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President Trump launches military strike against the Al-Assad regime

Before these attacks ISIS never had cruise missiles or fighter jets and Syria is fighting a war against ISIS. Now that USA and NATO has joined ISIS and they need better Air defense systems.

Toxic chemicals, which claimed dozens of lives in the Syrian town of Khan Shaykhun, were previously used by radical armed groups against the Kurds in Aleppo, Chairman of the Syrian Democratic Council Rezan Hiddo told Sputnik Turkey. Nevertheless, Washington and its allies have blamed Assad for the attack.
"According to the data available to us, chemical weapons, which were dispersed in the settlement of Khan Shaykhun in the Idlib province, were used twice in Sheikh Maqsood, a neighborhood in Aleppo. Several jihadist groups, including Jaysh al-Islam and Daesh, have these armaments in their arsenal," he said.


Syria has been to war with Israel since 1948, and has needed air defense since then.
This You know, but You conveniently ignore facts which dies not confirm Your narrative.

You state that everyone against Assad are allies of ISIS.
Why is ISIS using "its" Air Force to bomb itself supporting the Iraqi army?

Don't bother answer, since You are now on ignore.
Its a satellite photo of the base after the attack and at some points there is a clear indication of damage. So someone opened ms paint, drew circles around those areas and counted them. It came out to be 44. Got it ???

There is little detail in that satellite photo. After a tomahawk hit on something like an ammunition store you would think that atleast the aftermath of burn marks would be visible. Even with the low quality satellite photo there would be signs of extensive damage such as debris field and indications of burns yet it's virtually none present. I have also seen reporter showing footage of bomb craters that hit nothing so that satellite photo is BS. Got it?
Syria has been to war with Israel since 1948, and has needed air defense since then.
This You know, but You conveniently ignore facts which dies not confirm Your narrative.

You state that everyone against Assad are allies of ISIS.
Why is ISIS using "its" Air Force to bomb itself supporting the Iraqi army?

Don't bother answer, since You are now on ignore.

Look Man Syria had S-200 system which to days fighter get can easily evade. Now What USA did by missile attack was wrong and clearly showed support for ISIS as USA has not given any evidence of the chemical attack was done by Assad. If USA has any evidence it should come forward. USA wants to make the world a place of Law and yet USA it self shows lawlessness. USA bombs military assets and civilians just in the name of blame. WMD of Iraq is the biggest evidence of USA being a liar. Trump used the WMD story to get in office and now he him self has done the same thing. Tell me if I am missing something here. There were large number of Muslims killed in Iraq in the name of WMD and there were no WMD's in Iraq. Now all that innocent Muslim blood both Shia and Sunni rest in the hands USA. How faced justice for killing so many Muslims when there was not a single WMD in Iraq. So cut this crap of USA being justified. Wait for the day when Saudia and Iran will unite and West will pay. Don't try to teach Pakistanis we know very well how the west is using the sectarian divide to exploit and kill Muslims every where.

USA has done enough killing for Israel. Now USA should stop it world know every story and the world is fed up of American lies. Even today there has been protest against the missile strikes on Syria with in USA. No one is buying the Chemical weapons lie any more.
Hundreds of Americans protest against US missile strike on Syria

Hundreds of Americans angered over U.S. airstrikes in Syria took to the streets of New York and other cities, Daily News New York reported.

Protesters gathered near the skyscraper Trump Tower, belonging to the U.S. President and the marched to Union Square Park. The huge crowd chanted: “U.S. imperialist, number one terrorist!” Several people held signs that read: “Money for Jobs, Schools & Healthcare not war in Syria!” and “Hands Off Syria!”

The rally ended with clashes with the police and detention of several protesters. The protest at Trump Tower was organized by a group called ANSWER Coalition (Act Now to Stop War and End Racism) of Coalition and International Action Center.

The US on Thursday launched missile strikes against a Syrian airbase in the Homs Governorate. President Trump said he had ordered the bombing of this airfield because, in his words, the Assad forces’ Tuesday’s chemical attack on the Idlib Governorate was launched from this airbase.



