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Prime Minister Erdoan promises Kurdish as elective course in schools


May 11, 2012
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Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan (Photo: Cihan)

Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan announced on Tuesday that Kurdish will be offered as an elective language course in Turkish schools following recent reforms to the educational system. Erdoğan, as anticipated following earlier remarks in the same vein by Deputy Prime Minister Beşir Atalay, announced that elective Kurdish language classes would be introduced to the school system, speaking at a parliamentary meeting of the Justice and Development Party (AK Party) on Tuesday.

The government recently introduced changes to the education system dividing the total educational period into three consecutive stages of four years each, formulated as “4+4+4.”

The prime minister said at any school with the minimum number of students to run a class Kurdish will be offered as an elective course. He also emphasized that, depending on the demand and need, other languages of Turkey can be taught at public and private schools across the country under the new system. Elective courses to be introduced under the new system will include, in addition to language classes, courses designed to improve writing, communication and presentation skills.

Erdoğan provided details about the proposal, which the Ministry of Education is currently working on. He said the drafting process was near completion, adding that it had been created after painstaking and careful research into international education systems, particularly those of the EU countries. Erdoğan noted that the new system will also include longer class hours for students in total, with the hours allocated to subjects to change, with some seeing increases and others reductions.

“Currently Turkish is taught 11 hours a week in the first three years of school, then for six hours in the fourth and fifth grade, and five hours in the seventh and eighth grades. Now Turkish classes will be taught for 19 hours a week in the first two years, then eight hours in third and fourth grade, six hours a week in fifth and sixth grade and five hours for seventh and eighth graders,” he said.

The prime minister remarked that similar changes have been made to all compulsory classes, adding that the Human Rights, Citizenship and Democracy course will be taught as a compulsory class starting at fourth grade.

Students will also have the opportunity to select at least four elective classes after fifth grade, Erdoğan said. The Fundamental Religious Knowledge course will be offered as an elective, and students of different faiths will also be able to learn about their religions in this class. “Related subjects are already part of this class’s content for our Alevi citizens,” he noted.

In addition to compulsory language courses, elective language courses will also be offered, the prime minister said. There will be other elective courses available based on the student’s interests, covering a range of topics from science, mathematics, arts and social sciences.

Erdoğan said the introduction of elective Kurdish classes was the result of requests from Kurdish citizens, adding, “And they [the Kurdish community] should watch as a cautionary tale who will say what against this historic step taken by the AK Party.” He said supporters of the terrorist Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) were already criticizing the step and attempting to undermine it.

The first reaction to Erdoğan’s announcement came from Gültan Kışanak, co-chairperson of the Peace and Democracy Party (BDP). She said, “Everybody knows very well that basic language learning is completed by age 7 or 8. Mother language is a fundamental right. It should be used uninterruptedly with no restrictions. Nobody can employ mother tongue usage as a negotiating topic.”

The BDP wants Kurdish students to be taught all classes in Kurdish. The government accuses the BDP of supporting the PKK. The BDP denies any such links.

“Teaching a people their own language as an elective course is cruelty,” Kışanak said. “Let’s make it an elective course, let’s send them to Mr. Prime Minister and have them learn [Kurdish] as an elective course. What he is saying is, ‘Go to school, learn Turkish, become assimilated, and then learn your own language.’ This crime against humanity is being conducted at the hands of the AK Party.”

She said if a people did not have the chance to use their own language as the language of education they would not have a chance to pass it on to future generations.

Prime Minister Erdo
How popular is BDP amongst Kurds in Turkey?

Do most of them share this opinion?

Bro i am a Kurdish and i can say that BDP is extremist and racist so-called kurdish political party in Turkiye. Even they are politic branch of terrorist pkk. That's why they don't have much voters even most of their voters are threatened by pkk for voting BDP. Kurds love akp and its policies. They(BDP) don't have a single policy to solve problems. Pkk orders even commends them what they must to do ? So BDP doesn't represent Kurds.by the way.

