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President Trump launches military strike against the Al-Assad regime

That was to prevent any Russian casualties rather than to try test Russian countering of low flying cruise missiles.

Yes if there is adequate infra in place for cruise missile detection and networking. "Any" missile is of course a stretch, there will be a probability of intercept for every scenario even within perfect detection + tracking windows.
so many countries dreams of absolute air superiority broken.
With relevant target acquisition capability and networking, the S-400 is definitely a potent system against cruise missiles. The interceptors themselves have no performance problems against cruise missiles. The issue is what detection and networking assets you have in play.

Standard vanilla radar on S-400 would definitely have issues against an unexpected cruise missile barrage. But a cruise-missile/ L-O aircraft optimised radar (probably has to be phased array picking up atmospheric RCS propagation) with C4I networking from the air based radars as well....is quite a capable system against almost any aerial threat (provided you have enough interceptors).

For last mile integration....you would essentially need to run this system against such threats (that you provide in testing) and create the relevant algorithms based on your terrain and expected attack vectors etc.

Russia would not have deployed anything of this level in Syria quite simply....Syria is simply nowhere near the level of Moscow etc.. in their military strategy.

You may want to read what I just posted.
DON'T try it bro they are utter dumb pe@@@le, not understand technically capabilities of s 400 and not understand what version india acquire, Chinese s 400 are great because dady acquire, russian s 400 are also great because Russian are their next godfather, the only and only problem with india, or kuj na samj mn ae tu bechare yeh keh dete han our pilots better, our army men better, our navy men are better our people are better but in reality everyone know who's living in stone age era
That was to prevent any Russian casualties rather than to try test Russian countering of low flying cruise missiles.

Yes if there is adequate infra in place for cruise missile detection and networking. "Any" missile is of course a stretch, there will be a probability of intercept for every scenario even within perfect detection + tracking windows.

Russians may also be pissed off by Assad's use of gas.
If they do not protect him, they get several things.
  • A chance to make noise vs the US
  • A lesson for Assad
  • They save $50-100M
Russians may also be pissed off by Assad's use of gas.
If they do not protect him, they get several things.
  • A chance to make noise vs the US
  • A lesson for Assad
  • They save $50-100M
Do you have any evidence that it was Assad and not rebels who launched the attack? Because you are speaking so confidently that it would seem you have been there.
Do you have any evidence that it was Assad and not rebels who launched the attack? Because you are speaking so confidently that it would seem you have been there.

The UN has named Assad the perpetrator for similar attacks before.
If Russians do not approve, that is good enough reason.
Putin is also not an American like you but both of you campaigned for Trump, did you not? Oh, don't be shy now!
I'm neither American, nor did I campaign for anyone. Any further comment regarding such false allegations will result in a negative rating, and a report to the mods. I suggest you pick your next words very carefully.
The UN has named Assad the perpetrator for similar attacks before.
If Russians do not approve, that is good enough reason.



You do realise Trump is helping the same kind of people who mowed down Swedish children in a truck.
Iranian and Assad regimes are creators of all modern terrorism. First suicide terror attacks were made by Iranians with support of Assad regime. They also promoted Sunni terrorism as well.

This title is false in 2 places:

1) First of all that's not the UN, but only Carla del Ponte.
2) Secondly she only said that they MAY used.

In final UN report they found no evidence for it. In fact there is no evidence that the attack actually had place.

Multiple Air crafts hit the city of Khan Shaykun with air strikes. The same city that was hit with a chemical attack. The Air crafts are reportedly taking of from the same Air Base which was hit by US missiles. The Syrian Air crafts are continuously pounding the Al-Nusra held city with bombs.

Further reports indicate of Russian Battle ship group present in the Mediterranean sea. Report of Russian Submarines are also present of the coast of Syria.

Iranian and Assad regimes are creators of all modern terrorism. First suicide terror attacks were made by Iranians with support of Assad regime. They also promoted Sunni terrorism as well.
The first ever terrorist attack was done in France.
Multiple Air crafts hit the city of Khan Shaykun with air strikes. The same city that was hit with a chemical attack. The Air crafts are reportedly taking of from the same Air Base which was hit by US missiles. The Syrian Air crafts are continuously pounding the Al-Nusra held city with bombs.

Further reports indicate of Russian Battle ship group present in the Mediterranean sea. Report of Russian Submarines are also present of the coast of Syria.
As I said. Assadist, Khamenai and Putin terrorists take revenge on civilians for their miserable failure vs. cruise missiles.

The first ever terrorist attack was done in France.
I am talking about suicide terrorism. First suicide terror attack was carried by Iran and Assad supported Shia jihadists in 1981 against Iraqi embassy in Lebanon.
I am talking about suicide terrorism. First suicide terror attack was carried by Iran and Assad supported Shia jihadists in 1981 against Iraqi embassy in Lebanon.
I am also talking about a Terrorists bomb attack. It was done in France. The first ever terrorist attack in the world happened in France. It was done by Christians against Jews.

That is from 2013.
I am referring to the report from 2016, which I am sure You heard about, but choose to ignore.


30 August 2016 – The Syrian Airforce and ISIL used toxic chemicals as weapons, according to a new report issued on Tuesday by Organisation for Prohibition of Chemical Weapons and United Nations Joint Investigative Mechanism (JIM), and mandated by the UN Security Council.

The Mechanism, led by a three-person Leadership Panel (Virginia Gamba, Adrian Neritani, Eberhard Schanze), examined nine cases of previously-documented chemical weapons use to establish who was responsible for using them.

The Panel found what it described as “sufficient evidence” of three cases of chemical weapons use – two chlorine gas attacks on civilians by the Syrian air force, and another use of “sulphur-mustard” gas by the terrorist group ISIL, or Daesh – in Syria between 2014 and 2015.


Russia, aware that NATO has full radar coverage over the area, and therefore was likely
to be able to produce credible data over who attacked Idlib, quickly declared that the attack was made by the Syrian Air Force.
Yet, without any investigation, they declared that it must have hit a weapons cache of chemical weapons.

If they have full control over Syrian Air Force operations, does that not mean
that they are responsible for the subsuquent bombing of the hospital
with the victims of the attack?

If they do not have full control, how come they know what ordonnance was released by the Syrian Air Force?
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