Look Man Syria had S-200 system which to days fighter get can easily evade. Now What USA did by missile attack was wrong and clearly showed support for ISIS as USA has not given any evidence of the chemical attack was done by Assad. If USA has any evidence it should come forward. USA wants to make the world a place of Law and yet USA it self shows lawlessness. USA bombs military assets and civilians just in the name of blame. WMD of Iraq is the biggest evidence of USA being a liar. Trump used the WMD story to get in office and now he him self has done the same thing. Tell me if I am missing something here. There were large number of Muslims killed in Iraq in the name of WMD and there were no WMD's in Iraq. Now all that innocent Muslim blood both Shia and Sunni rest in the hands USA. How faced justice for killing so many Muslims when there was not a single WMD in Iraq. So cut this crap of USA being justified. Wait for the day when Saudia and Iran will unite and West will pay. Don't try to teach Pakistanis we know very well how the west is using the sectarian divide to exploit and kill Muslims every where.

USA has done enough killing for Israel. Now USA should stop it world know every story and the world is fed up of American lies. Even today there has been protest against the missile strikes on Syria with in USA. No one is buying the Chemical weapons lie any more.
Hundreds of Americans protest against US missile strike on Syria

Hundreds of Americans angered over U.S. airstrikes in Syria took to the streets of New York and other cities, Daily News New York reported.

Protesters gathered near the skyscraper Trump Tower, belonging to the U.S. President and the marched to Union Square Park. The huge crowd chanted: “U.S. imperialist, number one terrorist!” Several people held signs that read: “Money for Jobs, Schools & Healthcare not war in Syria!” and “Hands Off Syria!”

The rally ended with clashes with the police and detention of several protesters. The protest at Trump Tower was organized by a group called ANSWER Coalition (Act Now to Stop War and End Racism) of Coalition and International Action Center.

The US on Thursday launched missile strikes against a Syrian airbase in the Homs Governorate. President Trump said he had ordered the bombing of this airfield because, in his words, the Assad forces’ Tuesday’s chemical attack on the Idlib Governorate was launched from this airbase.



Hahaha look at those miserable muppets protesting,'capitalism is a disease,socialism is the cure'....a few lowlife gutter commies :-) :-)
If "maximum altitude is 30 km," what's their effectiveness against terrain hugging cruise missiles? When you think of the S-300/400, you think of aircraft and ballistic missiles being intercepted at higher altitudes. We really haven't even seen the true effectiveness of the S-300 or 400 in battle yet, have we? It would've been great if they launched a bunch so we can gauge their effectiveness against low flying, state of the art cruise missiles and a worthy adversary's ECM & jamming capabilities. Even if they knocked down a few, it would've gone a long way in promoting the S300/400 system. Of course they knew about the coming attack and moved over to allow it but now feel the need to talk up a storm. Must've been the agreed plan.

The latest variant (Tomahawk Block IV) includes a two-way satellite data-link that enables the missile to be retargeted in flight to preprogrammed, alternate targets.

Tomahawk Block IV (TLAM-E) is the latest improvement to the Tomahawk missile family. Block IV capability enhancements include: (a) increased flexibility utilizing two-way satellite communications to reprogram the missile in-flight to a new aimpoint or new preplanned mission, send a new mission to the missile en route to a new target, and missile health and status messages during the flight; (b) increased responsiveness with faster launch timelines, mission planning capability aboard the launch platform, loiter capability in the area of emerging targets, the ability to provide battle damage indication in the target area, and the capability to provide a single-frame image of the target or other areas of interest along the missile flight path; and (c) improved affordability with a production cost of a Block IV significantly lower than the cost of a new Block III and a 15-year Block IV recertification interval compared to the eight-year interval for Block III.

The Tomahawk Block IV missile is powered by a Williams International F415 cruise turbo-fan engine and ARC MK 135 rocket motor. The propulsion provides a subsonic speed of 880km/h.


