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Featured Project Azm: Pakistan's Ambitious Quest to Develop 5th Generation Military Technologies.

I believe people who theorize Azm based on a limited India/Pakistan context are limiting their vision and committing an error. With PAF targeting space and Pakistani forces taking up training in SA, Pakistan's regional responsibilities are only set to grow. AZM is as much about power projection as it is about meeting the Indian challenge. Pakistan's increasingly assertive stance on various regional issues is testament to this. Also, China wants to create a collection of powerful and friendly states that can mutually support each other. If China has to come to Pakistan's rescue, or manage Middle East as well, it will never grow in influence. In the larger scheme of things, Pakistan will be responsible for S Asia and Middle East.

@wanglaokan @Bilal Khan (Quwa)
EMALS and VTOL are two very different types of engineering and technologies. China is now testing their EMALS. They don't have experience in VTOL. They are just embarking on a journey to build TVC internally. VTOL is a much, much more complex process. May be in 10 years, we'd see a mature VTOL Chinese platform. You couldn't just risk a pilot's life by creating a new VTOL process which was never used before. Years of testing is required before a real jet can even test fly VTOL.

Pakistan is the gate of China access to the Middle East.
China has good relationship with Saud, Iran, Iraq, Syria, even Qatar.

Said Saud had invested 1 billion dollar in FC31, its a long term plan instead of buying off the shelf.

This is just a initial investment, more will follow. Since USA had turned down Saud's request to buy F35 due to Israeli's objection, they have to make it with China.

China-Pakistan-Saud, something brewing under the table.
Pakistan is the gate of China access to the Middle East.
China has good relationship with Saud, Iran, Iraq, Syria, even Qatar.

Said Saud had invested 1 billion dollar in FC31, its a long term plan instead of buying off the shelf.

This is just a initial investment, more will follow. Since USA had turned down Saud's request to buy F35 due to Israeli's objection, they have to make it with China.

China-Pakistan-Saud, something brewing under the table.
Is there any official news regarding this investment of KSA in FC31 project or just rumors so far?
I believe people who theorize Azm based on a limited India/Pakistan context are limiting their vision and committing an error. With PAF targeting space and Pakistani forces taking up training in SA, Pakistan's regional responsibilities are only set to grow. AZM is as much about power projection as it is about meeting the Indian challenge. Pakistan's increasingly assertive stance on various regional issues is testament to this. Also, China wants to create a collection of powerful and friendly states that can mutually support each other. If China has to come to Pakistan's rescue, or manage Middle East as well, it will never grow in influence. In the larger scheme of things, Pakistan will be responsible for S Asia and Middle East.

@wanglaokan @Bilal Khan (Quwa)
That would be smart way...look at japan, germany and korea ---usa relationship
I believe people who theorize Azm based on a limited India/Pakistan context are limiting their vision and committing an error. With PAF targeting space and Pakistani forces taking up training in SA, Pakistan's regional responsibilities are only set to grow. AZM is as much about power projection as it is about meeting the Indian challenge. Pakistan's increasingly assertive stance on various regional issues is testament to this. Also, China wants to create a collection of powerful and friendly states that can mutually support each other. If China has to come to Pakistan's rescue, or manage Middle East as well, it will never grow in influence. In the larger scheme of things, Pakistan will be responsible for S Asia and Middle East.

@wanglaokan @Bilal Khan (Quwa)
You are correct. Pakistan will not make a 2nd rate 5th gen aircraft. Having got some sales with the jf17 it will look to really capitalise on on 5th gen. A sanction free aircraft designed to western spec and you can bet even with her weapons PAF will ensure it's a rugged dogfighter.
I have it from the horses mouth that China will be an advisor on this project.
I think humble ambitions are better than pie-in-the-sky ambition, otherwise you will end up with the mental psychosis of India, where every great and ambitious project has a great and ambitious fall.

Just like Humpty Dumpty.

Before talking about regional this or regional that, maybe try to see if Pakistan has the self-respect to stop drone strikes on its homeland.
I think humble ambitions are better than pie-in-the-sky ambition, otherwise you will end up with the mental psychosis of India, where every great and ambitious project has a great and ambitious fall.

Just like Humpty Dumpty.

