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Pressure on India to join Shanghai club

Trust me, as much as the folks on the ground level may or may not want it, they see and judge CHina by her actions. Simple. The more you aid and weaponize PAkistan, the more you release harsh statements, the more you cross the LOC, etc. will not leave a favorable impression on Indians forever. It is already changing not in China;s favor. China should stop talking, and start acting...

Misterme Ji, fact of the matter is everybody judges by others actions and act accordingly. More specifically politics always changes and believe it or not economics plays a huge role in it. With the rate of China's growth come great influence in military and global politics. Therefore it is not to China's interests to leave a favorable impression nor are we here to please India. It has always been about mutual benefits. Should India act too hastily and crosses the line, she will be dealt with an appropriate response. It is as simple as that. Heck, we don't even look to India as a sole/main competitor.

China have always been a country that acts more and talk less. We are not a democratic country that spends day in day out arguing with opposition parties and procrastinating on every problem. You don't have to worry about that aspect of China.
Central Asia is one of the most resource-rich regions on the planet. And is often referred to as the "geostrategic pivot" of the world.

So yes, Russia and China obviously want more influence there. Any country that has any interest in resources or geopolitics should be interested.

There is also the issue of cross-border infiltration of terrorists and militants. From Central Asia, up into the southern parts of Russia, and into the Western regions of China. Though the ones complaining the most of this issue, have actually been the USA and India, the USA blames Afghanistan and India blames Pakistan.

So as before, the SCO is mainly about border security, energy resources and counter-terrorism in the region.

(The USA actually applied to join the SCO, but were rejected since they are not in Asia).

None of the SCO objectives meets India's goals in the region. Our concerns are in our immediate neighbourhood. Cross border infiltration and terrorism for us comes from across our western borders and not from central Asia. As far as fighting terrorism is concerned, we have seen how much China has shown its commitment in protecting the terrorists targeting India. Russia and India have been facing and tackling the Islamic terrorism for many decades now on their own. Why now should China or any other country expect India to join them when they are now facing similar problems?
Its in best interest of India to stay away from such grouping which are basically aimed against other groupings. We need to repackage the Non-aligned movement to suit the present global situation.

BTW. You still have not stated what are the mechanisms inside SCO to achieve the stated goals of border security, energy resources and counter-terrorism in the region??
None of the SCO objectives meets India's goals in the region. Our concerns are in our immediate neighbourhood. Cross border infiltration and terrorism for us comes from across our western borders and not from central Asia. As far as fighting terrorism is concerned, we have seen how much China has shown its commitment in protecting the terrorists targeting India. Russia and India have been facing and tackling the Islamic terrorism for many decades now on their own. Why now should China or any other country expect India to join them when they are now facing similar problems?
Its in best interest of India to stay away from such grouping which are basically aimed against other groupings. We need to repackage the Non-aligned movement to suit the present global situation.

No problem. If India doesn't join, then more influence for Russia and China in resource-rich Central Asia. :lol:

If India does join, it will have to be a part of the Free Trade Zone, and its industries will be swamped by China, even more than it already is.
Its in best interest of India to stay away from such grouping which are basically aimed against other groupings. We need to repackage the Non-aligned movement to suit the present global situation.

i think india should join the put the SCO into it's rightfull path..
Cut the emo crap.

India will join it when India feel it's good for the Indian economy. If India feels it is not so good for the economy, India will not join it.

As of now, its not in India's interests.

Any free trade agreement with an export based economy like China will only hurt Indian interests.

However, if the eurozone crisis and US economy worsens and Indian industry pick up some momentum, India could join the SCO to protect its own exports. However, that is unlikely since Indian exports aare not such a huge factor in Indian economy as Chinese exports are in Chinese economy.

Indian economy is mostly internal-consumption oriented. Chinese economy is export oriented.

India could join SCO if and when things change for Indian exports. This looks highly unlikely given the current global economic scenario.

China's exports and India's exports as a percentage of the economy is similar: 1/4 for China, 1/6 for India. Both these values are below South Korea and Germany.

China is instead an investment based economy, distinguished from both consumption and export economies by a large public sector spending big on public goods. Currently, its split 40/35/25 with consumption/investment/export.
Pressure on India to join Shanghai club

BEIJING: India has come under renewed pressure to join the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) as it tries to create a free trade zone among member countries. India is an observer at the SCO, but has been reluctant to become a full member.

The proposal is already on the agenda of the SCO, and two of its full members - China and Russia - have begun initial discussions on it, sources said.

Chinese officials, in particular, are pushing for the proposal because the uncertain economic conditions in Europe and the US pose serious danger to its exports.

Pressure on India to join Shanghai club - The Times of India

India should form its own UN or other club and go play with itself.
Misterme Ji, fact of the matter is everybody judges by others actions and act accordingly. More specifically politics always changes and believe it or not economics plays a huge role in it. With the rate of China's growth come great influence in military and global politics. Therefore it is not to China's interests to leave a favorable impression nor are we here to please India. It has always been about mutual benefits. Should India act too hastily and crosses the line, she will be dealt with an appropriate response. It is as simple as that. Heck, we don't even look to India as a sole/main competitor.

China have always been a country that acts more and talk less. We are not a democratic country that spends day in day out arguing with opposition parties and procrastinating on every problem. You don't have to worry about that aspect of China.

May I know what is that 'appropriate' action be.

Anyway, on the topic, SCO doesn't make much sense for India. SCO is projected in the western media as some sort of an alliance against the interests of west, and there is no need for India to unnecessarily antagonize the west
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