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Featured Project Azm: Pakistan's Ambitious Quest to Develop 5th Generation Military Technologies.

In my opinion, only if we could do so in 5 years, may be there is an option, the PAF should move ahead with some semi stealth off-the shelf platform for 4.5++ tier and then can progress with Azm. Something like FC-31/J-35 in current setup having limited internal load with option to external load-out yet with lowest RCS, stealth shaped coated fighter jet flying with almost the existing 5th Gen configuration. Why to struggle for something EFT etc when such platform can serve more than one purpose... we have a stealth as well as a 4.5++ or I may call it 4.95 gen platform in multi-role capability. With internal loadout, it is a stealth with limited fire while with external loadout, we have a advance yet almost close to 5th gen fighter jet which in the end, is going to support true Azm.

@Bilal Khan (Quwa) any thoughts.... @SQ8 can't we progress in this setup instead of us internet boys dreaming for EFT or whatever? FC-31 can do many things against single invoice.
I’ll invoke some business terms here -
If there was a way to quantify it - what is the IRR of going this way versus a fully baked 5th generation fighter?
IMO ... if there was a time to go for semi-stealth, it was back in 2012, if not earlier. The conceptual studies of the KFX go quite a ways back, and the goal was to bring the aircraft to fruition by the late 2020s.

If anything, the only way to consider a 4.5+/semi-stealth option at this late a stage is to buy it off the shelf. LM had co-marketed the T-50/FA-50 to the PAF with KAI, so LM might circle back to us with the KF-X/IF-X.

I'm confident that the PAF will even check the KF-X out, but obvious issues -- money -- and our inability to access the MBDA Meteor will likely squash that route. However, I do expect 1-2 years of buzz around it after 2025, and that we might even initiate talks -- but they'll get as far as the M2K/M2K-5.
I'm humbled. However, What exactly is being discussed? I seem to have missed alot in the last tens of pages. Can you bring me up to speed, please?

Meanwhile, I might be ables find something in this file. :partay:

View attachment 658600

You are going to get yourself into trouble. I suggest you dont reveal such documents... as trivial as they seem.
Maybe irrelevant and means nothing but still worth speculating..
A stealth design which was once under evaluation in China, J-20 design was picked up over this, source had it desingated as snowyowl. Research material would be there if needed to be picked up. A possible alternate to J-31 V3/J-35 from China

Maybe irrelevant and means nothing but still worth speculating..
A stealth design which was once under evaluation in China, J-20 design was picked up over this, source had it desingated as snowyowl. Research material would be there if needed to be picked up. A possible alternate to J-31 V3/J-35 from China

View attachment 660197 View attachment 660198 View attachment 660199 View attachment 660200 View attachment 660201

The plane design look great, I think the reason of why this design is not picked is not because of the flaw of the design, but rather more into the developer experience and track record.
The plane design look great, I think the reason of why this design is not picked is not because of the flaw of the design, but rather more into the developer experience and track record.
Not great design for stealth, tirple control surface means it have more surface area for radar detection
The plane design look great, I think the reason of why this design is not picked is not because of the flaw of the design, but rather more into the developer experience and track record.
This design doesn't seem to be a full stealth rather low observable with emphasis on high maneuverability and performance. Definitely looks like would be faster than the J-20 but not as stealthy. Won't doubt Chinese ability since they now have proven capability with J-20.
Maybe irrelevant and means nothing but still worth speculating..
A stealth design which was once under evaluation in China, J-20 design was picked up over this, source had it desingated as snowyowl. Research material would be there if needed to be picked up. A possible alternate to J-31 V3/J-35 from China
Why the Canard with the traditional empennage (sp?)? A good design ought to avoid redundancies.
Deino, I can imagine you saying NO to the Fifth Generation AZM design too.
I don't get it why does he have such a negative behavior towards every single person. He pretends to be godfather of PDF which is just his imagination. His opinion only does count as a common member of PDF nothing else. He should take a note on his own behavior.
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