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Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s “Buddhist Diplomacy”

So you want people to read about Star wars and Alien Invasion ?

That book is not on Star-wars. Its on "thought" patterns of makers(people), the people who wrote Star-Wars, who came up with idea of "Star-Wars". It shows how deeply they were studying Indian texts and stories, before writing Star-Wars. But they avoid mentioning india as their source of inspiration for their work, which is primarily due to peer-pressure(Church), it also makes them fear that they movie & story will not get accepted in White-Christian Protestant american audience if they openly acknowledged that they were "inspired" from "India"(a filthy place just like any other non-Abrahamic nation in world-view of western people). This is known as "U-TURN" in RM's words.

Reading this book, exposes certain behavior patterns of Westerners. Infact, every strategist should read this book. A wonderful book for Defense studies in area of Mindset and evolution of a paranoid Civilization(Abrahamic West).

Infact, same patterns more or less apply on Pakistan. Just look at how they renamed every non-Islamic creation into "islamic" thing and ended up being a state with delusions grandeur. USA and Pakistan has a lot in common. Both share this Abrahamic trait.

USA has reduced itself to same "A state with Grand Delusions" category by claiming tobe inventor of everything on Earth. Totally laughable proposition. :rofl:
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That book is not on Star-wars. Its on "thought" patterns of makers(people), the people who wrote Star-Wars, who came up with idea of "Star-Wars". It shows how deeply they were studying Indian texts and stories, before writing Star-Wars. But they avoid mentioning india as their source of inspiration for their work, which is primarily due to peer-pressure(Church), it also makes them fear that they movie & story will not get accepted in White-Christian Protestant american audience if they openly acknowledged that they were "inspired" from "India"(a filthy place just like any other non-Abrahamic nation in world-view of western people). This is known as "U-TURN" in RM's words.

Reading this book, exposes certain behavior patterns of Westerners. Infact, every strategist should read this book. A wonderful book for Defense studies in area of Mindset and evolution of a paranoid Civilization(Abrahamic West).

Their fear is well founded. The church has been demonizing Hindus and Hinduism for a couple of hundred years now.

The author or the director is out to make money, not to correct the sins of the past or present.

But sure, if that book will enlighten others about how digestion of Indian culture and Hinduism takes place, good luck. Though reading RM is good enough to expose this.
The author or the director is out to make money, not to correct the sins of the past or present.

But sure, if that book will enlighten others about how digestion of Indian culture and Hinduism takes place, good luck. Though reading RM is good enough to expose this.

I would recommend you to buy Rosen's book. His book was funded by our people in USA. A white-man exposing other white-man is quite rare. In that book, Rosen did just that. Do buy this book, because it tells u whole story in detail on who traveled where & how white-men work without ethics & shame. They do this not just with India, but with others too. Africa was never technologically "backward" if u still believe so. Just 400 years back, it was flourishing & rich.

ISI has done such studies on white-men since decades, they are ahead of indians in this area. The problem is with our Anglo-Secular-Nehruvian institutions in india
, which lack "brains" on how to deal with White-men, they rather "serve" them, asking them - "plz tell us, how do we run india? which market system we need? which laws we need to protect kids,women? how much currency we should print? in what color? from which european company?". :cheesy: :rofl:

A lot of hindu organizations in West have now begun removing white-men from their management, due to such plagiarization(theft) of Indian knowledge systems into West without giving credits to the source.

This Rosen book was our answer to White-men, using their own pawn. A lot of people associated with Star-Wars team, were not happy with this book, but they maintained "straight-face" to hide their insecurity. :lol:
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I would recommend you to buy Rosen's book. His book was funded by our people in USA. A white-man exposing other white-man is quite rare. In that book, Rosen did just that. Do buy this book, because it tells u whole story in detail on who traveled where & how white-men work without ethics & shame. They do this not just with India, but with others too. Africa was never technologically "backward" if u still believe so. Just 400 years back, it was flourishing & rich.

