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Saudi Arabia, Bahrain & Oman are all now richer than Israel / How US Aid ruined Israels Economy

You ignored the other factors that I mentioned namely the constant flow of foreign Jews, often wealthy, who become Israeli citizens overnight.
The overwhelming majority of migrants are from Arab countries (who mostly were not allowed to take any property at all) and from East Europe, who are not so rich. Recently also from Ethiopia (who have nothing). Migration from Western countries is more than minor.

The donations and aid is still significant.
How much are these donations? Billion? 2 billions?

UAE sales 2,595,000 barrels a day. Thats over 90 bln $ a year, not including gas.

There is a difference between foreign aid/donations and ones OWN resources. Whether oil, gas, minerals or whatever.
Resources is not something u earned, is just pure luck.

Yet still bigger.

I never said that Kuwait had a bigger population.
You said similar. Two times lower is not similar.

According to the IMF data of 2013 then it looked like this:

Saudi Arabia:



Thats PPP. Real dollars matter much more.

Why are Palestinians living in such a poverty then? And how reliable are those Jewish media/data?
Because they work less and make more children. Same like Orthodox Jews. Even Jewish women work more than Arab men in Israel.
The overwhelming majority of migrants are from Arab countries (who mostly were not allowed to take any property at all) and from East Europe, who are not so rich. Recently also from Ethiopia (who have nothing). Migration from Western countries is more than minor.

How much are these donations? Billion? 2 billions?

UAE sales 2,595,000 barrels a day. Thats over 90 bln $ a year, not including gas.

Resources is not something u earned, is just pure luck.


You said similar. Two times lower is not similar.

Thats PPP. Real dollars matter much more.

Because they work less and make more children. Same like Orthodox Jews. Even Jewish women work more than Arab men in Israel.

So you are telling me that there are not dozens of rich Jewish oligarchs and other wealthy Jews who are migrating to Israel from across the world with their families? That's not what i have heard/read.

They are significant.

Well, Israel did not earn its location either. It could have been a landlocked country whose territory was covered by tundra or ice 90%.

Yes, but compared to its size. Kuwait is smaller than Israel.

How so? You forget that migrants are included there. If it was purely Saudi Arabian citizens then I am sure that KSA's GDP per capita would be bigger.

You mean Palestinians. I don't know anything about that. Maybe they don't' want to integrate and consider Palestine their own country or not fond of supporting Israel directly economically. What do I know?
So you are telling me that there are not dozens of rich Jewish oligarchs and other wealthy Jews who are migrating to Israel from across the world with their families? That's not what i have heard/read.
Out of 18 Israeli billionaires only two are migrated from abroad. There is also many Israelis who migrate to US.

Well, Israel did not earn its location either. It could have been a landlocked country whose territory was covered by tundra or ice 90%.
Israel is mostly covered with sand.

How so? You forget that migrants are included there. If it was purely Saudi Arabian citizens then I am sure that KSA's GDP per capita would be bigger.
Without these foreign citizens gulf countries simply cant maintain themselves. Also foreigners who come are all young people who ciontribute a lot to GNP.

You mean Palestinians.
I am talking about the Israeli Arabs.

I don't know anything about that. Maybe they don't' want to integrate and consider Palestine their own country or not fond of supporting Israel directly economically. What do I know?
Its matter of preferences. For example Christian Arabs have few children (fewer than Jews), get education and work and their income is similar to Jews. Bedouin Arabs on other other hand makes scores of children and almost dont work. They are the poorest. Regular Muslim Arabs are in the middle.
GDP per capita isn't a beneficial measure when speaking strategically, so I'm not sure what the original's posts main point was. GDP/GNP are the principal measures.

That said, Israel's economic/innovative advantage is being eroded in the region, due in large to rapid economic diversification in the Gulf and strong growth in Turkey. Iran less so; its economy is miserable and demographics aren't going to help it either.

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