October 04, 2016



One battery of the air defense system S-300 will provide protection for the Russian Navy’s logistic facility in Tartus and Russian ships off Syria’s shores, Defense Ministry spokesman Igor Konashenkov told the media on Tuesday.

"It is true that one battery of the S-300 air defense systems has been delivered to Syria. It is to provide protection for the naval logistics facility in Tartus and the Russian Navy’s task force," Konashenkov said.

Russia last year moved to Syria its newest air defense system S-400. As Russian President Vladimir Putin said in the middle of last March, S-400 systems and short-range systems Pantsir would remain on permanent combat duty in Syria


Russian-Syrian air defense force
According to public sources, the combined Russian-Syrian AD force was deployed in the war zone as far back as November 2015, comprising:

  • Pantsir-S1 (SS-22 Greyhound) close-in SAM/AA systems;
  • Osa-AKM (SA-8 Gecko);
  • S-125 Pechora-2M (SA-3 Goa) short-range (SHORAD) SAM systems;
  • Buk-M2E (SA-17 Grizzly) medium-range SAM systems;
  • S-200VE Vega (SA-5 Gammon);
  • S-400 Triumph long-range SAM systems.
Moreover, a decision was made to add the S-300FM Fort-M (SA-N-20) SAM systems of the Moskva and Varyag (Slava-class) guided missile cruisers in Syria’s littorals in order to augment the air defenses in the wake of the Su-24M’s downing on November 24, 2015. To cap it all, Krasukha-4 electronic warfare (EW) systems were deployed in Hmeymim AB to protect it from hostile air and space reconnaissance assets.



At least three layers are apparent in the SAM-based air defenses of Hmeymim AB.

  1. The first layer is provided by the S-400 and S-200VE long-range systems.
  2. The second one is handled by the S-300FM Fort-M and Buk-M2E medium-range systems.
  3. The third layer is furnished by the Osa-AKM and S-125 Pechora-2M SHORAD systems.
Finally, the Pantsir-S1 close-in systems should be considered to be a means of covering the air base and S-400.



Number of tracks which can be engaged by S300 is up to 12 and the numbers of Targets engaged up to 6 .
Numbers of Missiles in the complex up to 48.

US Forces have fired 59 Tomahawk Missiles and according to reports 23 hit the target according to Russian defense Ministry.

the Russian Defense Ministry said that only 23 Tomahawk missiles reached the Ash Sha’irat airbase, however, the Pentagon has already denied the information.

Two ships that were part of this, USS Porter and USS Ross, between the two of them, they launched… 59 missiles. We have positive confirmation each one of those missiles hit the target," the official told reporters.

"We have reports of approximately 20 aircraft that were destroyed," the official told reporters.

The Pentagon believes that Syrian Army's surface-to-air missiles were destroyed in the US attack, the official said.

"We know that we have damaged petroleum sites. We have taken out their surface-to-air missile systems," the official told reporters.
The latest variant (Tomahawk Block IV) includes a two-way satellite data-link that enables the missile to be retargeted in flight to preprogrammed, alternate targets.

Tomahawk Block IV (TLAM-E) is the latest improvement to the Tomahawk missile family. Block IV capability enhancements include: (a) increased flexibility utilizing two-way satellite communications to reprogram the missile in-flight to a new aimpoint or new preplanned mission, send a new mission to the missile en route to a new target, and missile health and status messages during the flight; (b) increased responsiveness with faster launch timelines, mission planning capability aboard the launch platform, loiter capability in the area of emerging targets, the ability to provide battle damage indication in the target area, and the capability to provide a single-frame image of the target or other areas of interest along the missile flight path; and (c) improved affordability with a production cost of a Block IV significantly lower than the cost of a new Block III and a 15-year Block IV recertification interval compared to the eight-year interval for Block III.

