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Pro-Iran event held at Nishtar Park, Karachi.

They do that too. But this was related to the anniversary of Syed Ruhollah Khomeini, a great Shia scholar who also happened to be a politician.
Relgious event - alright
Political event - not alright

Need to determine what it was
Pakistani mercenaries or 'rent fighters' have been used by UAE, Saudia, Libya, Jordan etc.

In fact the so called Arab unit that fought Saddam's RG to stand in Battle of Khafji were Pakistan rent soldiers. And let's not forget about use of Pak rent a military in Jordan where they killed Palestinians more efficiently then Israeli's.

In Saudi and UAE militaries you get rent boys going as 'advisors' and even fly jets. The reason the ignorants here get constipated about these rent boys is because they see things with the sectarian lens. You know that Sunni/Shia schism.
Dude all of it was done by or under state direction or state approval
This is foreign shit

Comparing apple and cheese here
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Relgious event - alright
Political event - not alright

Need to determine what it was
Qassam Solumani has caused lots of harm to Pakistan because he supported many proxies in Pakistan and had the blood of many of our soldiers and civilians on his hands.
That’s like Pakistanis holding a portrait of Hakimullah Mehsud in a religious event. We wouldn’t tolerate that would we? Same should apply to Solumani praisers in Pakistan.
Solumani after all was the head of IRGC. What if Pakistanis hold posters of Taliban figures like Mullah Mansoor and praise him?
In disguise if religious event if a deobandi madressa holds up pictures of Mullah Mansoor of Taliban or Hakimullah Mehsud of TTP, how will our people react?
For his role in protecting the Holy Shrines in Iraq. These are sacred places for Shias.

Anniversary. Syed Jawad Naqvi is not a politician. But religious organisations do engage in politics in Pakistan, what's the surprise.
Perfectly alright it's named Islamic republic of Pakistan - religious parties have always engaged in politics without much success but they did engage
Many Pakistanis are inspired by Muslim Brotherhood
I find jamat-e-islami much better and proffesional - it's active in every Muslim majority region of South Asia from kashmir Bangladesh, and has advanced Pakistans cause unlike wahhabi MB
and even someone like Mulla Umar

. I remember Mursi was hailed as a hero.

Mulla Omar has legend status among some.
Because for reason he is seen as fighting for Pakistan's cause in A Stan, I think it was more nationalism than religion

Even I admire him and I dislike role of religion in government affairs so you know where my ideology lies
Hell you can even find fans of good ol Osama.
They're terrorists

Islam has no borders.
Problematic as I feel this no border part leads to abuse by foreign entities
I am alright with jamat-e-islami as it's pakistani mostly
Not ok with MB as that's Arab, salfist and down the line may open us to meddling from Arab county if democracy or MB ever return's to em

Just like I prefer JI if Syed Jawad Naqvis party is fighting for Pakistan's cause and is not involved with foreign enteties than that's beautiful

I don't dislike Islamic party as long as they don't expose pakistan to meddling from foreign countries (which they a lot of time do with Islam has no border thus get abused)

Btw I have listened to his lectures, shared it too
he is a good man who wants to make our country better and have a sharp political IQ some of his suggestions in political affairs will give a lot university proffesors a run for Thier money

But I also know he studied in Iran and people who study in other countries come back as thier proxies

scholar who study in Pakistan and those who study in Saudi
One can see difference of light and days between the 2

So I know what foreign education does especially in a relgious setting- same goes for Iranian educated mullahs, they bring trouble

So even though I admire his thaughts, especially politcal IQ but somewhere I am always worried about relgious people who studied abroad outside of Pak
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For his role in protecting the Holy Shrines in Iraq. These are sacred places for Shias.
Still isn’t a valid excuse to hold portraits of an anti Pakistan terrorist.
That’s like a Sunni in Pakistan saying they would hold portraits for Osama Bin Laden because he wanted American troops out of our Holy lands.
Because for reason he is seen as fighting for Pakistan's cause in a Stan, I would it was more nationalism than religion
For the record, Mullah Omar was never anti Pak. He even told ttp you stop their war against Pakistan and told them it cannot be called jihad. Mullah Omar gave india threats in 90s when india pak situation was looking like it was gonna be a full scale war. Mullah Omar was the one who said “an attack on Pakistan would be an attack on Afghanistan”. Even after 9/11 and Musharraf, Mullah Omar still remained pro Pakistan and didn’t harm Pakistan even tho he didn’t trust our government but he wasn’t against them either.
Mullah Omar is the same person who volunteered to send 30 000 fighters to free Kashmir and offered Pakistan helped in Kashmir.
On the other hand, Solumani is someone who actively worked with india against Pakistan and worked with usa in Afghanistan and worked with blf against Pakistan. Solumani has the blood of many Pakistani soldiers and civilians on his hands, while Mullah Omar helped Pakistan in any way he could even by sending delegations to ttp to release colonial Imam and to stop their war against Pakistan.

Pakistanis hold him in high regard because he was probably the only afghan ruler who helped us and treated Pakistan with respect.

If any Pakistani puts Pakistan first, they would be pro Mullah Omar because he kept Afghanistan pro Pakistan.

Also the Islamic aspect because he fought the whole world basically cuz all of nato and usa and, Russians and Chinese were even supporters of usa invasion of Afghanistan so he was truly fighting the world.

I don't dislike Islamic party as long as they don't expose pakistan to meddling from foreign countries (which they a lot of time do with Islam has no border thus get abused)
Maybe if we stop banning the sincere pro pak Islamic parties, we won’t have the likes of JuiF and others.
Jamaat Ud Dawa is perfect example of a pro Pakistani religious party but look at what we’ve done to them.
Mujahideen raising only Pakistani flags are getting killed and jailed by Pakistan
While ones raising others flags are allowed to run wild

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Pakistani mercenaries or 'rent fighters' have been used by UAE, Saudia, Libya, Jordan etc.

In fact the so called Arab unit that fought Saddam's RG to stand in Battle of Khafji were Pakistan rent soldiers. And let's not forget about use of Pak rent a military in Jordan where they killed Palestinians more efficiently then Israeli's.

In Saudi and UAE militaries you get rent boys going as 'advisors' and even fly jets. The reason the ignorants here get constipated about these rent boys is because they see things with the sectarian lens. You know that Sunni/Shia schism.

Yep said it to the point.
Kaeachites are great people, their history of fighting against foreign invaders is in the front of everyone's eyes. Pakistan owes a lot to this people, a people that preferred to live under bombardment but never abandon Pakistani coast lines.

This brave people shows love to a neighbor, why feel jelous? Kudos to all Karachites
Let them have their little picnics in the park and foreign holidays. After 40 years of crumbs from their gods next door, this is still their situation here. The sane amongst them know their reality in Pakistan, and keep head down and just deal with career and making money. They know very well which side their bread is buttered on in this country.
Dude all of it was done by or under state direction or state approval
This is foreign shit
Please stop this. All Paks that have blown themselves or taken part in terrorism in foreign lands were not always under state direction but often terorist groups inspired by Bin Laden, Zawahri etc.

A poster boy for this is Khalid Sheikh Mohammed.

This has been going on for ages , in ashura processions pictures of these iranian clergyman and their cronies are widely displayed.

Nothing unusual about this its a classic case of confused mindset of al Bakistanis now wana be ertughuls.
Our ancestory is hindu / buddhist however many of us are embarrassed & angry about it and want to claim they came on horse back along with khiljis , ghaznavis & janglis to connquer hindustan.
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