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Presstv:in 2050 saudi, turkish, Pakistans GDP-PPP better than Irans

So in your opinions the tazis are behind Iran economic problem (despite Iranians being the least religious in the ME)?
Tazi ideology inside Iran: government, politics, media, laws, sports and everything. It doesnt work and is responsible for enemies feeling stronger towards us, brain drain and other deceases in our country.
It has nothing to do with Iranian themselves, as people we're far smarter and ahead of arabs or any other immigrant group in west. But to have the same effect inside Iran we have to create a system free of tazism.
If I'm not wrong in 1999 Turkey already had decided to become a candidate state for EU, but therefore they had to implement deep reforms in the economy, they were related to each other. That was before erdogan/akp. However no one denies growth and reform of Turkish economy during Erdogan.

The official EU candidate status was more like a public promise for (political) reforms rather than the consequence of successfully completed big economical reforms.
Tazi ideology inside Iran: government, politics, media, laws, sports and everything. It doesnt work and is responsible for enemies feeling stronger towards us, brain drain and other deceases in our country.
It has nothing to do with Iranian themselves, as people we're far smarter and ahead of arabs or any other immigrant group in west. But to have the same effect inside Iran we have to create a system free of tazism.

Why some of the tazis themselves do fairly better than Iran (despite being inseparable from tazism)?
The official EU candidate status was more like a public promise for (political) reforms rather than the consequence of successfully completed big economical reforms.
And how would you explain the effect of Kemal Dervis reforms that started before akp government, for the turkish economy after akp won the elections.

Why some of the tazis themselves do fairly better than Iran (despite being inseparable from tazism)?
Tazis/arabs have a lot of oil + not a big population compared to Iran + ties to all countries (independence, protecting palestinians is less important). They pick up the phone, call and gather some westerners, bengalis, indians, pakistanis to their things and it works. Not much to do with brains, tazis/arabs didnt even have coins to have a normal economy in ancient times. They had a primitive, basic form of economy.
So it's not a miracle that tazi/arab economy of gcc is better than Irans.
And how would you explain the effect of Kemal Dervis reforms that started before akp government, for the turkish economy after akp won the elections.
Kemal Dervis ≠ EU
Kemal Dervis = IMF

But it was Erdogan who intensified and expanded the reform agenda drastically after he got elected. Dervis wasn't as brave as Erdogan. There is no excuse. We owe Erdogan but today he needs to adjust his policies otherwise we will have major problems in the future.
And how would you explain the effect of Kemal Dervis reforms that started before akp government, for the turkish economy after akp won the elections.

Tazis/arabs have a lot of oil + not a big population compared to Iran + ties to all countries (independence, protecting palestinians is less important). They pick up the phone, call and gather some westerners, bengalis, indians, pakistanis to their things and it works. Not much to do with brains, tazis/arabs didnt even have coins to have a normal economy in ancient times. They had a primitive, basic form of economy.
So it's not a miracle that tazi/arab economy of gcc is better than Irans.

Drop the economy for a second. I am talking about management in general. See how Qatar and the UAE are managed. Oman has a relatively low oil production (output is 800 thousands - 1 million barrels with a lot of it for internal consumption). Yet, it seems better managed than Iran. Why is that?
Im sure Iran will be in a better economic state than the Saudi's even though both are heavily reliant on oil.
Do you really/actually believe in the propaganda about Arabs / Saudis being bedoins.... living in tents, with no infrastructure!
I'm posting a video below, of a tiny city in KSA, just becuase it was my home town for couple of years.
Industrial infra. around those townships are equally amazing. Iran may build cities like Saudi but they can't match Saudi Industrial infra. not even in 50 years to come.
Now... the moment of truth:
Drop the economy for a second. I am talking about management in general. See how Qatar and the UAE are managed. Oman has a relatively low oil production (output is 800 thousands - 1 million barrels with a lot of it for internal consumption). Yet, it seems better managed than Iran. Why is that?
Then Yemen should also be doing fine, same people, language, culture and between oman and saudi, not much oil. As I said they've simple economies based on oil and gas, some places less than the other, tourism.. but their population is also not that big, so per capita result are not bad. They've almost no democratic/complex institutions (they're autocratic), so decisions are made fast with close oversight and control. Their primitive form of governing gives them some advantages as metioned. Further they let Foreigners do the low skill labour, but also the high skill labour, they let them manage the projects.

