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President Trump launches military strike against the Al-Assad regime

Then what are u doing on this forum and this thread particular is u think that ME is not of ur business?

Why u post in favor of Assad?

Why u dont protest against daily bombings made by Europeans in Iraq and Syria?
I support bombing ISIS and Al Qaeda terrorists. I don't support bombing the man who fights them. And I'm disgusted that president Trump, a New Yorker,is now siding with the people who flew planes into the Twin Towers.
I support bombing ISIS and Al Qaeda terrorists. I don't support bombing the man who fights them. And I'm disgusted that president Trump, a New Yorker,is now siding with the people who flew planes into the Twin Towers.

The US are bombing both ISIS and Assad.
The Syrian Civil War is not between two sides.
It is between the government and multiple rebel groups,
some which are enemies of the US.
Assad is the worst butcher in Syria, yet you support him.
Something no decent person would do.

It is unclear, if there are any groups in Syria which have an agenda even remotedly tolerated by the west.
Obama was smart enough to realize that but the US decided to elect Trump
in favour of Hillary "which would have continued Obama's policies"
tomahawk hits a pantsir:-).


Obviously not a Pantsir ..

In the aftermath of Thursday's Tomahawk cruise missile attack on the Ash Sha'irat airbase in Homs, Syria, Moscow vowed to strengthen its air defense umbrella over the country. Experts have already explained which systems need to be deployed to ensure Syria's safety against future US attacks.

Russian Defense Ministry spokesman Maj. Gen. Igor Konashenkov has confirmed that Moscow will be strengthening Syria's air defenses following the massed US cruise missile attack on a Syrian airbase Thursday night.

"In order to defend the most sensitive objects of Syrian infrastructure, a number of measures will be implemented in the near future to strengthen and improve the effectiveness of the air defense systems of the Syrian Armed Forces," Konashenkov said Friday at a Ministry briefing.

The spokesman suggested that it was noteworthy that only 23 of the 59 Tomahawk cruise missiles launched from US Navy destroyers made it to their targets at Ash Sha'irat. "It is not clear whether the other 36 cruise missiles landed," Konashenkov said, without offering any more details.

Indeed, an air of mystery now surrounds the three dozen failed cruise missiles, with experts speculating over whether they were simply duds, past their "best before" date, or if they may have been shot down by Syria's air defenses.

Russian experts, meanwhile, have also explained that Russia's own air defense systems deployed in the country are marked for the pinpoint defense of Russian military sites and hardware in the country. Furthermore, they've pointed out that until Thursday's incident, the Russian systems had operated in accordance with Moscow's memorandum with Washington on avoiding incidents over Syria's skies. This presumably meant that the air defenses wouldn't target presumed 'friendly' US objects. On Friday, Moscow suspended the agreement.


© Sputnik/ Dmitriy Vinogradov

An S-400 air defence missile battery deployed for combat duty at the Hmeymim airbase to provide security of the Russian air group's flights in Syria.

Still, the 23 missiles were enough to severely damage the Ash Sha'irat airbase, destroying six MiG-23 fighters, a storage depot, training facility, cafeteria and radar station. Over half a dozen soldiers, as well as nine civilians, are also thought to have been injured or killed in the attack.

Moscow's decision to strengthen Syria's air defenses is long overdue, says Vladimir Karjakin, a retired Air Force colonel and professor at the Defense Ministry's Military University in Moscow.

"In order to create an air defense system which can defend against any air attack, it's not enough to use the S-300 and S-400 long-range antiaircraft missile systems," he explained. "It's necessary to understand that the supply of these systems to Syria was, first and foremost, a military-diplomatic move. By doing so, we demonstrated, first and foremost to Turkey, that the Russian Federation is capable of introducing a no-fly zone over Syrian territory, thus insisting that the Turkish Air Force should proceed as carefully as possible."

"All of this is well and good, but for the genuine defense of objects (both civilian and military) from the air, completely different means are needed," the officer stressed. "Means such as the Buk medium-range air defense system, the short range Tor and Kub, and even portable systems such as the Verba and the Igla."


