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Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s “Buddhist Diplomacy”

The Only person who I know practiced complete Dharma was "Maryada purushotam Sri Ramchandra ji". Even dharmaraj Yudhistra faulted once. But that has never prevented us from believing in it or practicing it when we could.

We have gods and rituals in our practice of Religion, not in our practice of righteousness.

So I hae no clue where you are going with this.

What has ability to think got anything to do with practicing rituals or having habbits ? if I practice any ritual does it mean I do not have the ability to think ?

What is a "pagan" ? how did you come across this definition ? Who defines it ?

are you kidding me ? you want me to discuss your "purushottyam" ram now in a real discussion about how indians in 2014 should be like ? i'm not gonna take you seriously now onwards.

so u agree we are just another religion with our share of gods and rituals ?? good. there goes your rightousness down the drain. goodness in man existed long before religion did. if that is what you are harping on about. evil too. religion failed in changing that. acknowledge that.

what is a pagan ? a nature worshipper. who decides ? I decided. buy a dictionary rather than answering me.
are you kidding me ? you want me to discuss your "purushottyam" ram now in a real discussion about how indians in 2014 should be like ? i'm not gonna take you seriously now onwards.

so u agree we are just another religion with our share of gods and rituals ?? good. there goes your rightousness down the drain. goodness in man existed long before religion did. if that is what you are harping on about. evil too. religion failed in changing that. acknowledge that.

what is a pagan ? a nature worshipper. who decides ? I decided. buy a dictionary rather than answering me.

1. If you are not taking me seriously why are you bothering to reply :lol:

2. Its not "my righteousness" you idiot, its Dharma as explained in Hinduism.

3. Why is religion supposed to change evil nature ? :cheesy: ... that is not its job. Fight against good vs evil is eternal. Dharma just helps us identify the good.

4. A Pagan is defined as a person holding religious beliefs other than those of the main world religions. :lol: So as per you, Hinduism is not a main world religion ? I suggest you take up your own advice and buy a dictionary before you make any more foolish blunders that expose you.
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1. If you are not taking me seriously why are you bothering to reply :lol:

2. Its not "my righteousness" you idiot, its Dharma as explained in Hinduism.

3. Why is religion supposed to change evil nature ? :cheesy: ... that is not its job. Fight against good vs evil is eternal. Dharma just helps us identify the good.

4. A Pagan is defined as a person holding religious beliefs other than those of the main world religions. :lol: So as per you, Hinduism is not a man world religion ? I suggest you take up your own advice and buy a dictionary before you make any more foolish blunders that expose you.

dumbass, you know what you are ? a troll. post reported. @WebMaster @Oscar @Chak Bamu @Fulcrum15 @Jungibaaz
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So what is your point ? A pervert version of Ramayan is just as good and qualified as Valmiki Ramayan ? :lol:

If this is the level of maturity, then you are only pretending to be mature.

The whole purpose of Ramayan is to teach people how to lead a Dharmic life, especially when faced with difficulties. If perverts want to twist that around for their own perverted agenda and fools rejoice and give equal sanctity to such version then those fools deserve to be treated as perverted fools or fools with an agenda.

Maybe next time you can write you own version of the koran and discuss how Allah is an alien. Let us see how "mature" you are to make that call.

There is no perverted Ramayan, Valmiki Ramayan itself has several versions, all parts of the known Valmiki Ramayan were not even written by Valmiki, there were several additions and deletions over a very long time period, then there are several regional translations which are equally famous and considered credible, even those translations are several hundreds of years old. All subjects are not fit for everyone, this one is not for you, just leave it at that.
There is no perverted Ramayan, Valmiki Ramayan itself has several versions, all parts of the known Valmiki Ramayan were not even written by Valmiki, there were several additions and deletions over a very long time period, then there are several translations which are equally famous and considered credible, even those translations are several hundreds of years old. All subjects are not fit for everyone, this one is not for you, just leave it at that.

There is only ONE Valmiki Ramayan, there are other Valmiki ramayan with commentaries and Vaishnava traditions inserted, but the original remains intact and is recognized as the oldest and most authentic.

So before you spread any more canard regarding this, get your facts right.

For someone who do not understand the very purpose of Ramayan, its is laughable to see you comment on the suitability of others. Go read some more perverted versions of Ramayan and go around claiming Ravan was better than Rama. LOL.
There is only ONE Valmiki Ramayan, there are other Valmiki ramayan with commentaries and Vaishnava traditions inserted, but the original remains intact and is recognized as the oldest and most authentic.

So before you spread any more canard regarding this, get your facts right.

For someone who do not understand the very purpose of Ramayan, its is laughable to see you comment on the suitability of others. Go read some more perverted versions of Ramayan and go around claiming Ravan was better than Rama. LOL.

As I said earlier, I don't see you fit for such discussions and not interested to continue, you are free to live with your opinion.
Woh kya hota hain? :o: Coming soon - Abrahamic Hindu. :enjoy: :hitwall:

Actually coming soon, set parameters/guidelines to define good, bad, and disqualified Hindus, some of the guidelines are already floating around.
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