Iran on other hand has the disadvantages of democratic institutions, bureaucracy, mismanagement and a nasty ideology. In long term we'll reach our goals, the future looks bright, that's what I'm sure about. I'm fierce anti-islamist, but it doesnt mean that I don't like my country or don't believe my country, it's actually because I love my country extremely.
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Then Yemen should also be doing fine, same people, language, culture and between oman and saudi, not much oil. As I said they've simple economies based on oil and gas, some places less than the other, tourism.. but their population is also not that big, so per capita result are not bad. They've almost no democratic/complex institutions (they're autocratic), so decisions are made fast with close oversight and control. Their primitive form of governing gives them some advantages as metioned. Further they let Foreigners do the low skill labour, but also the high skill labour, they let them manage the projects.

Iran on other hand has the disadvantages of democratic institutions, bureaucracy, mismanagement and a nasty ideology. In long term we'll reach our goals, the future looks bright, that's what I'm sure about. I'm fierce anti-islamist, but it doesnt mean that I don't like my country or don't believe my country, it's actually because I love my country extremely.

Should all Iranians just say out and loud "marg bar Tazian"?
Should all Iranians just say out and loud "marg bar Tazian"?
I'm against marg bar slogan. If Iran has interests in the region they should persue their interests like in Syria, Iraq (we don't want ISIS as neighbours)>> trade, military cooperation, settling score with the enemy. These are the few aspects that I like about our tazi system.
But one then is entitled to ask, why my regime (the Iranian regime) couldn't reduce the war's lengthy time, and why is the whole world imposed sanctions on my country? The Iran-Iraq war is far less complicated than WW II, yet it took longer time to finish than WW II. There would not have been any sanctions if the Iranian regime realizes the point where it should stop. Politics is the art of what you can achieve, not what you hope you can achieve.
We couldn't reduce the war's lengthy time 'cause the other side was supported financially politically and armed to teeth in a way that Saddam used chemical weapons against his own people and also Iranian and no one raised a finger therefore it wasn't a fair war it was imposed upon us , while we inherited an army that had been run with 100k American consultants and was completely dependent on foreign technical aids before revolution and all the sudden lost all supports , an army that suffered military coup and at best was 40% ready to fight ....
We couldn't reduce the war's lengthy time 'cause Saddam was an dictator, it wasn't just Iran he hurts later on he bit the hands that fed him by invading Kuwait ... you know Politics is the art of what you can achieve, not what you hope you can achieve.
Keep in mind that on the one hand Iran has more natural recourses than Saudi Arabia but on the other hand it has more people to feed. Under normal circumstances, Iran would be as rich as Saudi Arabia and therefore significantly richer than Turkey. And as a Turk I'm totally fine with this idea. Having a strong and rich and large neighbouring country comes with many benefits for our economy.

The current Turkish figures are generally neither excellent nor very bad.
Well our economy grew only 50% in the last 15 years (since AKP took over). For an advancing economy, that looks bad.
We couldn't reduce the war's lengthy time 'cause the other side was supported financially politically and armed to teeth in a way that Saddam used chemical weapons against his own people and also Iranian and no one raised a finger therefore it wasn't a fair war it was imposed upon us , while we inherited an army that had been run with 100k American consultants and was completely dependent on foreign technical aids before revolution and all the sudden lost all supports , an army that suffered military coup and at best was 40% ready to fight ....
We couldn't reduce the war's lengthy time 'cause Saddam was an dictator, it wasn't just Iran he hurts later on he bit the hands that fed him by invading Kuwait ... you know Politics is the art of what you can achieve, not what you hope you can achieve.
Many of the countries in the region tried hard to mediate to shorten the war's lengthy time (whereby both Iraq and Iran will return to their boarders). That includes KSA by the way. KSA's leadership supported Iraq for the sectarian/Persian nationalist Khomeni agenda not to succeed. Khomeni didn't believe in diplomacy much, nor he believed in keeping good relations with neighbors. He demanded the exportation of the revolution on sectarian basis. Siding with him over Iraq was basically insane. Neutrality could have been chosen, but all what I have read suggested that Iraq would have fallen without support. It wasn't also an option to see the Persian Khomeni conquering Iraq. Hence, the painful and terrible support KSA provided to Saddam. Khomeni refused to end the war early, despite the opposition he encountered internally from people like Rafsanjani. Didn't he say that ending it was like drinking a cup of poison? Rafsanjani succeeded eventually in persuading him after the loss of half a million Iranians.
We are in war since 80's but you have to know it because all our neighbours used pkk against us to slow-down Turkey.We spent much more than Iran but we are hardworking people we done better than you without petrol moneyo_O