ISI has done such studies on white-men since decades, they are ahead of indians in this area. The problem is with our Anglo-Secular-Nehruvian institutions in india
, which lack "brains" on how to deal with White-men, they rather "serve" them, asking them - "plz tell us, how do we run india? which market system we need? which laws we need to protect kids,women? how much currency we should print? in what color? from which european company?". :cheesy: :rofl:

A lot of hindu organizations in West have now begun removing white-men from their management, due to such plagiarization(theft) of Indian knowledge systems into West without giving credits to the source.

This Rosen book was our answer to White-men, using their own pawn. A lot of people associated with Star-Wars team, were not happy with this book, but they maintained "straight-face" to hide their insecurity. :lol:

I am glad such things make you happy. Its important to be happy.

I am not as much obsessed with the "white man" as you, so I will keep my focus on the brown man in India. But hey, let me not stop you from living out your dream.
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None of them are "religions". Religion is an Abrahamic concept. India doesn't have it. The word Dharma has totally different meaning.

Read Rajiv Malhotra's book "Being Different" to learn more(i bought ebook version for mere Rs.250, text version cost too much 450 or so). These 4 so-called "religions" were created by Britishers. Even Buddhism never was a "religion". Ashoka tried it hard but failed miserably. India works on सापेक्ष धर्म, Saapeksh-Dharma(secularism), which means "In accordance with Dharma". These words are present even in English version of Indian Constitution. (the word "Dharma" is secular because its universal. It is not based on "One God" or any particular sampradaya. It doesn't even require a God, even an atheist Yogi is totally Dharm-saapeksh.)

This word "Secularism" was added in 1975, into indian Constitution by Indira Gandhi, under Emergency rule. During emergency, parliament was dismissed and whole power remained in two hands - PM(Indira) and President(Fakhruddin). Before inserting such Constitutional amendment, you need parliement debate and voting. She took neither of it & ordered Fakhruddin to sign an unilateral ordinance(a single person VETO).

This is why none of her opponent parties has accepted this claim of "secular india", which remains a farce. For those who are wondering what indian Constitution was originally in 1947, they should see this pic(photos of Ram,Sita & Laxman on 1st edition of indian Constitution.)

In Samvidhan Sabha debate, B.R.Ambedkar said - "Secularism has no relevance for India. It was invented for European religions. I refuse to insert this word in Constitution as its fit in our indian context & philosophies".

(read Supreme Court's decision on "Constitution" in 1994. It said - "Hindutva(same as Hinduness/core-principles) is nectar of indian Constitution").

Sikhism's core books are copied from 3rd Adhyaay(अध्याय) of Markandeya-Upnishad. Gurudwaras in Punjab were all run by Brahmins till 1924. In 1925, a law was passed by some people in Sikh-Prabandhak Committee declaring that "From now on, Sikhs are not hindus. All brahmins should be removed from Gurudwaras. They are not welcome anymore in Gurudwaras". This is where seeds of Khalistan Terrorist movement were sown. (In other words, Gurudwaras were merely temples till 1924. They were declared non-temples in 1925)

Rajiv ji's other book "Indra's Net" explains how Buddhism traveled from India to China. And he also gives proof of how West copied concepts of "Hologram", "Virtual reality" from Zen & Chinese Buddhism. He traced whole chain of knowledge movement in East and West. (i have purchased that book too, but his books are so huge and full of detailed events, it takes long to read them, i will finish BD soon, then begin IN. I will keep posting here.)

