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Proliferation of Pakistani N-programme a threat for US



WASHINGTON: The US Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo, has said that there are five big issues that threaten the American security and one of them is proliferation of Pakistan’s nuclear programme.

Counting the five threats the US is facing, while giving an interview to an American radio broadcaster, the US secretary of state said: ““It's the threat that we've talked about today from China, the nuclear proliferation risk that extends from Pakistan, through all those folks who have these weapon systems places like North Korea where they can sell these weapons. I think I'm at five already but I could give you a whole list of threats that I think we can effect change on in a way that will really make a difference for the security of the American people.”

He blamed Pakistan for providing safe havens to terrorists, adding that no other administration but the current administration had taken some action against Pakistan on the issue. He said he personally took terrorism very seriously because he had lost a lot of friends in the war against terror.

“Well we've taken actions … against Pakistan that no other administration has taken. ... We need Pakistan to do more. They have to stop harboring this terror. We saw what happened with India. The conflict that rose there as a result of terrorist that departed from Pakistan. ... They need to stop harboring terrorists.”

Pompeo said the US Administration has learnt a lot from the 9/11 terror attack and put pressure on the Pakistan government to do more.

Commenting on the recent conflict between Pakistan and India, the secretary said it was initiated because of the cross-border terrorism. He emphasised on Pakistan to take further action against such terrorists and stop providing alleged safe havens to them.

Replying to a question regarding the Taliban’s relationship with al-Qaeda and the recent talks with the Taliban leadership in Afghanistan, Pompeo said he cannot say anything definite about the issue. He said the US is working for final resolution of the issue in Afghanistan and trying to take steps for political reconciliation.

Pompeo said that Zalmay Khalilzad went to Doha for talks and returned yesterday, adding that there were some advancement in talks on the issue of Taliban and the Afghan government. He said the US wanted both should talk to each other to resolve the issue.

“There's no deal at thispoint. We don't have final resolution there but we are working towards a political reconciliation. We've been hard at it Ambassador Khalilzad has been on the ground in Doha for six or eight days back I think yesterday. We've made some progress both with the Afghan government and with the Taliban. We now need them to talk to each other. President's made clear his objective here he wants to end this endless war. But he wants to do it in a way that we don't increase risk to the United States from terror acts coming from Afghanistan. I believe we can achieve both of those groups,” Pompeo said.

Talking about US President, Pompeo said Trump wanted to end the war but he also wanted to ensure no terror attack should ever take place in future on America.

Talking about the recent attacks of the Taliban on Afghan forces, in which 50 Afghan personnel were abducted and one week before that at least 70 were killed, the secretary of state said that such attacks did not weaken the position of the coalition and Afghan forces. He said he knew who are sitting in front of the table for peace talks, saying but they want America to be safe.

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said the United States and North Korea are trying to get the "sequencing" right in talks to end the regime's nuclear weapons program and open a brighter future for the country.

"I can't say much about the details of the negotiation as those are important private conversations," the top US diplomat said, when asked about the failure to produce an agreement at last month's summit between President Donald Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong-un. "But it's clearly a range of issues around timing and sequencing and how it is we achieve this." He said Trump's commitment to a brighter future for the North Korean people is "very, very real."

"But it must follow -- it has to follow the verified denuclearisation of North Korea," he said. "And getting that sequencing right and getting it laid out in a way that each of the parties can agree to and take down the tension level along the North and South Korean border, it matters to the people of Japan and South Korea, our important partners, and it matters to the whole world."

Trump and Kim met in Hanoi, Vietnam, Feb. 27 and 28 to flesh out an agreement they reached at their first summit in Singapore in June. The agreement committed the North to work toward complete denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula in exchange for security guarantees from the US. The second summit ended with no deal due to disagreements over the extent of North Korea's denuclearization and US sanctions relief.

"We believe we're still moving forward. It's certainly difficult -- we knew it would be," Pompeo. "We made a little bit more progress in Hanoi, now three weeks back, when President Trump traveled there to meet with Chairman Kim. We'll re-engage with him," he said.

