during the whole movie.

As for showing the body, there is no problem in it. Only because some moron random Mullah in Egypt or somewhere else says so, doesn't mean it is true. Those who want to watch it, will watch it and those who find it a 'great blasphemy and heresy', better avoid it.
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This movie is not 'depicting' Prophet, it's not much hard to understand from film poster in first post. There is a light on his face during the whole movie.

As for showing the body, there is no problem in it. Only because some moron random Mullah in Egypt or somewhere else says so, doesn't mean it is true. Those who want to watch it, will watch it and those who find it a 'great blasphemy and heresy', better avoid it.

No other human can even equal the Beloved Prophet Muhammad Sallalla Hu Alaihay Wa'alihi Wa'sallam.
So it's not the matter of showing face or not. His bodily form cannot be copied in anyway nor his actions.
I am neither a Mullah nor a random whatever, I love my Prophet Muhammad Sallalla Hu Alaihay Wa'alihi Wa'sallam and this is what I feel.

But you enjoy the movie, because you don't believe what I just said.

God in Quran has told many stories of prophets. So if it's forbidden God has done a wrong act too!!! Showing beautiful life of prophet Muhammad (pbuh) to the world while Zionist rats propaganda against Islam has a great requital from Allah.

Yes, ALLAH SWT told many stories in the Quran, but did he show any pictures also..?
He could have couldn't he.
Quran could have been a pictorial book showing pictures of everything like an encyclopedia.
Why isn't it..?

This is my answer.
Shia are weird people.
Any pictorial depiction of our Holy Prophet (PBUH) is forbidden in Islam. How do you know He(PBUH) looked like that actor or someone else?
Shia are weird people.
Any pictorial depiction of our Holy Prophet (PBUH) is forbidden in Islam. How do you know He(PBUH) looked like that actor or someone else?

Bro I'm also saying this, but if movies don't show Holy Prophet (S.A.W) face so it is good. And btw no one knows how Holy Prophet (S.A.W) looked like, they are only actors casting a very special role. :-)
Iran should spent money so it will be played in all channels and preferably in western channels.
Cinema , ads newspapers and multi-medias.
I hope it will be like movie passion of Christ in selling and also effect on people.
Iran should spent money so it will be played in all channels and preferably in western channels.
Cinema , ads newspapers and multi-medias.
How you Iranian shia Define Blasphamy? and wehich Ahle bait ever painter Prophet (PBUH) pcs?
Kaafir used to do that and worshipped the pics and idols , thats why forbidden in Islam. But weird Shia wont understand.
Aaaaaaand this turns into a shia-sunni thing.

Mostly these movies depend upon word of mouth.....if the feedback is good like that of The Message people would definitely want to have a look !
How you Iranian shia Define Blasphamy? and wehich Ahle bait ever painter Prophet (PBUH) pcs?
Kaafir used to do that and worshipped the pics and idols , thats why forbidden in Islam. But weird Shia wont understand.
You're saying pics of idols! Not only it's not haram but it's good to make more love for prophet between muslims and none muslims.
How you Iranian shia Define Blasphamy? and wehich Ahle bait ever painter Prophet (PBUH) pcs?
Kaafir used to do that and worshipped the pics and idols , thats why forbidden in Islam. But weird Shia wont understand.

My brother
I advise you look at the trailer and poster one more time with more details.
No face of prophet is visible in movie nor poster and also it has shown prophet very will.
That part when he went and gave food to slaves was very heart touching.(if i'm correct)
Also Any women's face that is shown has complete hijab and had no disrespect to anyone.
Do/Have Iranian Shias watched the Message ?
& what do/did you think of it ??
If Iran do anything in Islam , it is shown as act of Shia and start condemning........no cure of rigid conservative people. When minds are made up, before even seeing the film. This is the age of media. Even a straight forward person give a reference of biased and terrorist media sources.When, according to media over 1000 extremist jehadies sites are active and polluting young minds and spreading the poison of Takfiri ideology.
Watch it as human being , no need to bring in your sect, again if you are not agree, then no one is forcing you to watch this movie. But stop mud slinging on shia...
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.... Is there a reaon as to why the Prophets Face is not to be depicted anywhere. If I remember correctly, there are descriptions of it though in scriptures.....