RM has also explained a big difference in Western and Indian way of "thinking". Abrahamic institutions are obsessed with controlling every aspect of citizen's life by text-laws. This is due to their inherent abrahamic belief that "World is made from fragmented parts. And they were artificially glued together to create the universe". This belief causes them to think if they don't control life of individuals(parents, kids, relations, marriages, divorce), the society will fall apart and whole nation will disintegrate. This belief is not there in Dharmic Civilizations. In indian belief system - "World is made of just one particle(there is much more to it, but due to space,cutting ) ,which fragmented into infinite particles, entities. Even if universe appears fragmented, in real it is not so. They are in constant connect with each other". This belief gave stability to Eastern civilizations, while Abrahamic Civilizations became Control-Freaks! (see the debate on "whether Government should control birth of kid, abortion" in West). That's the reason Anglo-indians hate Modi. Their education has been one-dimensional, while Modi knows these both aspects. Modi is a dhoti-wearing, gavathi(गावठी) nightmare, embarrassment(शर्म) for them. Similar to how they used to treat Vajpayee.

religion is an english word. dharma is a sanskrit word. both mean the same. the differences you point out do not change the simple linguistic difference.

do not go full retard. india doesn't look backwards. modiji knows it better than you. even vajpaiji did.
religion is an english word. dharma is a sanskrit word. both mean the same. the differences you point out do not change the simple linguistic difference.

do not go full retard. india doesn't look backwards. modiji knows it better than you. even vajpaiji did.

Both are different,

Religion means belief in a god or gods that is used to define your world, set of rituals and practices.

Dharma closest meaning in English is "righteousness" which means moral/ethical code.
Both are different,

Religion means belief in a god or gods that is used to define your world, set of rituals and practices.

Dharma closest meaning in English is "righteousness" which means moral/ethical code.

so, we practice righteousness in india ? we don't have gods ? we don't have set of rituals and practices in our "righteousness " ?

see where I'm going with this ?

We are pagans, hard thinking pagans. nothing more nothing less.

everything has the 50% attached. we haven't learned anything by following rituals if we can not think. like i said, thinking is equally important to pagan.
so, we practice righteousness in india ? we don't have gods ? we don't have set of rituals and practices in our "righteousness " ?

see where I'm going with this ?

We are pagans, hard thinking pagans. nothing more nothing less.

everything has the 50% attached. we haven't learned anything by following rituals if we can not think. like i said, thinking is equally important to pagan.

The Only person who I know practiced complete Dharma was "Maryada purushotam Sri Ramchandra ji". Even dharmaraj Yudhistra faulted once. But that has never prevented us from believing in it or practicing it when we could.

We have gods and rituals in our practice of Religion, not in our practice of righteousness.

So I hae no clue where you are going with this.

What has ability to think got anything to do with practicing rituals or having habbits ? if I practice any ritual does it mean I do not have the ability to think ?

What is a "pagan" ? how did you come across this definition ? Who defines it ?
The Only person who I know practiced complete Dharma was "Maryada purushotam Sri Ramchandra ji". Even dharmaraj Yudhistra faulted once. But that has never prevented us from believing in it or practicing it when we could.

We have gods and rituals in our practice of Religion, not in our practice of righteousness.

So I hae no clue where you are going with this.

What has ability to think got anything to do with practicing rituals or having habbits ? if I practice any ritual does it mean I do not have the ability to think ?

What is a "pagan" ? how did you come across this definition ? Who defines it ?

Ramchandra ji did falter, many times. :)
Then I guess the Rest of India are fools to call him "Maryada Purushotam". ........... or may be the rest of India is right and you are the f....

Take a pick.

There are more than 200 known versions of both Ramayana and Mahabharata, in some of the versions Ram is not even the 'good guy', there are some scholarly work available on net also, you can search for them. Ramanand Sagar's Ramayana shown on TV is not the only Ramayana. However, one need to attain certain level of maturity to discuss such topic.
None of them are "religions". Religion is an Abrahamic concept. India doesn't have it. The word Dharma has totally different meaning.

Read Rajiv Malhotra's book "Being Different" to learn more(i bought ebook version for mere Rs.250, text version cost too much 450 or so). These 4 so-called "religions" were created by Britishers. Even Buddhism never was a "religion". Ashoka tried it hard but failed miserably. India works on सापेक्ष धर्म, Saapeksh-Dharma(secularism), which means "In accordance with Dharma". These words are present even in English version of Indian Constitution. (the word "Dharma" is secular because its universal. It is not based on "One God" or any particular sampradaya. It doesn't even require a God, even an atheist Yogi is totally Dharm-saapeksh.)

