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President Trump launches military strike against the Al-Assad regime

Someone mentioned earlier in this thread that it takes a week to program this tomahawks, that's absolutely ridiculous. It's akin to programming an auto-pilot with GPS coordinates on an airplane or a boat with a chartpolotter and similar autopilot with GPS (latitude & longitude) something that literally takes 10 to 15 minutes to do. They would be useless weapons to have on standby in patroling naval destroyers and submarines if that was the case.

Whoever mentioned that is spitting out BS.
A major improvement to the Tomahawk is network-centric warfare-capabilities, using data from multiple sensors (aircraft, UAVs, satellites, foot soldiers, tanks, ships) to find its target. It will also be able to send data from its sensors to these platforms. It will be a part of the networked force being implemented by the Pentagon.

Tomahawk Block III[7][6] introduced in 1993 added time-of-arrival control and navigation through Digital Scene Matching Area Correlator (DSMAC) and jam-resistant GPS, smaller, lighter WDU-36 warhead, engine improvements and extended missile's range.

Tactical Tomahawk Weapons Control System (TTWCS)[8] takes advantage of a loitering feature in the missile's flight path and allows commanders to redirect the missile to an alternative target, if required. It can be reprogrammed in-flight to attack predesignated targets with GPS coordinates stored in its memory or to any other GPS coordinates. Also, the missile can send data about its status back to the commander. It entered service with the US Navy in late 2004. The Tactical Tomahawk Weapons Control System (TTWCS) added the capability for limited mission planning on board the firing unit (FRU).

Tomahawk Block IV[9][10][11] introduced in 2006 adds the strike controller which can change the missile in flight to one of 15 preprogrammed alternate targets or redirect it to a new target. This targeting flexibility includes the capability to loiter over the battlefield awaiting a more critical target. The missile can also transmit battle damage indication imagery and missile health and status messages via the two-way satellite data link. Firing platforms now have the capability to plan and execute GPS-only missions. Block IV also has an improved anti-jam GPS receiver for enhanced mission performance. Block IV includes Tomahawk Weapons Control System (TTWCS), and Tomahawk Command and Control System (TC2S).

On 16 August 2010, the Navy completed the first live test of the Joint Multi-Effects Warhead System (JMEWS), a new warhead designed to give the Tomahawk the same blast-fragmentation capabilities while introducing enhanced penetration capabilities in a single warhead. In the static test, the warhead detonated and created a hole large enough for the follow-through element to completely penetrate the concrete target.[12] In February 2014, U.S. Central Command sponsored development and testing of the JMEWS, analyzing the ability of the programmable warhead to integrate onto the Block IV Tomahawk, giving the missile bunker buster effects to better penetrate hardened structures.[13]

In 2012, the USN studied applying Advanced Anti-Radiation Guided Missile (AARGM) technology into the Tactical Tomahawk.[14]

In 2014, Raytheon began testing Block IV improvements to attack sea and moving land targets.[15] The new passive radar seeker will pick up the electromagnetic radar signature of a target and follow it, and actively send out a signal to bounce off potential targets before impact to discriminate its legitimacy before impact.[13] Mounting the multi-mode sensor on the missile's nose would remove fuel space, but company officials believe the Navy would be willing to give up space for the sensor's new technologies.[16] The previous Tomahawk Anti-Ship Missile, retired over a decade earlier, was equipped with inertial guidance and the seeker of the Harpoon missile and there was concern with its ability to clearly discriminate between targets from a long distance, since at the time Navy sensors did not have as much range as the missile itself, which would be more reliable with the new seeker's passive detection and active millimeter-wave radar.[17][18] Raytheon estimates adding the new seeker would cost $250,000 per missile.[19] Other upgrades include sea-skim mode[20] – low-altitude flight over water at high subsonic speeds. The first Block IV TLAMs modified with a maritime attack capability will enter service in 2018-2019.[21]

Tomahawk works differently that is why the missile is so deadly and anti missile defense systems cannot catch it.

GPS guided weapons are not that precise but Cruise missiles can enter through a window and take a kill so they use different guidence system which requires extensive programming.

No, GPS weapons are precise and why the U.S. military is very protective of that.

Example look at this video. I recommend you watch the whole short video and why its powerful system.
well , They was defeated by Muslims as well , but what happened then , they won and did Muslims rejoice it !? don't use Quran like this boy ...

You're an idiot, and I didn't understand your blabbering. This verse is talking about a specific event in history, where Allah favors the Romans over the persians. Absolute divine superiority, and I'm not surprised since persians are morally inferior to the Romans. And we can see it now, where the persians and their allies turned a blind eye to the horrendous chemical attack on civilians and the "Romans" (U.S.) condemned those attacks and acted accordingly.
Reporting now on U.S T.V channels.

Trump is an idiot to get us involved with that mess there. China and Russia don't care if they get gassed- why are we ...moron.

Update : http://www.cnn.com/2017/04/06/politics/donald-trump-syria-military/index.html?adkey=bn

(CNN)The United States launched a military strike on Syrian government targets in retaliation for their chemical weapon attack on civilians earlier in the week, CNN is told.

On President Donald Trump's orders, US warships launched 50 Tomahawk cruise missiles.

Trump is not an idiot, he and his team are just continuing the previous policy of just doing enough to keep the Syrians fighting each other. The art of fighting without really fighting :)
Tomahawk works differently that is why the missile is so deadly and anti missile defense systems cannot catch it.

GPS guided weapons are not that precise but Cruise missiles can enter through a window and take a kill so they use different guidence system which requires extensive programming.

This is the second time that Air Defenses have been breached in Syria .