"We still haven't made the progress we need to make on denuclearisation. The conversations certainly continue. I hope we can achieve that," he added, noting that was Kim's "promise" to the world at his summit with Trump in Singapore
And you are the thread to whol mankind.. your county has killed more people in this world in last 100 years then anyone els in whol human history..
#Surprise# is what made Pak Armed Forces one step a head comparing to rest of strategists.
If Pakistan was to be precisely predictable. I would been war torn country by now.
We have been at war since 911.
We beat pak taliban sponsored by india.
Nato lost to taliban suppprted by Pakistan
We know when to hit hard and when to kill with a 1000 cuts
QUESTION: Everyone’s talking about global warming and the threat to this country. When you look at the top five threats to this nation, where do you rank global warming or climate change?
SECRETARY POMPEO: Yeah, I wouldn’t put it in the top five.
I'll tell you why. Because corporate interests trumps humanity; climate or whatever utopian ideals you suck day in day out. America FCUK YEAH!

But yeah; Pakistan's nukes; gotta cull them because we can't screw them like Syria and Libya while they have them.

What a loser.
U indian continue to live in lala land. We will do what we need to.

the last time I checked you lost half your country to a larger neighbor. Let us see Israelis not only beat larger neighbors but occupied a lot of land.

for starters Israel has closer ties with Saudis than you will ever have

unless Israel declares war on pakistan you are better off looking at other easier targets

I'll tell you why. Because corporate interests trumps humanity; climate or whatever utopian ideals you suck day in day out. America FCUK YEAH!

the only way to reverse global warming is to reduce number of humans. any volunteers ??
the last time I checked you lost half your country to a larger neighbor. Let us see Israelis not only beat larger neighbors but occupied a lot of land.

for starters Israel has closer ties with Saudis than you will ever have

unless Israel declares war on pakistan you are better off looking at other easier targets

the only way to reverse global warming is to reduce number of humans. any volunteers ??
You didnt check very hard did you.

1947. Pakistan was taken out of India. Get an education dipshit
It is good to know they are threatened by our nukes.

That is exactly the effect they are supposed to have.

No, Pakistan is not Syria nor Afghanistan. We know how to defend our country against aggression.
the last time I checked you lost half your country to a larger neighbor. Let us see Israelis not only beat larger neighbors but occupied a lot of land.

for starters Israel has closer ties with Saudis than you will ever have

unless Israel declares war on pakistan you are better off looking at other easier targets

the only way to reverse global warming is to reduce number of humans. any volunteers ??

Its evident you intentionally trying to become an Ignorant , about what recently happened to Airstrike Response 2 Jets Down. Next Days 20+ Afghan Soldiers killed and 70 arrested by Taliban in Afghanistan. Pieces are really good if you put them together. & Then Again US down on knees to negotiate. & For Saudi's they are on merchants Role.
Its not Pak who needs them militarily. Hence Military Strategies are autonomous.
IF money was to change the policy , USA would have never being fooled like Duck for past 30 years
Post and Pre 911. Afghanistan.

"To reduce number of population Lets begin with India 1.2 Billion".
Pakistan can play role like always been.
Ohhh man this bs is still alive

LOL the BS will be happening for a long time to come. Let’s face it. Pak nukes are an incredible thorn in their ambitions. It is a miracle that we have them. It was a window of opportunity in history and God was gracious. Nothing happens without his will and approval.

With the laundry list of complaints the US has against Pakistan they would have invaded and occupied us long ago. We know why they ask us to be with them or against them. We know why they ask us to facilitate Afghan talks. We are not stupid. The Americans could also barge in without any questions. Didn’t they do this in many countries in the Middle East?

The beauty is that they still fantasize about this idea. LOL you should hear some commentators hint towards “we should not have been in Iraq or Afghanistan”. You should know what they mean by that.

It is beyond their means now. Don’t think the Yanks tried. They did their utmost and are even today fantasizing about containing our insurance policy. It is out of their reach and ability to effectively remove the nuclear capability in its entirety.
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the last time I checked you lost half your country to a larger neighbor. Let us see Israelis not only beat larger neighbors but occupied a lot of land.

for starters Israel has closer ties with Saudis than you will ever have

unless Israel declares war on pakistan you are better off looking at other easier targets

the only way to reverse global warming is to reduce number of humans. any volunteers ??

You have lost every Single war since 1945, You got your A$$ kicked by countries like VIETNAM and AFGHANISTAN you are Negotiating with so called "TERRORISTS" only because of help from Pakistan, Even today you don't have control over more than half of Afghanistan, 60% of Afghan territory is still under Taliban control and your own media has reported it.

We have record of SHOOTING DOWN ISRAELI JETS without loosing a single jet in the combat there is a uniform of Israeli pilot in Pakistani museum just a reminder for people like you.

US of A is one of the largest contributor of green house gasses why don't you start by your country ?
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