This word "Secularism" was added in 1975, into indian Constitution by Indira Gandhi, under Emergency rule. During emergency, parliament was dismissed and whole power remained in two hands - PM(Indira) and President(Fakhruddin). Before inserting such Constitutional amendment, you need parliement debate and voting. She took neither of it & ordered Fakhruddin to sign an unilateral ordinance(a single person VETO).

This is why none of her opponent parties has accepted this claim of "secular india", which remains a farce. For those who are wondering what indian Constitution was originally in 1947, they should see this pic(photos of Ram,Sita & Laxman on 1st edition of indian Constitution.)

In Samvidhan Sabha debate, B.R.Ambedkar said - "Secularism has no relevance for India. It was invented for European religions. I refuse to insert this word in Constitution as its fit in our indian context & philosophies".

(read Supreme Court's decision on "Constitution" in 1994. It said - "Hindutva(same as Hinduness/core-principles) is nectar of indian Constitution").

Sikhism's core books are copied from 3rd Adhyaay(अध्याय) of Markandeya-Upnishad. Gurudwaras in Punjab were all run by Brahmins till 1924. In 1925, a law was passed by some people in Sikh-Prabandhak Committee declaring that "From now on, Sikhs are not hindus. All brahmins should be removed from Gurudwaras. They are not welcome anymore in Gurudwaras". This is where seeds of Khalistan Terrorist movement were sown. (In other words, Gurudwaras were merely temples till 1924. They were declared non-temples in 1925)

Rajiv ji's other book "Indra's Net" explains how Buddhism traveled from India to China. And he also gives proof of how West copied concepts of "Hologram", "Virtual reality" from Zen & Chinese Buddhism. He traced whole chain of knowledge movement in East and West. (i have purchased that book too, but his books are so huge and full of detailed events, it takes long to read them, i will finish BD soon, then begin IN. I will keep posting here.)

RM has also explained a big difference in Western and Indian way of "thinking". Abrahamic institutions are obsessed with controlling every aspect of citizen's life by text-laws. This is due to their inherent abrahamic belief that "World is made from fragmented parts. And they were artificially glued together to create the universe". This belief causes them to think if they don't control life of individuals(parents, kids, relations, marriages, divorce), the society will fall apart and whole nation will disintegrate. This belief is not there in Dharmic Civilizations. In indian belief system - "World is made of just one particle(there is much more to it, but due to space,cutting ) ,which fragmented into infinite particles, entities. Even if universe appears fragmented, in real it is not so. They are in constant connect with each other". This belief gave stability to Eastern civilizations, while Abrahamic Civilizations became Control-Freaks! (see the debate on "whether Government should control birth of kid, abortion" in West). That's the reason Anglo-indians hate Modi. Their education has been one-dimensional, while Modi knows these both aspects. Modi is a dhoti-wearing, gavathi(गावठी) nightmare, embarrassment(शर्म) for them. Similar to how they used to treat Vajpayee.

Please post more of this kind of info. :)
There are more than 200 known versions of both Ramayana and Mahabharata, in some of the versions Ram is not even the 'good guy', there are some scholarly work available on net also, you can search for them. Ramanand Sagar's Ramayana shown on TV is not the only Ramayana. However, one need to attain certain level of maturity to discuss such topic.

So what is your point ? A pervert version of Ramayan is just as good and qualified as Valmiki Ramayan ? :lol:

If this is the level of maturity, then you are only pretending to be mature.

The whole purpose of Ramayan is to teach people how to lead a Dharmic life, especially when faced with difficulties. If perverts want to twist that around for their own perverted agenda and fools rejoice and give equal sanctity to such version then those fools deserve to be treated as perverted fools or fools with an agenda.

Maybe next time you can write you own version of the Bible and discuss how Jesus is an alien. Let us see how "mature" you are to make that call.
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