Before talking about regional this or regional that, maybe try to see if Pakistan has the self-respect to stop drone strikes on its homeland.
I agree that it's premature to consider Pakistan playing a regional role at this point in time. The economy is still recovering slowly from a decade long war and it will take some time before Pakistan can play a more proactive role and assert itself more.

Now coming to the second part about the drone strikes. Pakistan has the capability to track and shoot down drones. This capability has existed for a while now. The reason as to why Pakistan hasn't shot down a US drone has various complicated issues associated with it.

An attack on US assets can be seen as an act of war against the US...and currently no country can take on the US militarily except for maybe Russia or China...

...this doesn't necessarily mean that US would attack Pak if a drone was shot down. It would most likely not but Pak might have to deal with other consequences like sanctions, millions of dollars of aid withheld, or even something as simple as stopping the supply of critical spare parts for the US equipment in Pak's arsenal. In short the point is US holds most of the leverage on Pak and not so much the other way around.

Though currently the geostrategic goals of US has brought it closer to India and US has moved away from Pak, Pak would still like to maintain friendly relations with the US. So even if US and Pakistan find themselves at odds with each other, Pakistan should still try diplomacy rather than blowing up one of their drones out of the sky. An extreme polarization in the region where US becomes anti-Pak and India-aligned and Pakistan becomes anti-US and China-aligned is undesirable.

So in the end it comes down to the gains...by shooting down a US drone Pakistan gains nothing. US wouldn't really be deterred and might just up the drone attacks to not look weak in the eyes of its citizens and the world

Pakistan probably does stand to lose more as discussed above...so it would be wiser instead to try to de-escalate the situation by bringing the warring parties to the table(Taliban/US/Afghan gov). To be honest that seems like the only viable solution to end the hostilities bcuz the Afghan war(including the drone attacks) hasn't really gotten anywhere conclusively after more than a decade or so.
what happend to our nucleur submarine project ????
Still just a rumours in some years back there was news that Pakistan was building miniature nuclear reactor for its submarines but since than no news on it, its better for Pakistan to lease nuke submarine from China and gain experience to maintain and run that submarine than they started to build our own indigenous sub just like India did

:rofl: no offense man. The videos were funny. The British did these tests in 1950's before they created the Harriers!! This little, tiny 3 tank fuel structure and a an actual jet like the F-35, etc, is an entirely different game. With a potential difference of about 10-20 years in between. Knowing the Chinese, if the worked 3 shifts on creating VTOL equipment and test it properly and make it operational, you are still talking about 10 years at the least.

So when they actually put an operational VTOL jet in operational service, please remind me the date and time. It will not be before 2028! And at that time, the US would have moved on to deploying 7th generation hypersonic unmanned combat jets, which would target anything across the globe within 60 minutes after the orders are given.
:rofl: no offense man. The videos were funny. The British did these tests in 1950's before they created the Harriers!! This little, tiny 3 tank fuel structure and a an actual jet like the F-35, etc, is an entirely different game. With a potential difference of about 10-20 years in between. Knowing the Chinese, if the worked 3 shifts on creating VTOL equipment and test it properly and make it operational, you are still talking about 10 years at the least.

So when they actually put an operational VTOL jet in operational service, please remind me the date and time. It will not be before 2028! And at that time, the US would have moved on to deploying 7th generation hypersonic unmanned combat jets, which would target anything across the globe within 60 minutes after the orders are given.
Yes, you are right. VTOL Plane is not in our piority, it will be a very long time to see a chinese version of F-35B or you even won't see it.

PLA is not an offensive force in the word, they don't need deploy fighters into small ships to bomb foreign countiries. And Chinese terrority is so vast even United States can't bomb our airfield in one day.
If the rumors of KSA investing in Fc-31 are true, then I am more convinced than ever that Project AZM is infact the FC-31. It would make sense as to why, despite no indication that a buyer even exists, the development of the aircraft is moving forward, even including a redesign. If the aircraft is being funded by Shenyang, KSA and PAC then it makes sense why and how it has soldiered on, undergone a redesign,and getting access to premium tech found on J-20 like its advanced ISRT (EORD-31) and EOTS (EOTS-89).
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