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Pro-Iran event held at Nishtar Park, Karachi.

'Hazir hein tery Ashtar wa Ammar'... I remember this line from one of the chant they were singing in Jamia Urwa tul Wusqa...Jawad Naqvi recently broadcasted a dialogue between Hazrat Umar and Imam Hussein ...to infuriate every researcher. Wait for the backlash as well. He was the one who stressed upon the Pakistan government to condemn the killing of Mr. Hajj at an official level.
Imagine the outcry
Pakistani mercenaries or 'rent fighters' have been used by UAE, Saudia, Libya, Jordan etc.

In fact the so called Arab unit that fought Saddam's RG to stand in Battle of Khafji were Pakistan rent soldiers. And let's not forget about use of Pak rent a military in Jordan where they killed Palestinians more efficiently then Israeli's.

In Saudi and UAE militaries you get rent boys going as 'advisors' and even fly jets. The reason the ignorants here get constipated about these rent boys is because they see things with the sectarian lens. You know that Sunni/Shia schism.
Will someone ask Jawad Naqvi that why he did not make his students hold posters of Burhan Wani and chanted slogans in his favors while he does it time and again for Iranian proxy war mongers ?

Dude, you sure believe in Folklore and urban legends, no ?
Pakistani mercenaries or 'rent fighters' have been used by UAE, Saudia, Libya, Jordan etc.

In fact the so called Arab unit that fought Saddam's RG to stand in Battle of Khafji were Pakistan rent soldiers. And let's not forget about use of Pak rent a military in Jordan where they killed Palestinians more efficiently then Israeli's.

In Saudi and UAE militaries you get rent boys going as 'advisors' and even fly jets. The reason the ignorants here get constipated about these rent boys is because they see things with the sectarian lens. You know that Sunni/Shia schism.

Apples and oranges. Those were official deployments authorized by the Pakistani state. With UN mandates. With payments (if I am not wrong). Using that logic 500.000 US soldiers were mercenaries. Hell, all soldiers are mercenaries using that logic.

Anyway that was 30 years ago. The "Black September" stuff 50 + years ago (or whenever it was) is shrouded in mystery and I for one second don't buy it similar to the 1971 "genocide nonsense".

I am not aware of the Battle of Khafji other than the brunt being Saudi Arabians and Americans as per official sources. I did a quick Google search and I could not find any evidence that tells about Pakistanis fighting instead of Arabs. Sounds like utter nonsense to be honest.

I am not aware of any Pakistani fighter pilots in the air forces of Saudi Arabia or the UAE. Can you provide any tangible evidence of that being the case?

Anyway even if we assume that what you wrote is correct and comparable (neither is the case), that was ages ago.

We are talking about events now. 1000's (probably) Pakistani cannon fodder used by Mullah's directly in Syria, Iraq and elsewhere. Those moronic rallies are occurring right now. In Pakistan as well.

This has nothing to do with sect. I could not give a crap if the Mullah's were recruiting Pakistani Zoroastrian converts, the same logic would apply.

Just between the two of us, am I wrong to assume that you have some short of soft spot for the Mullah's in Iran? I mean, each to their own, but a straightforward condemnation of our citizens being used as cannon fodder would not hurt unless the "Pakistan first" motto that many users have here is empty air.
Is there anyone loyal to Pakistan these days ?

COAS loyal to ---> amreeka
Parliament loyal to ---> $$$
Judges loyal to ---> $$$$
Political party leaders loyal to ---> $$$, the West.
"Religious" parties and leaders loyal to ---> $$$, Saudi Arabia, or Iran
Civil Society loyal to ---> $$$ and Western NGOs
Media loyal to ---> $$$ and India

That just leaves suckers like us ....
that you have some short of soft spot for the Mullah's in Iran?
I have soft spot for Iran - particularly the pre 1979 imperial Iran. I despise all mullahs and particularly Iranian ones who have turned a great country into a sanctioned hellhole. I am secularist and hate thee religious infected animals.
I am not aware of the Battle of Khafji other than the brunt being Saudi Arabians and Americans as per official sources.
"So General Khaled's book will have to go on the shelf with all the other Gulf War bumph, bearing in mind that not all the facts are correct. Many of the Qatari soldiers who fought at al-Khafji, for example, were Pakistani mercenaries, not Arabs. The initial Saudi "withdrawal" from the town was not as planned as Khaled claims - I found their abandoned rifles and ammunition afterwards - and the Saudis didn't assist in the raising of the Kuwaiti flag at al-Nwaysib before the land attack, but two days afterwards (I was there)."

Confessions of a jolly general​

A Saudi prince, Khaled Bin Sultan, believes his own role in the Gulf War was positively Churchillian. Robert Fisk begs to disagree​

Robert Fisk
Friday 23 June 1995 23:02

Link: https://www.independent.co.uk/arts-entertainment/books/confessions-of-a-jolly-general-1587976.html
I have soft spot for Iran - particularly the pre 1979 imperial Iran. I despise all mullahs and particularly Iranian ones who have turned a great country into a sanctioned hellhole. I am secularist and hate thee religious infected animals.