About topic, I support this policy. This is great an opportunity for Turkiye. I hope gov. will manage this great opportunity well... Good job Tayyip. :enjoy:
The BDP got 6.7% vote in the 2011 election. Is the BDP popular among the kurds? My answer is no. They got supporters but the kurdish population in Turkiye is around 12-15 million (including Zazas) around 18-20% of the total population. So they only got 6.7% vote (The Terrorist PKK helped the BDP to get this vote ( The PKK threatened kurdish people to kill them unless they vote for the BDP) which means in my opinion they got supporters but not represent whole kurds or not popular among all kurds.
Bro i am a Kurdish and i can say that BDP is extremist and racist so-called kurdish political party in Turkiye. Even they are politic branch of terrorist pkk. That's why they don't have much voters even most of their voters are threatened by pkk for voting bdt. Kurds love akp and its policies. They don't have a single policy to solve problems. Pkk orders even commends them what they must to do ? by the way.

About topic, I support this policy. This is great an opportunity for Turkiye. I hope gov. will manage this great opportunity... Good job Tayyip. :enjoy:

I think multilinguistic is a good opportunity, but I fear that introducing foreign language in grade school is hazardous. perhaps it should be introduced in high school level.
It is elective course, I think it's a proper policy. In Denmark we have in primary schools german/french/spanish as elective courses, where Danish and English is obligatory. This means you can select either german/french or spanish as elective course (not all three of them).

I don't see any harm done here, I think Arabic should be an elective course too. Similarily to Denmark/Europe.
Turkish/English (Obligatory), Kurdish/Arabic and German should be elective in my opinion.
Useless idea.

Dear Targon, If you expect Kurds to be proud of living in Turkey, there is only one way and that is providing the internationally accepted human rights for them. I found the government of Turkey more logical in facing the so called "problem" but more diversity, in my opinion. At least they never claim Kurds were originally Turk! and alien Kurdified them. You know what I am talking about.

As TrMhMt said race and nationality are separated concepts. PKK should not be a reason to thought otherwise about Kurds. In fact spreading that kind of thought is the sole aim of PKK. Kurds never support PKK if they found them equal to others within a country.
Guys, I am a pro-Turkey, but I think what we have done to Kurds in Iran, Turkey, Iraq and Syria is unjustifiable, they have the right to learn their national language, perform their cultural rituals and have representatives in the Parliament.
Guys, I am a pro-Turkey, but I think what we have done to Kurds in Iran, Turkey, Iraq and Syria is unjustifiable, they have the right to learn their national language, perform their cultural rituals and have representatives in the Parliament.

we have done bad things against them in the past, no one can deny that. but with time we have learned and given them freedom and rights. now they can speak Kurdish freely in the country without being jailed. the last thing about parliament and Kurds.

we should only give parties right to gain a seat in parliament if they are against pkk and speaks against them, not being their dogs and use the parliament to deliver terrorist propaganda and message, wich bdp does.

even dogs are more human than them, you give a dog food. he becomes your friend for the rest of his life, you give Kurds more rights pkk kills even more people.

the more we give the more they want.
and bdp still finds a reason to cry when we give Kurds more rights...

It is very logical, By this action, government cuts a considerable supporters of PKK. That's why they talk so negative.
I am just in shock how many Turks here are traitors.

How can you guys as Turks accept such idiotic politics?? First of all that retard AKP did bring a PKK request alive this is 1. Second you guys dont nothing know about Turkish history but claiming to be a Turk and talking for Turkish state. The worst thing you can do is bring more languages then 1 alive. What is this elective course kurdish man? Like we have the right here in Europe to choos Turkish as elective course.

You guys dont know how the communist bastards tried to destroy the Turks by removing the Turkish language in several Turkish states? How can we speak about unity if we devide it with languages? What is next?? What is next?? Why we need to give the kurd their so called right. What kind of bullcrap right is this like if they are not talking kurdish inside home or outside with their friends??

Why they need to learn kurdish? Does kurds has a indepented state so they need to learn their languages good for future consular affairs???

Whats next a kurdish consul a embassy?? Ground? Federal state?? Stop saying NO thats not gionna happen..because traitorship is in your hearts and how you guys accepted the language you guys also will accept their federal state in Turkey.

Its hard to call you guys Turks.

Yemin ederim sehitlerimizin kemikleri sizliyor sizin gibi Turk olacaksa bu millet yok olsun daha iyi. Tüh sizin halinize.

Butun kininiz nefretiniz Turkluge karsi. Sizin icinizde bir damla Turk kani olsaydi boyle serefsiz kararlari desteklemezdiniz.

Ne haliniz varsa gorun.

Yaziklar olsun

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