Surface-to-air missile weapon system Pantsir-S1 and Igla-S MANPADS system with 1PN97M Mowgli-2M thermal imager, used by Iraq's armed forces.

"Furthermore, I believe that Syrian air bases and garrisons must be equipped with the Pantsir-S self-propelled anti-aircraft missile and gun systems on a priority basis," Karjakin added.

"This system can detect and destroy any aircraft, helicopter, guided aerial bomb or enemy ballistic missile in a matter of seconds. In addition, the Pantsir-S1…is also designed to destroy ground targets, making it truly universal. The system combines anti-aircraft missiles and cannons, and there is no analogue…in the world today."


Pantsir-S1 combined short to medium range surface-to-air missile weapon system. File photo

"If the Syrians had had the Pantsir-S, the outrage of the [US] cruise missile attack on the Ash Sha'irat airbase would not have happened," the officer noted.

"By the way, another important lesson from this attack was that there need to be a lot of air defense systems at Syria's [military] installations. Otherwise, in the event of a massed strike, the technical capabilities of the air defense system will not allow for the processing of all targets."

In the final analysis, Karjakin suggested that thankfully, it doesn't yet seem that this 'gesture' by Trump will become a regular occurrence. "I think that this was a one-off gesture by President Trump. With the missile strike, he improved his rating in the eyes of the US political elite, demonstrating that he is 'resolute', and that he is not on Moscow's leash," something the mainstream media and his opponents had long accused him of.

"If that's the case, strengthening the Syrian air defenses may not seem necessary. However, as they say, 'better safe than sorry'. Dense air defense systems around the most important pieces of infrastructure can't hurt."

In any case, the expert noted that Russia and Damascus had learned a valuable lesson Thursday. "Ultimately, everything depends on the resolve of the parties. If, next time, the US is repulsed, this will serve as the best deterrent against the escalation of tensions around Syria," Karjakin concluded.

sory relevance of this country in all above??

:tsk::tsk:Acha , Waise Indian Navy is even deployed around there.

Indian Navy ships Mumbai, Tarkash, Trishul and Aditya proceeding on deployment to the Mediterranean and passing through the Gulf of Aden, responded to the call and rapidly closed the merchant vessel by the early hours on Sunday, a Navy officer said.

Syrian Army Pantsir-S1 in action in the Syrian desert

Russia Gives Pantsir S1 Air Defense Missile Gun System to Syrian Army
Can you elaborate why sir?
yes why not ...but what is the importance for you?

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In first photo the support is behind the second wheel while in the second one it's behind the first wheel

moreover Arabic scripts :

It's more like this:



The airfield located some 120 kilometers away from Syria’s capital Damascus is one of the major bases of the Syrian Air Force.

The Syrian government forces have never lost control of the airbase since the outbreak of the civil war in 2011.

According to media reports, the Russian aerospace forces occasionally used Shayrat as a stopover base since 2015.

In late November 2015, a number of western media reported that Russia is planning to deploy its new Russian airbase at Shayrat. However, Russian Defense Ministry’s spokesman Igor Konashrnkov dismissed these reports.


MOSCOW, April 7. /TASS/. Russia’s air defense systems firmly protect the Russian naval facilities in Tartus and at the Hmeymim air base round the clock, Defense Ministry spokesman Igor Konashenkov has told the media.

"The S-400 and Pantsir systems provide reliable protection for the Russian air group at the Hmeymim airdrome. Another group of S-300 and Pantsir systems deployed in Syria defends the naval logistics facility in Tartus," Konashenkov said.

He added that "the crews of Russian air defense systems in Syria are on duty round the clock."

Two US destroyers, The Ross and The Porter launched 59 cruise missiles Tomahawk at Syria’s Sha’irat air base last night on orders from President Donald Trump. Four Syrian soldiers were killed, two went missing and four others were injured. The attack destroyed six MiG-23 planes, a radar station and a canteen room.