The Tomahawk Block IV missile is powered by a Williams International F415 cruise turbo-fan engine and ARC MK 135 rocket motor. The propulsion provides a subsonic speed of 880km/h.


October 04, 2016



One battery of the air defense system S-300 will provide protection for the Russian Navy’s logistic facility in Tartus and Russian ships off Syria’s shores, Defense Ministry spokesman Igor Konashenkov told the media on Tuesday.

"It is true that one battery of the S-300 air defense systems has been delivered to Syria. It is to provide protection for the naval logistics facility in Tartus and the Russian Navy’s task force," Konashenkov said.

Russia last year moved to Syria its newest air defense system S-400. As Russian President Vladimir Putin said in the middle of last March, S-400 systems and short-range systems Pantsir would remain on permanent combat duty in Syria


Russian-Syrian air defense force
According to public sources, the combined Russian-Syrian AD force was deployed in the war zone as far back as November 2015, comprising:

  • Pantsir-S1 (SS-22 Greyhound) close-in SAM/AA systems;
  • Osa-AKM (SA-8 Gecko);
  • S-125 Pechora-2M (SA-3 Goa) short-range (SHORAD) SAM systems;
  • Buk-M2E (SA-17 Grizzly) medium-range SAM systems;
  • S-200VE Vega (SA-5 Gammon);
  • S-400 Triumph long-range SAM systems.
Moreover, a decision was made to add the S-300FM Fort-M (SA-N-20) SAM systems of the Moskva and Varyag (Slava-class) guided missile cruisers in Syria’s littorals in order to augment the air defenses in the wake of the Su-24M’s downing on November 24, 2015. To cap it all, Krasukha-4 electronic warfare (EW) systems were deployed in Hmeymim AB to protect it from hostile air and space reconnaissance assets.



At least three layers are apparent in the SAM-based air defenses of Hmeymim AB.

  1. The first layer is provided by the S-400 and S-200VE long-range systems.
  2. The second one is handled by the S-300FM Fort-M and Buk-M2E medium-range systems.
  3. The third layer is furnished by the Osa-AKM and S-125 Pechora-2M SHORAD systems.
Finally, the Pantsir-S1 close-in systems should be considered to be a means of covering the air base and S-400.



Number of tracks which can be engaged by S300 is up to 12 and the numbers of Targets engaged up to 6 .
Numbers of Missiles in the complex up to 48.

US Forces have fired 59 Tomahawk Missiles and according to reports 23 hit the target according to Russian defense Ministry.

the Russian Defense Ministry said that only 23 Tomahawk missiles reached the Ash Sha’irat airbase, however, the Pentagon has already denied the information.

Two ships that were part of this, USS Porter and USS Ross, between the two of them, they launched… 59 missiles. We have positive confirmation each one of those missiles hit the target," the official told reporters.

"We have reports of approximately 20 aircraft that were destroyed," the official told reporters.

The Pentagon believes that Syrian Army's surface-to-air missiles were destroyed in the US attack, the official said.

"We know that we have damaged petroleum sites. We have taken out their surface-to-air missile systems," the official told reporters.

Why all those deployed Russian gizmos didn't work against US CMs??
Why all those deployed Russian gizmos didn't work against US CMs??
Russians didn't fired any and if they had they wouldn't have intercepted. But one thing is sure Russians did studied them.
This is bad marketing for s 400...
I dont think saudia and turkey will conclude the deal
This is bad marketing for s 400...
I dont think saudia and turkey will conclude the deal
There is no defense for the cruise missiles other than cold seeker MANPADS.

Or ARM missiles.
Why all those deployed Russian gizmos didn't work against US CMs??

If 59 Tomahawks were fired and 23 hit the target , six Syrian jets and several buildings were destroyed in the attack according to Russian defense ministry but according to pentagon official 20 fighter planes were destroyed.

The air base in western Syria contained about 40 of the hardened shelters.

Which air defenses were deployed in that airbase ? S300 or Pantsyr S1 and was the Syrian crew or Russian Crew were operating those air defenses ?