Well, honestly, I don't know exactly where the root of that decision not to show Prophet's face is, but now it exists....

Pictures were being worshiped in Prophet's time. So he talked strongly against making pictures of figures like Prophets etc. It was to discourage a human tendency that overtime they would end up worshiping famous people from past. That was the whole idea behind prohibition of making pictures of Prophet.

I am quoting from an older post: (((Link post#5)))

"One thing that is commonly taken as blasphemy is, if someone makes images of Prophet...
Is making image of prophet an insult??? If image itself was offensive, then of course it is. But if image was benign, then is it blasphemy???

Why did prophet stop us from making his images??? Because he feared later generations might start to worship his pictures. That's why. Not because making his picture was an insult to him. He feared SHIRK... just like we know ppl had fallen into worshiping pictures of Ibraheim, Ismail & Maryam. Prophet did NOT want that to happen again, so he forbade making of his pictures. Not because it was an insult to him.!!

Narrated Ibn `Abbas:When the Prophet saw pictures in the Ka`ba, he did not enter it till he ordered them to be erased. When he saw (the pictures of Abraham and Ishmael carrying the arrows of divination, he said, "May Allah curse them (i.e. the Quraish)! By Allah, neither Abraham nor Ishmael practiced divination by arrows."
Sahih al-Bukhari 3352, In-book ref:Book 60, Hadith 32
Online English ref:Vol. 4, Book 55, Hadith 571

Narrated Ibn `Abbas: The Prophet entered the Ka`ba and found in it the pictures of (Prophet) Abraham and Mary. On that he said' "What is the matter with them ( i.e. Quraish)? They have already heard that angels do not enter a house in which there are pictures; yet this is the picture of Abraham. And why is he depicted as practicing divination by arrows?"
Sahih al-Bukhari 3351. In-book reference : Book 60, Hadith 31
USC-MSA web (English) reference : Vol. 4, Book 55, Hadith 570

It was narrated from 'Aishah that Umm Habibah and Umm Salamah mentioned a church that they had seen in Ethiopia, in which there were images. The Messenger of Allah said:
"Those people, if there was a righteous man among them, when he died they built a place of worship over his grave and made those images. They will be the most evil of creation before Allah on the Day of Resurrection.
Sunan an-Nasa'i 704. In-book reference : Book 8, Hadith 17
English translation : Vol. 1, Book 8, Hadith 705

Abu Hurairah narrated that the Messenger of Allah (s.a.w) said: "Allah will gather mankind on the Day of Resurrection on a single plane, then the Lord of the Worlds will come to them and say: 'Let every person follow what they used to worship.' SO to the worshipper of the cross, his cross shall be symbolized to him, and to the worshipper of images his images, and to the worshipper of fire his fire. They will follow what they used to worship, and the Muslims will remain. Then the Lord of the Worlds will come to them and say: 'Do you not follow the people?' So they will say: 'We seek refuge in Allah from you, we seek refuge in Allah from you, Allah is our Lord, and we shall remain here until we see our Lord.' And He orders them and makes them firm........'
Jam- Trimz:English reference : Vol. 4, Book 12, Hadith 2557
Arabic reference : Book 38, Hadith 2755

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How you Iranian shia Define Blasphamy? and wehich Ahle bait ever painter Prophet (PBUH) pcs?
Kaafir used to do that and worshipped the pics and idols , thats why forbidden in Islam. But weird Shia wont understand.
Do you need to spew non-sense? Only a retard will assume that making pictures and sculptures of someone is about worshiping them.
The bottom line is that no one has forced you to watch the movie.

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