In 2016, several batteries of Russia’s air defense system S-300 were moved to the naval logistic facility at Tartus to provide protection for the base and Russian ships off Syria’s shores. Russian Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu said a multi-tier defense system had been created around Tartus and the Hmeymim air base. At the end of November the newest air defense system S-400 was delivered to Syria after a Turkish F-18 fighter shot down Russia’s Sukhoi-24 bomber.

Pantsir systems protect Russian military facilities from low-flying aircraft and missiles. Also, the defense of Russian facilities incorporates the system Bastion, capable of hitting naval and ground targets 350-450 kilometers away. Russia has helped Syria to restore the operation of its S-200 air defense systems that protect Russian bases from potential attacks from the east. Also, the Syrian army uses air defense systems Buk.


MOSCOW, April 8. /TASS/. Syrian Army could not repel the U.S. missile strike at the Shayrat airbase in the early hours of Friday, as the Syrian air defense system covers separate facilities and, quite possibly, the Syrians did not have air defense missile systems around that base, Igor Korotchenko, the editor-in-chief of the Moscow-based National Defense magazine told TASS.

"In the first place, the Syrians have island-like air defenses," he said. "This means that the units and weaponry systems them have cover separate facilities. They don’t have an integrated air defense net and I don’t rule out there were no air defenses around that base at all."

"Secondly, apart from Pantsyr (a surface-to-air and antitank missile system TASS) all other systems are outdated because they were manufactured back during the Soviet era and they stand in need of upgrading," Korotchenko said. "That’s why the Syrians couldn’t rebuff the strike meaningfully."

He voiced the confidence that more strikes might follow, saying: "America has unsealed Pandora’s box and has demonstrated once again its thinking in the categories of a global policeman. This line of logic may prompt Trump to make new ill-conceived steps."

Viktor Murakhovsky, the editor-in-chief of Arsenal Otechestva (the Arsenal of the Homeland) magazine, also does not rule out a possibility of more missile strike. The next volley of missiles will likely target the facilities where, according to U.S. surmising, the Syrians store chemical weapons.

"In the first place, these are airbases and the bases of permanent deployment controlled by the Syrian government forces," he said.

Murakhovsky said on his part the Pentagon had warned the Russian side about the forthcoming strike. "Our commanders at Hmeymim (airbase) received a notification two hours prior to the strike that is was coming up because the Americans had the apprehensions that Russian servicemen might turn out on the Shayrat base."

"Now that we’ve suspended effectuation of the Russian-U.S. memorandum on prevention of dangerous incidents in Syrian airspace, we won’t be receiving any notifications from the Americans and that’s a strong signal to them that they should behave reasonably," he said.

I support bombing ISIS and Al Qaeda terrorists.
So u are basically a flip flap. Five minutes ago u said u dont care about ME, but when it comes to kissing Assad *** u suddenly became interested in ME.

I don't support bombing the man who fights them.
U support genocidal maniac who murdered 1 million people and expelled another 12 million and then u wonder that there are there are attacks against Europeans?

And I'm disgusted that president Trump, a New Yorker,is now siding with the people who flew planes into the Twin Towers.
It is Assad and Iran who started, promoted and gloryfied suicide terror for decades, so they are responsible for this attack more than anyone else in Syria.


The airfield located some 120 kilometers away from Syria’s capital Damascus is one of the major bases of the Syrian Air Force.

The Syrian government forces have never lost control of the airbase since the outbreak of the civil war in 2011.

According to media reports, the Russian aerospace forces occasionally used Shayrat as a stopover base since 2015.

In late November 2015, a number of western media reported that Russia is planning to deploy its new Russian airbase at Shayrat. However, Russian Defense Ministry’s spokesman Igor Konashrnkov dismissed these reports.


MOSCOW, April 7. /TASS/. Russia’s air defense systems firmly protect the Russian naval facilities in Tartus and at the Hmeymim air base round the clock, Defense Ministry spokesman Igor Konashenkov has told the media.

"The S-400 and Pantsir systems provide reliable protection for the Russian air group at the Hmeymim airdrome. Another group of S-300 and Pantsir systems deployed in Syria defends the naval logistics facility in Tartus," Konashenkov said.

He added that "the crews of Russian air defense systems in Syria are on duty round the clock."

