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Can anyone state what exactly does SCO stand for? what are its objectives? Is it a military alliance like NATO.. is it a economic alliance like EU? Is it something like quasi political-economic alliance like ASEAN? What are its common principals?
For now, it looks like SCO is just a paper tiger without any clear agenda, except being anti-west.
What is the pros and cons of becoming a full member of SCO?
Can anyone state what exactly does SCO stand for? what are its objectives? Is it a military alliance like NATO.. is it a economic alliance like EU? Is it something like quasi political-economic alliance like ASEAN? What are its common principals?
For now, it looks like SCO is just a paper tiger without any clear agenda, except being anti-west.
What is the pros and cons of becoming a full member of SCO?

As has been said many times before on this forum:

The SCO is a mutual security organization, that mostly concentrates on border security, counter-terrorism, and energy security.

Central Asia is one of the most energy-rich regions on the planet, and also one of the most vital in terms of geostrategy. Which is why Russia and China created this organization in the first place.
The proposal is already on the agenda of the SCO, and two of its full members - China and Russia - have begun initial discussions on it, sources said.

couldn't understand what for the troll running...
The SCO is a mutual security organization, that mostly concentrates on border security, counter-terrorism, and energy security.

can you please elaborate on this? What are the mechanisms built into to this organisation to achieve this stated objective?
If its objective is to safe guard the natural resources of central Asia, then what role has countries like India got? And safe guard from whom? Right now Russia and china are the biggest exploiters of central Asian hydrocarbons.
can you please elaborate on this? What are the mechanisms built into to this organisation to achieve this stated objective?
If its objective is to safe guard the natural resources of central Asia, then what role has countries like India got? And safe guard from whom? Right now Russia and china are the biggest exploiters of central Asian hydrocarbons.

nothing has yet achived on it , ever 6 month russians came complaining about non-coorporative behaviour of chinese authorities to check the drugs traffiking into their cities..
can you please elaborate on this? What are the mechanisms built into to this organisation to achieve this stated objective?
If its objective is to safe guard the natural resources of central Asia, then what role has countries like India got? And safe guard from whom? Right now Russia and china are the biggest exploiters of central Asian hydrocarbons.

Central Asia is one of the most resource-rich regions on the planet. And is often referred to as the "geostrategic pivot" of the world.

So yes, Russia and China obviously want more influence there. Any country that has any interest in resources or geopolitics should be interested.

There is also the issue of cross-border infiltration of terrorists and militants. From Central Asia, up into the southern parts of Russia, and into the Western regions of China. Though the ones complaining the most of this issue, have actually been the USA and India, the USA blames Afghanistan and India blames Pakistan.

So as before, the SCO is mainly about border security, energy resources and counter-terrorism in the region.

(The USA actually applied to join the SCO, but were rejected since they are not in Asia).
Vladimir Putin will be back as Russian President in 2012

So without India, there won�t be so called SCO expansion because permanent SCO members can reject any SCO member application, so Russia will add more pressure on India to join SCO, by the way India already applied for SCO membership, Pakistan applied SCO membership 2 years back, Both India & Pakistan will get SCO membership.
I do not think India will do a U turn on decision to join SCO. The govt had taken that decision as joining the SCO was in India's interests. It was a considered decision taken after considering all factors. There were no contrary opinions or protests by the opposition or any other stake holder. So, unless there has been a change in the ground rules, India's going back on its decision to join SCO makes no sense. I don't think there has been any alarming change that has altered the situation.
Comparing the SCO with the NATO doesn't make sense. Joining the SCO will open new markets for Indian industry, it will also give India greater say in regional/Asian matters. The stability of the region is likely to be strengthened. It is in India's interests to join both the SCO and the ASEAN.
India should avoid joining military blocks at all costs. So far, the SCO does not qualify as a military block, maybe it never will. That despite certain media people calling it Eurasian counterpart of the NATO which it is not.
Free trade is another thing all together. Such free trade with no barriers will benefit only the Chinese and harm the Indian industry. Is joining the free trade agreement a condition for SCO membership? I don't think so but if it is then we will be better off without the SCO.
The SCO constitution states very clearly that it is NOT a "military bloc" and is not directed at anyone.

It is an organisation that is based around cooperation on border security and energy security.
That's what the people in the civilian level wants. However, the ones running the country may not agree especially if Pakistan is in it. India will not be happy to see Pakistan getting closer to members of the SCO (especially with Russia) and be left out of it. You will see what I mean in due time.

Trust me, as much as the folks on the ground level may or may not want it, they see and judge CHina by her actions. Simple. The more you aid and weaponize PAkistan, the more you release harsh statements, the more you cross the LOC, etc. will not leave a favorable impression on Indians forever. It is already changing not in China;s favor. China should stop talking, and start acting...
Here is a map of the Central Asian region as defined by UNESCO:


Central Asia is often referred to as the "geographic pivot of history".

This region was the focus of the "great game" between the British empire and the Russian empire in the 19th century. And we now have analysts talking about the "new great game", although the specifics are open to interpretation.
Here is a map of the Central Asian region as defined by UNESCO:


Central Asia is often referred to as the "geographic pivot of history".

This region was the focus of the "great game" between the British empire and the Russian empire in the 19th century. And we now have analysts talking about the "new great game", although the specifics are open to interpretation.

wtf.....new delhi is in central asia ? !
wtf.....new delhi is in central asia ? !

The Central Asian "region" as defined by UNESCO. Or alternatively, Middle Asia.

Not necessarily Central Asia proper, it includes the surrounding regions too.

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