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Prime Minister Imran Khan?


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Mar 4, 2017
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Prime Minister Imran Khan?
Global Village Space |

Syed Haider Raza Mehdi |

This is a six part article which traces the phenomenal rise of PTI, the disillusionment that set in, internal party struggles, the Panamagate revival, electoral prospects and the challenges Imran and PTI could face if and when they wins the election and form a government at the center.

A possible Prime Minister Imran Khan is perhaps the second most discussed question in Pakistan, after Panamagate. Will he or won’t he?

Will the “Khan” breast the tape, or join the ranks of the heart-achingly “also rans”? An Al Gore, an Asghar Khan, a Hillary Clinton!

Or will he, as he has done several times in the past, overcome seemingly insurmountable odds and emerge victorious, despite the challenges, and quite a few of his own creation, as his detractors and even some supporters say.

Read more: Why Imran Khan must NOT become the Prime Minister of Pakistan

It’s a tough question to answer, given the fickleness of this mistress called “politics.”

So despite my biases, here’s hoping an objective current perspective, also as fickle as the mistress of “politics!”

To try and figure out what’s going on, In addition to my personal insights, I recently spoke to a couple of dozen people connected to Imran; friend and foe, close associates and hardcore enemies, some still close, some silently withdrawn to the sidelines. Some publicly angry, some sulking on the sidelines and a few former die, hard friends, now his mortal political enemies. And of course, I spoke to the Khan himself!

The Rise of PTI and Imran Khan
So this is the story of PTI from a “Tonga Party” in 1996, to becoming arguably Pakistan’s most popular party and Imran its most popular political leader by 2017!

Arguably, I say, because many would disagree! And with much merit in their disagreements.

And it’s not a complete story but a story about things which I think matter.

No juicy tidbits of “clandestine one-night stands” or “midnight meetings with the Army Brass.”

Just plain old stuff!

So what did Imran tap into?

Like Bhutto before him, he tapped into a lot of things.

Read more: Fallout from Imran Khan’s bribery allegations; Hostilities escalate

Imran tapped into a nation, sick and tired of corruption, and desperate to get rid of a system which only benefited the privileged and the rich.

An anger which stemmed from decades of misrule, of military coups gone wrong, of pretentious messiahs with holier than thou demeanors, looting and plundering, victims of their own unbridled and insatiable greed for power, wealth, and power.

Imran tapped into a nation, sick and tired of corruption, and desperate to get rid of a system which only benefited the privileged and the rich.

A system bereft of meritocracy, transparency, and accountability.

A system where the rich and powerful were and are able to hijack a flimsy, tottering electoral process and in the name of “democracy” hoist themselves into power.

A system where all ruling groups, civil and military, through deliberate acts of commission or incompetent omissions, systematically destroyed institutions who could challenge them and stop their loot and plunder or deposing them.

A system which allowed desperate people to think that a military ruler, a dictator, an autocratic ruler would come and cleanse the Augean stables. And each time they found that all these “Messiahs” had feet of clay and all failed, leaving behind a system weaker than before!

But the key thing that he was able to tap into was the nation’s desperation for a political leader who had integrity and was honest. Someone they could trust! Whether today his rating on these attributes are as high as it was earlier is something we’ll address later.

I think several factors contributed to Imran’s political success to date.

Read more: Imran Khan’s Bribery claim adds to allegations of Nawaz’s questionable Modus Operandi!

He was and still is everything a traditional politician is not. He has no political background, no father to son political legacy. He is neither a feudal nor a rich businessman. Just a regular and a trifle privileged, middle-class Zaman Pak/Aitchison College boy, who goes to Oxford, lives the high life in the UK and becomes a cricketing icon.

And finally, catapults to super stardom in cricket-mad Pakistan by leading Pakistan to its first 1992 World Cup Victory. The second win, yesterday with the sweet taste still lingering may perhaps be Divine portents in his favor!

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Prime Minister Imran Khan?
Nation has seen number of times as PM of pml candidate and the ppp but if this time Nation gives vote to IK for PM would be good thing. possibly he may bring those changes in country that the present govt or the ppp were remained unable to bring the changes as the nation wants to see.
Haven't we seen him in KP?

He has off shore boys on his bandwagon already, Tarakis, Aleem Khan, Saifullahs, and people like Jehangir Tareen.

Accountability in KP has failed, he himself admitted.

He has Zionist links and is a threat to Pakistan's nuclear program.

He has already barked a lot on Pakistan Army and supported the terrorist stand as well as Indian stand.

You are right we don't want a person to be a PM who brings the corrupt to court. We don't want a person to be PM that makes schools and hospitals for the poor. We don't want a person to be PM that doesn't want a foreign country to bomb Pakistanis.

You are right we should elect a person that makes alot of wealth while Pakistanis get poor. We want a person that get his treatment overseas while Pakistanis die on the floors of the Pakistani hospitals. We want a person that builds bridges while the schools are being used to house cattle. We want a person that lies in the parliament and then in court claims that it was just a political statement. We want a person that attacks the supreme court. We want a person that can't even speak properly and needs a piece of paper to read from. We want a person that stranded the Army chief of the country in the sky's of an enemy country. We want a person that gave a party ticket to a LeJ terrorist for elections. We want a person that uses state money to build his Palace in Raiwind. We want a person that promised to hold Zardari accountable for his corruption but are now like brothers. We want a person that used the police as his personal security guards while the people left at the mercy of criminals.