Two US destroyers, The Ross and The Porter launched 59 cruise missiles Tomahawk at Syria’s Sha’irat air base last night on orders from President Donald Trump. Four Syrian soldiers were killed, two went missing and four others were injured. The attack destroyed six MiG-23 planes, a radar station and a canteen room.

In 2016, several batteries of Russia’s air defense system S-300 were moved to the naval logistic facility at Tartus to provide protection for the base and Russian ships off Syria’s shores. Russian Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu said a multi-tier defense system had been created around Tartus and the Hmeymim air base. At the end of November the newest air defense system S-400 was delivered to Syria after a Turkish F-18 fighter shot down Russia’s Sukhoi-24 bomber.

Pantsir systems protect Russian military facilities from low-flying aircraft and missiles. Also, the defense of Russian facilities incorporates the system Bastion, capable of hitting naval and ground targets 350-450 kilometers away. Russia has helped Syria to restore the operation of its S-200 air defense systems that protect Russian bases from potential attacks from the east. Also, the Syrian army uses air defense systems Buk.


MOSCOW, April 8. /TASS/. Syrian Army could not repel the U.S. missile strike at the Shayrat airbase in the early hours of Friday, as the Syrian air defense system covers separate facilities and, quite possibly, the Syrians did not have air defense missile systems around that base, Igor Korotchenko, the editor-in-chief of the Moscow-based National Defense magazine told TASS.

"In the first place, the Syrians have island-like air defenses," he said. "This means that the units and weaponry systems them have cover separate facilities. They don’t have an integrated air defense net and I don’t rule out there were no air defenses around that base at all."

"Secondly, apart from Pantsyr (a surface-to-air and antitank missile system TASS) all other systems are outdated because they were manufactured back during the Soviet era and they stand in need of upgrading," Korotchenko said. "That’s why the Syrians couldn’t rebuff the strike meaningfully."

He voiced the confidence that more strikes might follow, saying: "America has unsealed Pandora’s box and has demonstrated once again its thinking in the categories of a global policeman. This line of logic may prompt Trump to make new ill-conceived steps."

Viktor Murakhovsky, the editor-in-chief of Arsenal Otechestva (the Arsenal of the Homeland) magazine, also does not rule out a possibility of more missile strike. The next volley of missiles will likely target the facilities where, according to U.S. surmising, the Syrians store chemical weapons.

"In the first place, these are airbases and the bases of permanent deployment controlled by the Syrian government forces," he said.

Murakhovsky said on his part the Pentagon had warned the Russian side about the forthcoming strike. "Our commanders at Hmeymim (airbase) received a notification two hours prior to the strike that is was coming up because the Americans had the apprehensions that Russian servicemen might turn out on the Shayrat base."

"Now that we’ve suspended effectuation of the Russian-U.S. memorandum on prevention of dangerous incidents in Syrian airspace, we won’t be receiving any notifications from the Americans and that’s a strong signal to them that they should behave reasonably," he said.

What kind of silly excuses Putin propagandists invent for miserable failure of their vaunted air defence. :lol:
I support bombing ISIS and Al Qaeda terrorists. I don't support bombing the man who fights them. And I'm disgusted that president Trump, a New Yorker,is now siding with the people who flew planes into the Twin Towers.
Trump has been broken by the Zionists in the US Deep State.

Iranian and Assad regimes are creators of all modern terrorism. First suicide terror attacks were made by Iranians with support of Assad regime. They also promoted Sunni terrorism as well.

This title is false in 2 places:

1) First of all that's not the UN, but only Carla del Ponte.
2) Secondly she only said that they MAY used.

In final UN report they found no evidence for it. In fact there is no evidence that the attack actually had place.

You forget the Imposter Israel in the creators of modern terrorism.
What kind of silly excuses Putin propagandists invent for miserable failure of their vaunted air defence. :lol:

Russian military has already issued statement that they are going to place more air defenses in Syria.
On another note, after the hoax they just perpetrated the White Helmets definitely deserve that Oscar. Handling sarin filled bodies without gloves was pretty brave of them too. Or maybe they're immune?
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