In 2015, November Russian Su 24 by the Turkish airforce which resulted in the death of Russian Pilot Lieutenant Colonel Oleg Anatolyevich Peshkov and now by the US Navy.

In 2012 , two-seat F-4 Phantom reconnaissance aircraft of Turkish Airforce was shot down by the Syrian after having briefly strayed into Syrian territory in the Mediterranean border region shared by Turkey’s Hatay Province and Syria’s Latakia Province. Turkish Pilots Gokhan Ertan and Hasan Huseyin Aksoy.
Tomahawk works differently that is why the missile is so deadly and anti missile defense systems cannot catch it.

GPS guided weapons are not that precise but Cruise missiles can enter through a window and take a kill so they use different guidence system which requires extensive programming.

Oldman1 beat me to it; if they can reprogram new target coordinates during the missile's flight, think of how fast that has to be and how fast they can program it pre-launch without a closing 'time to impact' and cruising @ 800km/h. DSMAC combined with global positioning satellite gives them real-time targeting. They can even chase fleeing targets.

Digital Scene Matching Area Correlator (DSMAC) and Global Positioning System (GPS)
which can significantly reduce mission-planning time and increase navigation and terminal accuracy. Tomahawk Block IV (TLAM-E) is the latest improvement to the Tomahawk missile family. Block IV capability enhancements include: (a) increased flexibility utilizing two-way satellite communications to reprogram the missile in-flight to a new aimpoint or new preplanned mission, send a new mission to the missile en route to a new target.

This is the second time that Air Defenses have been breached in Syria .

In 2015, November Russian Su 24 by the Turkish airforce which resulted in the death of Russian Pilot Lieutenant Colonel Oleg Anatolyevich Peshkov and now by the US Navy.

In 2012 , two-seat F-4 Phantom reconnaissance aircraft of Turkish Airforce was shot down by the Syrian after having briefly strayed into Syrian territory in the Mediterranean border region shared by Turkey’s Hatay Province and Syria’s Latakia Province. Turkish Pilots Gokhan Ertan and Hasan Huseyin Aksoy.
It is being done every day due to every one pounding ISIS with air strikes but after Russia canceling the military line now it would be difficult to make a fly over above Syrian Air space.
It is being done every day due to every one pounding ISIS with air strikes but after Russia canceling the military line now it would be difficult to make a fly over above Syrian Air space.

No it doesn't. Canceling communication doesn't stop flying over in Syria. Just means less coordination between the two countries. Unless Russia's intent to shoot our aircraft down.
Oldman1 beat me to it; if they can reprogram new target coordinates during the missile's flight, think of how fast that has to be and how fast they can program it pre-launch without a closing 'time to impact' and cruising @ 800km/h. DSMAC combined with global positioning satellite gives them real-time targeting. They can even chase fleeing targets.

Digital Scene Matching Area Correlator (DSMAC) and Global Positioning System (GPS)
which can significantly reduce mission-planning time and increase navigation and terminal accuracy. Tomahawk Block IV (TLAM-E) is the latest improvement to the Tomahawk missile family. Block IV capability enhancements include: (a) increased flexibility utilizing two-way satellite communications to reprogram the missile in-flight to a new aimpoint or new preplanned mission, send a new mission to the missile en route to a new target.

How do Tomahawks get their target and detect possible RADARs in their flight path and decide to avoid them. This all is done by extensive programing. The tomahawk flight path and targets can be changed but you need to have prior data about the area where the missile is going to attack. GPS guided missiles work in a kind of 2D environment where as cruise missiles work in 3D.

My point here is like the Air craft destroyed in the picture below.

now this Aircraft cannot be hit by a GPS guided ballistic missile. As the missile will damage the hanger only but cruise missile is capable of entering the hanger and destroying the aircraft with the hanger still intact. this is not done by GPS or laser guidance. This can be only done by a two week prior programing. Now in this image it clearly shows the hanger intact and only Aircraft destroyed. If you internet readers can understand what I mean.
these so called rebels have been known to carry out chemical attacks against Syrian government troops in the past, these bastards live by the motto: 'war is deceit'

false flag !

Trump is being led astray by the neocons.

black and white as far as I'm concerned, you got the Syrian government and it's allies vs scumbag jihadi forces and their many backers in saudi/qatar/turkey,israel,nato,us.

I support the Syrian government and it's allies.

oh, and here's the Russian response:

Yeah I have to give this little more time to fully analyse.

If there was a direct US military intelligence (which I hold in much higher regard than politicized CIA etc) regarding a potential and actionable threat to their assets/allies in the region, they (assad) are well past the red flag line where Trump really has little choice. These are chemical weapons after all.

If the US does not continue any further action beyond this, then we will know it was a one-off warning to Assad to play by at least some modicum of international rules....and was done for largely optics from the Trump admin.

If there is sustained strategic actions after this (I am especially disturbed by Tillerson talking of regime change), then I am afraid you are right. Trump's foreign policy promises would definitely have been compromised and neo-cons have infiltrated big time(and who knows where else they will over time). Understand this is about the limit I am prepared to afford Trump on this Syria Foreign policy. Things can only be confirmed in hindsight however, I don't want to speculate too much. Putin is quite an interesting fellow and I suspect him being involved somehow in OK-ing this American decision beforehand should an earlier internal warning to Assad have gone unheeded etc. We will have to wait and see how this plays out. The clear information chains are still quite lacking and shrouded.
Russia s agressive policy works with a weakling in the White House but if the US decides to act,Russia will huff and puff but in the end will take it like a champ and do nothing.
Trump just blatantly behaved as Al Qaeda and ISIS' air force. I thought you were on the right side so how can you defend this?
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