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President > 340 passengers

This awami league moron zillur rahman lacks common sense of the highest order, last summer he pulled a similar stunt in azad mashjid in gulshan durijg jummah prayers, for this moron the whole road was blocked and the mosque had metal detectors, wasting tike of thousajds of mosque goers, to make matters he had to visit banani kobor isthan after that. Man is a narcissist of the highest order, who does nothing of importance besides awami leagur chamchami
Most of the people in our country basically first generation educated and came from peasant class. Dignity and Class is sometimes absent in their behavior. It goes for both our VIPs and for common people. VIP's does not know how to keep their dignity neither the common mass do know Who to Give what level of respect. Most of the people will strip naked their own president if he is not in their likings.

British use to say "It takes three generation to become a noble (gentleman)". We are just in our first generation.

Awami league thugs teaching how to be "gentleman" using colonial era social class. Didn't Bangladeshis fight against such colonial era social class and their thug "gentleman" who were looting then Bengal (and india as well). Didn't Shere-e Bangla lead that fight against those colonial era social class system? It make more sense now to root out these Awami thugs who still preching for colonial era social class so that unlimited looting can be done in the name of "presidential dignity".
Awami league thugs teaching how to be "gentleman" using colonial era social class. Didn't Bangladeshis fight against such colonial era social class and their thug "gentleman" who were looting then Bengal (and india as well). Didn't Shere-e Bangla lead that fight against those colonial era social class system? It make more sense now to root out these Awami thugs who still preching for colonial era social class so that unlimited looting can be done in the name of "presidential dignity".

The next time you insult members here and call anyone a "thug" I will report you.

This type of Awami thug mentality comes from the Awami notion that they own Bangladesh and rest of Bangladeshis are hostage.
All Bangladeshi President and PM flown in regular passenger aircraft. Even current PM flown in foreign aircraft as far I know. So you are just plouging more thuggish bs to justify awami president acting as hostage taker.

Constant abuse of members by calling them "thugs".


Non-stop use of the word "thug".

This type of Awami thug mentality comes from the Awami notion that they own Bangladesh and rest of Bangladeshis are hostage.
All Bangladeshi President and PM flown in regular passenger aircraft. Even current PM flown in foreign aircraft as far I know. So you are just plouging more thuggish bs to justify awami president acting as hostage taker.

"Thug" this and "Thug" that.

This has nothing to do with Biman. This is about how Awami League president acting like street thug and held hostage 340 passengers.

Second post by the troll and even in such a short post he couldn't help use his favourite word "thug".
If govt need to buy plane or not that does does not matter and try to spin that is futile. If Zillur wants to ride on his own jet then he should look for another country where he gets that benefit. Biman SHOULD left with its passenger and awami president instead of acting like hostage taking awami thug should have rebooked his ticket on next flight.

Calling politicians "thugs" is one thing but calling forum members here "thugs" (we are educated people who respect forum rules) is unacceptable and I am going to report Idune to moderators if he ever abuses anyone here again and calls them a "thug".
The next time you insult members here and call anyone a "thug" I will report you.

Constant abuse of members by calling them "thugs".

Non-stop use of the word "thug".

"Thug" this and "Thug" that.

Second post by the troll and even in such a short post he couldn't help use his favourite word "thug".
Iajdani got caught on lying, deceiving and supporting RAWAMY terrorism with his pant down by several times. So, comparing him with RAWAMY thug is an appropriate way of addressing his behavior. And you are no one to challenge IDUNE's authority as he is a much older and proven patriot of BD as well as better human being than the metaphorical RAWAMY thugs of PDF.
Calling politicians "thugs" is one thing but calling forum members here "thugs" (we are educated people who respect forum rules) is unacceptable and I am going to report Idune to moderators if he ever abuses anyone here again and calls them a "thug".

You are taking deceptive moral high gound - how many times you called people rajakar and anti-Bangladeshi just because Awami league looting and killing was pointed out.


Don't bully and threat others in PDF, admin can see to manage the forum. Your bully has no value here other than street in Bangladesh under Awami League gun point. Other than bully, threat and calling people "razakar", if you have something constructive to add on the topic then do so; no one interested in your bully.
No Biman flight has ever been delayed by a BNP PM for 24 hours. It's outrageous, Biman is not the personal property of Awami scums. It's supposed to be a private organisation. 340 passenger can not be held hostage by one man. It's crazy to suggest the president can't fly another airline. Why not?

Its a surprise Biman is still surviving to this day. No one with any sense would fly this joke of an airline. I last flew it over a decade ago.... Never again.... An airline that can not keep its schedule is not worth a damn. Every passenger should sue, under European regulation Biman has to provide accommodation and compensation to each of the passengers.
Calling politicians "thugs" is one thing but calling forum members here "thugs" (we are educated people who respect forum rules) is unacceptable and I am going to report Idune to moderators if he ever abuses anyone here again and calls them a "thug".

Who gives you authority to call other Razakar(curse in Bd) and label as traitor. You are new here. You are enjoying the company of diverse Bangladeshi community in BD sub-fourm hosted by Pakistan Defence forum because member like MBI Munshi, M_saint, Idune, Leonback, Raqibue, Iajdani and me yet disrespecting us like Ehsaan foramosh.

I would like to believe that most of us here are patriot in our own ways and only wise good for Bangladesh however we may have different approach. For example: I believe Bangladesh should be Islamic Republic whereas other may disagree. I strongly believe breaking of Pakistan with the help of Mushrik was flat out wrong. As a result SA Muslim has become weak and aim less.
LOL No way :lol: . With the amount of money he has , he can probably buy a dozen jets
Why would he when can just get onto a big passenger plane and take it where ever he wants? he recently visited south korea on a PIA 777 which was taken out of service for three days in a situation where PIA is suffering from shortage of planes.
Why would he when can just get onto a big passenger plane and take it where ever he wants? he recently visited south korea on a PIA 777 which was taken out of service for three days in a situation where PIA is suffering from shortage of planes.

Well , that's good I would say. He's trying to save as much money as he can by not having a private jet.
No SHAMK9, I know Zardari has a private jet...

Yes, Zardari has a private jet, but its run on govt expenses

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