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Primary threat to Pak is from within, not India

Is there an internal threat to Pakistan? Without a doubt, there is - what is this threat composed of? Murderous Utopians motivated by the articulation of Islam as a tool of politics and social control, they target civilians and security forces alike. What is the nature of threat? Primarily, one of an intense and unpopular insurgency with terrorism as it's main tactic.

Yet, is this the totality of the threat to the Pakistani nation and state? Indeed not, there is a larger, more dangerous threat to the Pakistani nation, it is the capability the Indian state has arrayed against it across the border - a massive capability composed of strike formations and aerial capability developed under the rubric of a doctrine known as "cold strike".

Indian friends and interlocutors, say their intentions are entirely friendly, yet we do not question our Indian friends intentions, it's the capability we take note of - indeed, were our Indian friends to match their capability with their intentions, these strike formations would be withdrawn and positioned such that there would be confidence the "cold start" doctrine has been assigned to history -- will our Indian friends do that??

We don't advise Pakistani readers to hold their breathe for the eventuality that the Indian will position these strike corps away from the Pakistani border. These offensive forces are designed to cause irreparable harm to the Pakistani nation and state, not just to it's territorial integrity but to it's very existence as a free nation.
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absolutely correct , india's biggest threats are communal forces , naxalites , casteism , corruption and poverty .

Most Indians will agree with you , that is the way we look at it.



Then why have the world's third largest military ? With some of the finest weaponry in the world. And why amass tanks and aircraft across the border against us with the intention of implementing "Cold Start" tactics incase of an armed conflict ?
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I will definitely think about the advice when some mods request it from me,afaik this is an open and free forum so that makes me to post anything that does not challenge anybodies integrity,u can believe whatever u want for ur posterity,but if u dont enjoy my post than put me in ignore list rather than arriving with lame advices.

my advice is anything but lame, Like i said before you don't like what we say or think, ignore it, don't quote it, don't ridicule our rationale and refrain from posting.

If you want to have a sane and intellectual debate than rather than insulting our community here, where you are a welcome guest... Learn to show respect to get respect.
nobody here will even admit that Pakistan is a threat to India,Pakistan at current stage is nothing more than just irritant's,our national media is more about this social discrimination's and naxalities than China,we know exactly what our problem is

And what makes you guys think we don't? Stop acting immature and accept Pakistan is aware and capable of handling its issues and threats. :pakistan:
my advice is anything but lame, Like i said before you don't like what we say or think, ignore it, don't quote it, don't ridicule our rationale and refrain from posting.

If you want to have a sane and intellectual debate than rather than insulting our community here, where you are a welcome guest... Learn to show respect to get respect.

When did i insulted u or any other member,did i posted any thing derogatory here,i said Pakistanis always perceive India as its enemy and will continue to do so,is that wrong,can u deny it,the initial post r still visible and very much speak about a common Pakistan citizen's thinking,but it was u who arrived with some unwanted comment's about what should i do
And what makes you guys think we don't? Stop acting immature and accept Pakistan is aware and capable of handling its issues and threats. :pakistan:

They have the nerve to call us narrow-minded when they themselves are housing prejudices... At least we can take solace in the fact that not all of them are like that.

I have noticed sweeping generalisations about Pakistanis and Pakistan are tolerated here... I for one am coming to the end of my thither on this.
I dont like other people telling Pakistanis who our primary threat is.

I am certain ISI and Pakistani military is more than capable enough to figure out who is the primary threat and who is the secondary threat to Pakistan.

I dont trust the opinions of westerners or indians because all they care about is their own interests not Pakistan's interests.
And what makes you guys think we don't? Stop acting immature and accept Pakistan is aware and capable of handling its issues and threats. :pakistan:

once again i never said Pakistan is not aware about its problem,but tell me dont u perceive India as its biggest threat,u people were urself responding in the initial post like that,my reply was only in response to a member here who said India consider Pakistan as its biggest threat which is completely absurd
Only just for the sake of a popular notion here,we r the aggressors with hegemonic ambition's:smitten:

I never implied that you are, I was merely hinting that our military strength is justified by yours, and vice versa. They are counterweights.
Indian army’s Corps XV, IX, XVI, X, XI, II and I plus the 3rd Armoured Division, 4th Rapid Division and 2nd Armoured Brigade plus air force stations at Jaisalmer, Utarlai and Bhuj, are arrayed against Pakistan border under the "cold start" doctrine - Indian friends say this doctrine is not operational - well, why not put substance into this stance by withdrawing and repositioning these offensive forces ???
political vilolence in Pakistan kills more people in Pakistan, than on the border with India each year.
If mods choose to delete this thread some exchange of bitter words can be saved...


a. What the hell has ToI got to do with this? The author of the article is not a ToI correspondent.

b. ToI/Times network comes up with pretty incisive stories at times. Case in point is their recent focus on some high profile corruption scandals in India.

c. Why only ToI? Why not Rupeenews, dailymailnews, markthetruth and the nation only to name a few? Oh and not to mention even the name of Zaid Hamid?

I don't understand why people have so demonised ToI here on PDF. It is true that they many times go overboard while reporting but hey, they also publish some pretty good stuff at times and what use is your education if you can't filter out the good stuff form the not so good stuff?

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