Why then not condemn the very same Mullah's using OUR children/people as cheap cannon fodder for their geopolitical ambitions? It should be a straight forward thing to do. If Saudi Arabia, Malaysia, Azerbaijan, Somalia, Bosnia whatever were using Pakistani citizens as cheap cannon fodder in wars that do not concern us and without any state approval, I would equally condemn it. Hence why I wrote in my initial post that ANY Pakistani that fights on behalf of foreign entities without state approval should be stripped of his/her citizenship.

BTW this behavior by the Iranian Mullah regime is not exclusive to Pakistanis. Afghans are used as cheap cannon fodder as well. We bear the brunt while Iranian officers are sitting comfortably.

I ask again why don't we see Azerbaijani Shias, Bahraini Shias, Saudi Arabian Shias, Turkish Shias etc. used as cannon fodder? I am not sure if this has anything to do with sect.

Do you want to hear my honest opinion? I think this is due to the low self-esteem, lack of self-awareness, lack of an own identity, lack of a Pakistani identity, poverty, ignorance, illiteracy that is at play here. Sad to see a neighbor use that for nefarious reasons.

As for Imperial Iran, I am not sure what there is to admire about an deluded absolute Shah pumped up by the West (USA) with little public support (hence the 1979 revolution) and with delusions of grandeur of a long-gone entity. The Shah acted as if he had a direct lineage to the old Shahs of the day but in reality the Pahlavi dynasty was established by the Brits in 1925 and his father was a horse stapler apparently in the Russian embassy.

If we talk about Iran, I have much more respect for Mosaddegh and the anti-US/Western imperialism forces of that time.
"So General Khaled's book will have to go on the shelf with all the other Gulf War bumph, bearing in mind that not all the facts are correct. Many of the Qatari soldiers who fought at al-Khafji, for example, were Pakistani mercenaries, not Arabs. The initial Saudi "withdrawal" from the town was not as planned as Khaled claims - I found their abandoned rifles and ammunition afterwards - and the Saudis didn't assist in the raising of the Kuwaiti flag at al-Nwaysib before the land attack, but two days afterwards (I was there)."

Confessions of a jolly general​

A Saudi prince, Khaled Bin Sultan, believes his own role in the Gulf War was positively Churchillian. Robert Fisk begs to disagree​

Robert Fisk
Friday 23 June 1995 23:02

Link: https://www.independent.co.uk/arts-entertainment/books/confessions-of-a-jolly-general-1587976.html

Qatar had how many natives back in 1991? 10? I don't see any evidence in that article that Saudi Arabian soldiers and the US soldiers did not do much of the fighting during he Battle of Khajfi and by any means that was a small battle and quite frankly irrelevant to my criticism of the topic at hand of this thread for the reasons that I argued.

Units involved
Saudi Arabia Task Force "Abu Bakr"
Saudi Arabia Task Force "Tariq"
  • Saudi Arabia Royal Saudi Marine Battalion
  • Morocco 6th Mechanised Battalion
  • Senegal 1st Infantry Battalion
Qatar Qatari tank battalion United States 1st Marine Division
United States 2nd Marine Division
2nd Armoured Division
Army Special Forces
1st Mechanised Division
3rd Armoured Division
5th Mechanised Division

Do you have any neutral material about Pakistan's contribution during the First Gulf War? It is quite difficult to find any information about numbers etc.

I condemn them with 100% force.

Some of them have.

No country has used Pakistanis as cheap cannon fodder to this degree like the Iranian Mullah's. No other country than Iran has been using Pakistani cannon fodder for their own wars OUTSIDE of the approval of the Pakistani state. We are talking about a regime that is masters at creating proxy groups from Lebanon to Pakistan.
WTF, I wish one day foreigners would do this for a Pakistani. This is beyond pathetic.
Many did for Hafiz Saaed but when Pakistan it self punished the most pro Pakistani person, than people stopped

Is there anyone loyal to Pakistan these days ?
There’s many but their in Pakistani jails.
Pakistan followed its policy of punishing patriotic Pakistanis while leaving the anti paks to run loose.
Anyway my last comment in this thread for now.

For any pro-Iranian MUllah Pakistani Shia brother reading this post, remember that those same lot (Iranian Mullah's) respect for you is equal to the respect that we Pakistanis have for rabies-infected stray dogs. Hence the accurate description of cannon fodder.

However luckily it seems that some of them are waking up to the ground realities.

Afghan, Pakistani mercenaries abandon IRGC-backed militias in Syria​

There is a notable exodus of foreign fighters from Iran-affiliated militias in Syria fuelled by growing discontent and dwindling salaries.
By Faris al-Omran

"Religious" parties and leaders loyal to ---> $$$, Saudi Arabia, or Iran
That’s what’s gonna happen when you ban, imprisoned and killed all the pro Pakistan religious parties.
The parties who were at the forefront fighting in Kashmir, in Balochistan against bla, in Afghanistan against ttp and nato, in Iran fighting IRGC and it’s proxies and in other parts of Pakistan hunting down khawarij, they were all banned and I hair leadership killed or arrested.
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