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President Xi Jinping Visits Pakistan.

retard what is the mistake of those who voted for PMLN in sindh and karachi.

if u guys have problem with Sindh and karachi then give us freedom.

Pakistan = Punjab thats reality.

Since when did PML-N get votes in Sindh ? For god's sake stop this. For the last few decades you people have been spreading venom and hate. Look around you, Karachi is a dead horse. If SIndhis and Urdu Muhajirs can't even sit together and they keep voting and supporting for the same PPP, Musharraf League, and MQM then what good is it ? All these parties have been in power the most and even while they were in federal government they did nothing, not even in their home province. I think even recent efforts by PTI, won't get them any far. They will continue to stay as a minority. The reality is problem is within you.
Reality is PPP and MQM is F**king Karachi and Sindh go cry before them 18th amendment for PPP presented it each Province can do or build what ever they want... They also Signed Projects By Punjab Gov not only Pakistan GOv...

The funny thing is while PPP and MQM were in Federal government from 2008-2013 Punjab government was still performing better. Can't understand why one can still blame others. lol
Looks like Nawaz Sharif played the Punjab card on this as always. The main highway route was suppose to go through Baluchistan and KPK; then enters PMLN and changes the route to go almost entirely through Punjab.
Na kar yaar.
This picture only shows one route. There will be multiple routes. Like from balochistan to mianwali, chakwal, rawalpindi to KKH.
I request Mod's to delete all political posts from this thread. PTI fan boys are obviously not happy and some raising senseless points like IK was wearing shalwar qameez and PM was wearing suit. If PMLN complete some of big energy projects on time, they are favourite to win next election.
If PMLN complete some of big energy projects on time, they are favourite to win next election.

I am pro PTI guy, but if NS pulls this project successfully (which is happening already so far) then i am voting for PML-N in next election.

Lets hope that IK pulls something off of similar scale or (at least does something economically good in KP).
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