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Featured Project Azm: Pakistan's Ambitious Quest to Develop 5th Generation Military Technologies.

What a bad remarks for a great HERO .It is rightly said Muslims are Mohsin Kush .The person who has given his whole life to Pakistan,for him these remarks are unacceptable.


What bad remark was there---?

We all get old---and eventually lose our value---and our place in the 'pecking order'.

The young ones take our place---that is how nature works---.

Now get out of your SOB STORY mode---.

But twin engine jets are more maintenance prone than as compare to single engine jets


A machine gun is also lot more maintenance prone than an assault rifle---but armies still have them---.

Weapons are procured in relation to what the enemy has---. Maintenance is one of the factors considered and not the only factor---.

If such was the case---the Paf would not have bought the A5's.
I presume that PAF might be working with CAC for a customized design of single engine stealthy fighter.

If they are inducting FC31, they won't call it AZM.

I don't think it's a problem for Pakistan giving the project name for a customized version of FC-31 . For single engine fighter Pakistan have the option of F-35 if relationship with US improve .
I presume that PAF might be working with CAC for a customized design of single engine stealthy fighter.

If they are inducting FC31, they won't call it AZM.

Success of JF-17 has laid ground for another joint venture between PAC and CAC. It is more plausible to assume a custom stealth fighter with 50%-50% ownership is in design rather than FC-31.

I don't think it's a problem for Pakistan giving the project name for a customized version of FC-31 . For single engine fighter Pakistan have the option of F-35 if relationship with US improve .

USA is not against Pakistan because of Pakistan (or Afghanistan) but because of China and its counter weight - India. Unless Pakistan sides with India and against China (simultaneously), USA is not going to consider Pakistan that of an ally deserving F-35.

Let's be realistic. Pakistan has more chances of getting Chinese J-20s, Fc-31 or remotely Russian stealth fighter than American planes.
I don't think it's a problem for Pakistan giving the project name for a customized version of FC-31 . For single engine fighter Pakistan have the option of F-35 if relationship with US improve .
Said CAC is testing 3D TVC engine on J10, maybe it's a demonstrator for new single engine stealthy fighter.
I infer that AZM will have TVC and canards.

Many things are going on behind the stage.

I don't think it's a problem for Pakistan giving the project name for a customized version of FC-31 . For single engine fighter Pakistan have the option of F-35 if relationship with US improve .
Pakistan actually want stealthy fighter of its own, same as JF17. FC31 is the only candidate on the table until yet, but what about something of CAC under the table?
Said CAC is testing 3D TVC engine on J10, maybe it's a demonstrator for new single engine stealthy fighter.
I infer that AZM will have TVC and canards.

Many things are going on behind the stage.

Pakistan actually want stealthy fighter of its own, same as JF17. FC31 is the only candidate on the table until yet, but what about something of CAC under the table?


This NEW engine changes everything---. If it has what is expected of it---then there is a single engine 5th gen on the table---.

I won't be surprised if this TVC engine could be for the FC31 as well.

Things are going to be a lot more un-predictable for awhile.
There will a lot others more qualified than him now, he was a great man but he has been out of touch from the field for deacdes.
May be you know there are lot more qualified. But metullargy is not a popular discipline to be a BSc Engg. Let alone PhD.
He was in action till early 2003-4.
It is mind which matters. I Will prefer an 80 year old Eienstien than any other qualified.
Stephen Hawking can only move eyelids but look at his brilliance in theoretical physics.
It is the genius you bring that matters.
May be you know there are lot more qualified. But metullargy is not a popular discipline to be a BSc Engg. Let alone PhD.
He was in action till early 2003-4.
It is mind which matters. I Will prefer an 80 year old Eienstien than any other qualified.
Stephen Hawking can only move eyelids but look at his brilliance in theoretical physics.
It is the genius you bring that matters.


Stop you sob stories & B S---.

This modern world of miracles in the world of metallurgy belong to the young.

He might be working till 2003---but that was in the black market and not in a state of art facility doing modern wonders with metals.

His education is from the mid 70's---. Once he got the job---he became a Maestro---" Choir Master "---he became someone directing a symphony.

He has no research in modern metallurgy techniques---.

My goodness---the stupidity of young pakistanis is never ending---. They simply just cannot think with their brains---.

Stop you sob stories & B S---.

This modern world of miracles in the world of metallurgy belong to the young.

He might be working till 2003---but that was in the black market and not in a state of art facility doing modern wonders with metals.

His education is from the mid 70's---. Once he got the job---he became a Maestro---" Choir Master "---he became someone directing a symphony.

He has no research in modern metallurgy techniques---.

My goodness---the stupidity of young pakistanis is never ending---. They simply just cannot think with their brains---.
True indeed.

Dr. AQ Khan does not even know the laws of thermodynamics let alone advanced metallurgy. He was endorsing the infamous Agha Waqar water car engineer. He became a "nuclear scientist"-cum-"missile designer" for the scientifically illiterate Khadim Rizvi-loving Pakistani awaam.

He is nothing more than a black market trader who got burnt by the generals once the nuclear smuggling ring was busted.
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This NEW engine changes everything---. If it has what is expected of it---then there is a single engine 5th gen on the table---.

I won't be surprised if this TVC engine could be for the FC31 as well.

Things are going to be a lot more un-predictable for awhile.
I feel lot more excited now for more possibility.
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