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Presstv:in 2050 saudi, turkish, Pakistans GDP-PPP better than Irans

I am glad that the total number is what you stated. I got the half a million number from Iranian sources. I didn't mean or intend to enlarge the number. I have got a big heart man and I hate wars and killing. These men have pretty ladies that cried long for their usless pershing. That war was among the ones I really hated as it led to the ME's gradual distrction we see today. Where did I lie specfically? It was Canadian Iranians that told me about Khomeni's mistake of prolonging the war. Before that, I thought Saddam did. 8 years is just way too long for any war and I am finding it difficult that it couldn't have been resolved. What I also know (from Arabic resources) is that Saddam wanted to consider an eariler closure of the war chapter. The same was Khaminai and Rafsanjani's opinon. Khomeni however resisted and gave up eventually (but after 8 years).
So words of a few random Canadian Iranians are now God's word?You believed them? The fact is, you believed them because you wanted to believe it. You do know that there are Iranians who hate IR and will tell anything that suits their agenda. Hell, there are MeK terrorists who sided with Saddam and actually fought against Iran in that war. So taking words of few random guys in Canada is as ridiculous as it gets.
Pakistan has a huge population compared to the Middle Eastern countries.

Pakistan's economy should be larger.
So words of a few random Canadian Iranians are now God's word?You believed them? The fact is, you believed them because you wanted to believe it. You do know that there are Iranians who hate IR and will tell anything that suits their agenda. Hell, there are MeK terrorists who sided with Saddam and actually fought against Iran in that war. So taking words of few random guys in Canada is as ridiculous as it gets.

No sir, it wasn't only these dispora Persians that told me. There are sources that back it up. See the link leading to BBC article below.

Many of the countries in the region tried hard to mediate to shorten the war's lengthy time (whereby both Iraq and Iran will return to their boarders). That includes KSA by the way. KSA's leadership supported Iraq for the sectarian/Persian nationalist Khomeni agenda not to succeed. Khomeni didn't believe in diplomacy much, nor he believed in keeping good relations with neighbors. He demanded the exportation of the revolution on sectarian basis. Siding with him over Iraq was basically insane. Neutrality could have been chosen, but all what I have read suggested that Iraq would have fallen without support. It wasn't also an option to see the Persian Khomeni conquering Iraq. Hence, the painful and terrible support KSA provided to Saddam. Khomeni refused to end the war early, despite the opposition he encountered internally from people like Rafsanjani. Didn't he say that ending it was like drinking a cup of poison? Rafsanjani succeeded eventually in persuading him after the loss of half a million Iranians.
The first real peace plan which included determination of aggressor, respecting the international borders and compensate was 598 resolution .... before that all ceasefire plans lacked these items so we couldn't accept them ... before war Saddam tore Algeria agreements right before cameras and then attacked Iran , how was it possible for Iran to trust him while he was invading our lands Iran during war later on? when we accepted the 598 resolution he armed MKO terrorists and sent them inside Iran ... and after war he invaded Kuwait ... therefore it wasn't Iran which didn't want to continue the war actually we had no option just to defend ourselves till Saddam and his supporters were convinced that they can not clinch victory. if there was no support of Saddam war had been over in the first month ...
The first real peace plan which included determination of aggressor, respecting the international borders and compensate was 598 resolution .... before that all ceasefire plans lacked these items so we couldn't accept them ... before war Saddam tore Algeria agreements right before cameras and then attacked Iran , how was it possible for Iran to trust him while he was invading our lands Iran during war later on? when we accepted the 598 resolution he armed MKO terrorists and sent them inside Iran ... and after war he invaded Kuwait ... therefore it wasn't Iran which didn't want to continue the war actually we had no option just to defend ourselves till Saddam and his supporters were convinced that they can not clinch victory. if there was no support of Saddam war had been over in the first month ...

Well, it all goes back to the tazis as always مرگ بر سوسمار خور
It has nothing to do with Iranian themselves, as people we're far smarter and ahead of arabs or any other immigrant group in west. But to have the same effect inside Iran we have to create a system free of tazism.

Indians, Jews, Chinese immigrants here in the West might disagree with you on that.:D

I do agree that Iranians in general are quite smart and educated and enlightened. Seems its the regime/clerics policies that has been holding the country back. Normally Iran should be the wealthiest country in the Muslim world giving its people skills,education,enlightenment and the country's massive oil and gas reserves(top 3 largest in the world). Yet due to the mullahs policies the country has been lagging behind almost all its major Arab peers, and Iranians are among the largest people coming from a non war torn country seeking asylum in western countries.:disagree:

Iran on other hand has the disadvantages of democratic institutions, bureaucracy, mismanagement and a nasty ideology. In long term we'll reach our goals, the future looks bright, that's what I'm sure about. I'm fierce anti-islamist, but it doesnt mean that I don't like my country or don't believe my country, it's actually because I love my country extremely.
Interesting, i have hardly ever seen someone from the region with your point of view on here.:cheesy:
I do like the point you made though.
Im sure Iran will be in a better economic state than the Saudi's even though both are heavily reliant on oil.
well , if we had less thieves , even now we could stand among top 15 ... but I don't see much hope for my country with current administrators .... In My Opinion , even spring election wont change this , because there is no capable candidate and this is ridicules for us with such culture and history ....

Well, it all goes back to the tazis as always مرگ بر سوسمار خور
If you think we bother ourselves by chanting above sentence , you are very wrong ....
Indians, Jews, Chinese immigrants here in the West might disagree with you on that.:D

I do agree that Iranians in general are quite smart and educated and enlightened.
Seems its the regime/clerics policies that has been holding the country back. Normally Iran should be the wealthiest country in the Muslim world giving its people skills,education,enlightenment and the country's massive oil and gas reserves(top 3 largest in the world). Yet due to the mullahs policies the country has been lagging behind almost all its major Arab peers, and Iranians are among the largest people coming from a non war torn country seeking asylum in western countries.:disagree:

Interesting, i have hardly ever seen someone from the region with your point of view on here.:cheesy:
I do like the point you made though.
From the settled immigrants we rank 2nd in high earners, concluding indirectly that it's due to high educational background of them. Children with Iranian, Indian, Chinese, Srilankan background also score above average in UK.
The same will happen for the new Iranian immigrants and their kids.
With the islamic regime and their ideology, we'll do the same what the french revolution did with the church. We'll settle the score with them.
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well , if we had less thieves , even now we could stand among top 15 ... but I don't see much hope for my country with current administrators .... In My Opinion , even spring election wont change this , because there is no capable candidate and this is ridicules for us with such culture and history ....

If you think we bother ourselves by chanting above sentence , you are very wrong ....

I am chanting not you.
False/lies. Your naked ancestors climbed trees for food when we were governing empires and inventing our own writing system, importing todays nummeral system from our Indian cousins. Burn in your rage :lol: and don't quote me anymore animal.


I'm also half Dutch so my ancestors were also innovating and conquering savages across the world. I'm very sure that most Iranian "inventions" are based off Mesopotamian/Greek/Indian innovations so I'm not sure what you are talking about in that regard. Most Iranians I see in my Mother's home city are protesting their home countries government and handing out anti-IR flyers to people who don't give a damn.

Also calling me an "animal" based upon my African ancestry is interesting isn't it?

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