According to RT , destroyed a material storage depot, a training facility, a canteen, six MiG-23 aircraft in repair hangars and a radar station.

Russians didn't fired any and if they had they wouldn't have intercepted. But one thing is sure Russians did studied them.

I think Russian air defenses deployed in Syria have intercepted Tomahawks. Radar station is destroyed according to RT . But seems BUK Missile system is deployed there even.

This is bad marketing for s 400...
I dont think saudia and turkey will conclude the deal

Saudis and Turks are having good term and relations with Ukraine and Ukroboronservice seems to be working on it.

The S-300PS SAM system is capable of intercepting and destroying modern and prospective types of aircraft, cruise and ballistic missiles and other airborne targets -- flying at 1,200 m/s, at ranges up to 75 (90) kilometers and altitudes up to 25 kilometers .
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The S-300PS SAM system is capable of intercepting and destroying modern and prospective types of aircraft, cruise and ballistic missiles and other airborne targets -- flying at 1,200 m/s, at ranges up to 75 (90) kilometers and altitudes up to 25 kilometers

And yet 59 slipped through
There is little detail in that satellite photo. After a tomahawk hit on something like an ammunition store you would think that atleast the aftermath of burn marks would be visible. Even with the low quality satellite photo there would be signs of extensive damage such as debris field and indications of burns yet it's virtually none present. I have also seen reporter showing footage of bomb craters that hit nothing so that satellite photo is BS. Got it?

Cant do much if you can not or donot want to see the destruction visible in those photos
I think Russian air defenses deployed in Syria have intercepted Tomahawks. Radar station is destroyed according to RT . But seems BUK Missile system is deployed there even.
Sir you are persistent on not showing the failure of S-300 against cruise missiles and trying to show the support as the same system is used by India and the offensive weapon used is the same that Pakistan has. But the scenario of Syria was different as none of the Air defenses was fired on the approaching missiles because the system is not designed to intercept cruise missiles. The system is meant to intercept Ballistic missiles. Cruise missile use a different attack profile. You info is correct about cruise missiles not achieving target but that is not because the missiles failed but instead the targets were not available to the missiles. This was the same case that happened in Pakistan when the tomahawks were fired in Afghanistan after the first successfully achieved the target the rest landed in Balochistan from where Pakistan developed it's own cruise missiles. So please stop it. 23 targets destroyed okay rest of the target were moved after the USA informed the Russians and Cruise missile landed not exploded after the targets were not available. The big threat here is that now those cruise missiles that were not able to attain target will fall in the hands of Russians and Iran.
And yet 59 slipped through

If 59 Tomahawks were fired and 23 hit the target , six Syrian jets and several buildings were destroyed in the attack according to Russian defense ministry but according to pentagon official 20 fighter planes were destroyed.

According to Russian Defense Ministry , material storage depot, a training facility, a canteen, six MiG-23 aircraft in repair hangars and a radar station were hit.

According to US Navy - A total of 59 TLAMs targeted aircraft, hardened aircraft shelters, petroleum and logistical storage, ammunition supply bunkers, air defense systems, and radars.

The Tomahawk Land Attack Missiles (TLAM) used by the United States to attack a Syrian airfield are all-weather, long range, subsonic cruise missiles. They are used primarily for land attack warfare and launched from ships as well as submarines. Depending on the variant their range could be between 1500 km and 2500 km.

The Tomahawk missiles can carry both nuclear and conventional payloads. For instance, the conventional, land-attack, variant can have a 1,000-pound-class warhead while the submunitions dispenser variant could hold 166 combined-effects bomblets.

According to Indian Express
propelled by Williams International F107 cruise turbo-fan engine. They are between 5.56 and 6.25 meters long with a 51.81 cm diameter and 2.67 meters wingspan. They weigh between 1,315.44 kg and 1,587.6 kg depending on the payload. The missiles can hit speeds of up to 880 km/h and have a maximum range of 2500 km.



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