What do you mean you are at war since 80s? You think Iran hasn't been fighting terror? When you were fighting PKK in 80s, we were fighting Kurdish Guerrillas who were more powerful than PKK at that time, and at the same time, fighting thousands of MeK terrorists inside Iran, while fighting a costly conventional war with Iraq. These two are not even comparable. The thing is, we managed to crush them all and kick them out of Iran, you didn't. About economy, I do agree that we could have done better, but still sanctions are a major factor here, Turkey was never under sanctions like Iran was, had free trade with US, Europe and other countries. The comparison between Iran and Turkey in this regard is lame at its best.

If Turkey was under sanctions like Iran, the comparison would make sense, but not now.

Many of the countries in the region tried hard to mediate to shorten the war's lengthy time (whereby both Iraq and Iran will return to their boarders). That includes KSA by the way. KSA's leadership supported Iraq for the sectarian/Persian nationalist Khomeni agenda not to succeed. Khomeni didn't believe in diplomacy much, nor he believed in keeping good relations with neighbors. He demanded the exportation of the revolution on sectarian basis. Siding with him over Iraq was basically insane. Neutrality could have been chosen, but all what I have read suggested that Iraq would have fallen without support. It wasn't also an option to see the Persian Khomeni conquering Iraq. Hence, the painful and terrible support KSA provided to Saddam. Khomeni refused to end the war early, despite the opposition he encountered internally from people like Rafsanjani. Didn't he say that ending it was like drinking a cup of poison? Rafsanjani succeeded eventually in persuading him after the loss of half a million Iranians.

No one believes this nonsense, except yourself and other fellow Saudis and Co.

You know you are lying when even the numbers you give are lies. The official number of martyrs in Iran during war, with all names and information, military or civilian, stands for roughly 280,000 people. When you don't even know this, rest of what you say doesn't mean jack.
What do you mean you are at war since 80s? You think Iran hasn't been fighting terror? When you were fighting PKK in 80s, we were fighting Kurdish Guerrillas who were more powerful than PKK at that time, and at the same time, fighting thousands of MeK terrorists inside Iran, while fighting a costly conventional war with Iraq. These two are not even comparable. The thing is, we managed to crush them all and kick them out of Iran, you didn't. About economy, I do agree that we could have done better, but still sanctions are a major factor here, Turkey was never under sanctions like Iran was, had free trade with US, Europe and other countries. The comparison between Iran and Turkey in this regard is lame at its best.

If Turkey was under sanctions like Iran, the comparison would make sense, but not now.

No one believes this nonsense, except yourself and other fellow Saudis and Co.

You know you are lying when even the numbers you give are lies. The official number of martyrs in Iran during war, with all names and information, military or civilian, stands for roughly 280,000 people. When you don't even know this, rest of what you say doesn't mean jack.

I am glad that the total number is what you stated. I got the half a million number from Iranian sources. I didn't mean or intend to enlarge the number. I have got a big heart man and I hate wars and killing. These men have pretty ladies that cried long for their usless pershing. That war was among the ones I really hated as it led to the ME's gradual distrction we see today. Where did I lie specfically? It was Canadian Iranians that told me about Khomeni's mistake of prolonging the war. Before that, I thought Saddam did. 8 years is just way too long for any war and I am finding it difficult that it couldn't have been resolved. What I also know (from Arabic resources) is that Saddam wanted to consider an eariler closure of the war chapter. The same was Khaminai and Rafsanjani's opinon. Khomeni however resisted and gave up eventually (but after 8 years).
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