Just amazing
Haven't we seen him in KP?

He has off shore boys on his bandwagon already, Tarakis, Aleem Khan, Saifullahs, and people like Jehangir Tareen.

Accountability in KP has failed, he himself admitted.

He has Zionist links and is a threat to Pakistan's nuclear program.

He has already barked a lot on Pakistan Army and supported the terrorist stand as well as Indian stand.
Kya cheeze hey bahee tu....I am perplexed really!!
For small benefit, may be a better life, may be some money, a little power...u guys have sold ur souls to Nawaz Sharif. Kuch sharam hoti hey really

Al Baqarah (2:16)
Those are the ones who have purchased error [in exchange] for guidance, so their transaction has brought no profit, nor were they guided
You are right we don't want a person to be a PM who brings the corrupt to court.

Nawaz Sharif was already dragged to the court in 1990s when Imran Khan was being trained by the Zionists.
Nawaz Sharif was already dragged to the court in 1990s when Imran Khan was being trained by the Zionists.

Yup and you do remember how the goons of NS attacked the court....right?

Please tell me how and when IK was being trained by the zionest in the 90s? Was it when he won the world cup for Pakistan? or was it when he was building the first free cancer hospital? and while IK was building the hospital NS was building 30 factories during the same period.
Isn't Imran Khan Donald Trump of Pakistan?

At least Donal Trump wasn't launched by Russians. So Trump is better in this regard.

Yup and you do remember how the goons of NS attacked the court....right?

Please tell me how and when IK was being trained by the zionest in the 90s? Was it when he won the world cup for Pakistan? or was it when he was building the first free cancer hospital? and while IK was building the hospital NS was building 30 factories during the same period.

Why do you compare your leader with corrupt politicians lol?

Oh yeah, your leader opened a cancer hospital 'in his mother's name' with other people's money lol..

And the land for that hospital he obtained from the corrupt Prime Minister for free, remember?

And when Shaukat Khanam was dying with cancer, the beloved leader of PTI was showing off as a playboy in Britain.
At least Donal Trump wasn't launched by Russians. So Trump is better in this regard.

Why do you compare your leader with corrupt politicians lol?

Oh yeah, your leader opened a cancer hospital 'in his mother's name' with other people's money lol..

And the land for that hospital he obtained from the corrupt Prime Minister for free, remember?

And when Shaukat Khanam was dying with cancer, the beloved leader of PTI was showing off as a playboy in Britain.

Yes my leader opened a cancer hospital in memory of his mother. Its the only cancer hospital in the world that provides free treatment to the poor. He used the plot that was rewarded to him by the govt of Pakistan for beating India in India. NS didnt give him the plot from his own money nor was he the only person to get that plot.

You last comment shows what a lowlife creature you are. You want to know know what he was doing in those days then research it.
Yes my leader opened a cancer hospital in memory of his mother. Its the only cancer hospital in the world that provides free treatment to the poor.

I agree he opened the hospital but you don't address that this hospital was not opened from your leader's money.

BTW he opened this hospital because it was the idea of his Zionist in laws who wanted to launch him to Pakistani politics and cancer hospital was the way through.

Now if 'everyone' gets free treatment there, that's again not from your leader's money, is it?

Your leader is very smart, actually a parasite who uses other people's money and takes the credit of all the good works lol.

He used the plot that was rewarded to him by the govt of Pakistan for beating India in India. NS didnt give him the plot from his own money nor was he the only person to get that plot.

Aww, so Nawaz the Prime Minister of Pakistan at that time, and now he's Imran's Khaloo Jaan?

You last comment shows what a lowlife creature you are. You want to know know what he was doing in those days then research it.

You don't know that your leader was known to be a Playboy in Britain and even in Pakistan?
We don't want a psychopath and a cursing machine to be our Prime Minister.
yeah u want a PM which distributed fake nudes of BB, use state institution to murder opponent, links with terrorist organisation.One leader is brave enough to come infront of Tv and call Nawaz corrupt on his face. WHile PM use his slaves to do that bcoz he knows imran khan is honest.

new maryium recruits . Money cant make ur party famous on social media. U can buy individuals but not the whole lot. U propaganda machines to defend sharif family will fail with the will of God.Time to change this corrupt mafa has came.
I agree he opened the hospital but you don't address that this hospital was not opened from your leader's money.

BTW he opened this hospital because it was the idea of his Zionist in laws who wanted to launch him to Pakistani politics and cancer hospital was the way through.

Now if 'everyone' gets free treatment there, that's again not from your leader's money, is it?

Your leader is very smart, actually a parasite who uses other people's money and takes the credit of all the good works lol.

Aww, so Nawaz the Prime Minister of Pakistan at that time, and now he's Imran's Khaloo Jaan?

You don't know that your leader was known to be a Playboy in Britain and even in Pakistan?
new maryium recruits . Money cant make ur party famous on social media. U can buy individuals but not the whole lot. U propaganda machines to defend sharif family will fail with the will of God.Time to change this corrupt mafa has came.

Typical Niazi response. It seems everyone of your lot has just one rotten argument fitted by the Psychopath.
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