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President Trump launches military strike against the Al-Assad regime

Trump launches military strike against Syria

The United States launched a military strike on Syrian government targets in retaliation for their chemical weapon attack on civilians earlier in the week, CNN is told.

On President Donald Trump's orders, US warships launched 50 Tomahawk cruise missiles.


The useless "Muslim" coward leaders should follow suit and carpet bomb the bastard and his murderous regime but of course they won't despite immense pressure from their own populations and despite the presence of this cancerous regime benefitting ISIS and other radical terrorist groups (on both sides of the conflict) and moreover being the biggest security disruption in the wider region.

It's high-time to remove the tumor and end this senseless conflict. It won't end as long as the murderer clings to his throne.

Imagine the biggest so-called "Islamophobe" potentially doing more to end this conflict than the completely useless "Muslim" leaders out there. Tragicomical.
Useless muslims killing their own kind with the help of Christians.. it was deam for europ to destroy syria since islau din ayubi times... and it is big time hurdel for Israel extension....last 600 years this syria is milirtly very important... in spain same thing happend 700 years back if i am not worng.. first they devided muslims after that they beated them and kicked them out from spain....i am muslim....when i see saudia helped USA to destroy sadam hussan then help France to distroy lybia....and yaman .... it hurts me alot as muslim... history will not forgive us.. even in this regards Iranian are not inocent... and we pakistani too blame for muslim distruction...may Allah bless us some sence..i belive in islam which united us not devide us.. which islam devide us it is not islam.. it is politics. Killing is not islam..islam is peace..
Chemical attack to US strike = 63 hours difference.

Russia is moving a warship towards US destroyers that launched missile attack on Assad regime base (Via Fox News)

Front page of Saudi Arabian newspaper following Trump Administration's strikes on Syrian airbase


The US has launched 7,900 strikes on Syria since 2014, with yesterday's being the FIRST against Assad regime targets.

Syrian jets still using runway to bomb rebels..
Syrian Warplanes Take Off From Air Base 'Destroyed' by US Missile Strikes

At least six were killed in the illegal attack, but Syria's Shayrat airfield is not destroyed.

RI Staff
8 hours ago |

Mission accomplished.

In the early hours of Friday, the US launched dozens of Tomahawk cruise missiles from two warships in the Mediterranean at Syria's Shayrat airfield in Homs province.

Twelve hours later, the Syrian air force was able to take off from the "destroyed" air base to carry out missions against Washington's "moderate" rebels.

Yes, the "almost completely destroyed" Syrian air base is apparently still functional:

شو خبرتكم قبل شواي شاهد بالفيديو اول الطلعات من مطار الشعيرات بعد العدوان الاميركي عليه #سلمو_ع_ترامب pic.twitter.com/rK5c5nC6Wt

— #حسين_مرتضى (@HoseinMortada)
April 7, 2017

JUST IN: Syrian warplanes take off from air base hit by U.S., carry out strikes in Homs countryside - Syrian observatory for human rights

— Reuters Top News (@Reuters)
April 7, 2017

Remember, America:

You spent $100 million to murder six people and blow up 9 outdated jets from the 1970s.

We suppose it's possible that this claim is being made to pressure Trump into more strikes.

JUST IN: National Security Adviser H.R. McMaster says the strike in Syria did not stop Assad's ability to carry out future attacks

— CNN Politics (@CNNPolitics)
April 7, 2017

But the truth is: All the evidence points to the US spending millions to murder 6 Syrians.

.@Jerusalem_Post Fully-armed Su-22 bombers under hardened hangars in Sha'erat airbase unharmed. pic.twitter.com/qgXApOFpgk

— Raphael Babikian (@RafaelBabikian)
April 7, 2017

Don't tell Fox:


You sound like an Iraqi propaganda mouthpiece.

Show images of 2 destroyed tanks, claim that 8 were destroyed and flash victory sign.

Just a few days later, Baghdad was captured.

Seriously man? Try to comprehend difference between a warning shot and the one meant for you.

I think that US should utterly oblierate any target next time, to send a stronger message. Tomahawks should be equipped with more powerful warheads. Hundreds should be dead.


How about they arm Tomahawks with nuclear warheads and wipe Syria from existence or what is left of it?
You sound like an Iraqi propaganda mouthpiece.

Show images of 2 destroyed tanks, claim that 8 were destroyed and flash victory sign.

Just a few days later, Baghdad was captured.

Seriously man? Try to comprehend difference between a warning shot and the one meant for you.

I think that US should utterly oblierate any target next time, to send a stronger message. Tomahawks should be equipped with more powerful warheads. Hundreds should be dead.


How about they arm Tomahawks with nuclear warheads and wipe Syria from existence or what is left of it?
And also...they don't want to hurt the go of the 'mad man'...who is very sensitive to criticism...he would go to any extent to prove that he is a man!
dose any one notice when ever their some hope of ending this conflict arise suddenly this bio attack happens. first when inspection team arrives it happen now when when both parties wer coming to table again it happens.

You will notice I qualified it with airbourne assets and C4I. India has these at its disposal (esp during a higher tension time before potential war) to guard against any cruise missile first strikes (and network with the potent S-400 interceptor and SHORADs as required for this)....or later theatre strikes during the actual conflict.

In Syria, Russia simply does not have this deployment given nature of the conflict there. It did not go in wanting to counter cruise missiles (presence of which can only come from other major powers). The aerial defense (S-400 and otherwise) was to give higher altitude protection for their jets and against jets (after turkey shot one of theirs down) and maybe scud type BMs if needed. S-400 deployment is also just largely claimed and not confirmed (though maybe I am wrong on that...maybe someone can correct).

That's why they are saying they are "improving" their defenses now...though that is probably just a vague statement since you have to seriously ramp up deployed capability to counter cruise missiles effectively (and I don't see them taking the syria war to that level just to shield Assad who is potentially trigger happy with chemical weapons after saying they were all destroyed...its terrible optics for terrible deployment cost).

We know about India air defence, I just posted about S-400 and what Indian members claim about it against CMs.
Criticized US strikes on Assad regime: - Russia - Iran - Brazil - Belarus - Bolivia - Venezuela
We know about India air defence, I just posted about S-400 and what Indian members claim about it against CMs.

With relevant target acquisition capability and networking, the S-400 is definitely a potent system against cruise missiles. The interceptors themselves have no performance problems against cruise missiles. The issue is what detection and networking assets you have in play.

Standard vanilla radar on S-400 would definitely have issues against an unexpected cruise missile barrage. But a cruise-missile/ L-O aircraft optimised radar (probably has to be phased array picking up atmospheric RCS propagation) with C4I networking from the air based radars as well....is quite a capable system against almost any aerial threat (provided you have enough interceptors).

For last mile integration....you would essentially need to run this system against such threats (that you provide in testing) and create the relevant algorithms based on your terrain and expected attack vectors etc.

Russia would not have deployed anything of this level in Syria quite simply....Syria is simply nowhere near the level of Moscow etc.. in their military strategy.

for those who are buying S 400 and thinking that they can shoot down tomahawk or babur " Wke up".

You may want to read what I just posted.

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