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Premadasa threatened war with India, says former envoy

^ Well you know the best. "Ghaas khayenge par Nuclear Bomb bana ke rahenge"...:rofl:

P.S. No offense.
^ Yup, we always do but we do enough damage to put these countries decades behind. Sri lanka remained busy for decades. They are now picking up. Imagine if they were developing without any conflict, a country which instead of following codes of neutrality in 1971 war, opted to help Pakistan. India can afford hundreds of thousands of soldiers in Kashmir, pump up $ 40 billion in defense, which make other countries which are not in good term to do the same. Sometimes you don't have to fire a bullet to head to kill if you can break the backbone named economy and making your enemy paralytic or in internal problems for decades.

One should see the deep effects of such moves. We did loose our PM which was a drawback,

The effects of those moves has resulted in your losing Sri Lankan good will for good.

This is the major drawback when the blow-back is not assessed appropriately.

Increasing Chinese and Pakistani influence in Sri Lanka will be to your strategic detriment and loss.
Such Indian arrogance can only be expressed against small countries.

Come threaten Pakistan, and India will get a war, the likes of which they haven't seen since Mahabharata.

In any case, Sri Lanka is not the same country as it was then. In the aftermath of its major victory against Indian supported terrorists LTTE, it has emerged more confidant and more powerful than ever before.

It has more powerful friends in the region than ever before - ever threatening India was never Sri Lanka's friend in the first place.

And there is no Hanuman in current India and infact, Rawan shifted to India from Lanka a long time ago.

And the Indian Rawan will lose big if it dares to even threaten Sri Lanka now. As the time passes, Sri Lanka would become even more powerful and out of India's threat reach.

He is definetly very knowledgible in Ramayan.. But let me tell you one thing that Ram, Hanuman both will always be with India.. And rawan was not a bad person, its just the effect of his mother which made him monster, as she belonged to monsters family..
@topic :

You all can understand what I want to convey,,

He warned as if they had MOU with their Star Wars friends Pakistan.. :lol:
Do you really think we could have gained Sri Lanka's support. Never. Sri Lanka made India its enemy in 1971, and then paid the price of bloody decades long civil war. What China is doing now, India could have done with Sri lanka if they had made a better choice.

India care about Sri Lanka, nope. Any thing that concern India is usage of Srilankan ports and air fields by hostile country which essentially means they opting to become our enemy.

Lets say India has war with China. China uses Sri Lanka. We can attack Sri Lanka and there is no rule against it. Even US will jump on India's side.

Sri Lanka, if serious and clever, will now keep good relations with India and more tilt towards for China. Sri Lanka needs economic development and I think they are not that emotional to destroy there country by being hostile with India if they can attract Indian investment to boost their growth.

Companies like Tata are already acquiring Sri Lankan market and its beneficial for both.

People like you always think of war and hostility, while Bangladesh is progressing fast, Sri Lanka is making good decisions (I'm skeptical about favor to China but hope they don't mix politics with economy). This has already cost you a lot. Still you want war then I have no words.

Sri Lanka is good for business both for India and China. I think soon India, Sri lanka, Bangladesh, Myanmar will be good economic Zone- Bay of Bengal Zone.
Such Indian arrogance can only be expressed against small countries.

Come threaten Pakistan, and India will get a war, the likes of which they haven't seen since Mahabharata.

India has previously threatened a large country called Pakistan...its today a small country(by India - in a war!!)

Now what war and what sizes were you talking about!! lol.
Sri Lanka is good for business both for India and China. I think soon India, Sri lanka, Bangladesh, Myanmar will be good economic Zone- Bay of Bengal Zone.

I quite agree. Today Sri Lanka will not try to do anti-Indian activities. Instead India - Sri Lanka -BD -Mayanmar can form an economic arc that rivals East Asia. It is not just dreams, but something that is being implemented on the ground and will come to light by 2025. The Indian-BD-Mayanmar highway is being built, BD is opening up for Indian connectivity, Lanka is gearing up economically. All countries developing ports and economic infrastructure. Couple that with Trade Agreements being negotiated.

People will realize it by 2025.
^That's why China's interest in Sri lanka is not just strategic but economic too. india can counter it by investing heavily and acquiring its market before China do. If we fail at this, Sri Lanka have to go to China's side.

I hope Indian parties instead of playing for vote bank politics on Tamils put our national interest as top priority.
Though, Sri Lanka can never ever rage a war against India, but if Sri Lanka did have a thought about it once, than it's a really serious matter for India. Imagine a scenario when China rages war against India on the border issue, Pakistan seeing it as the best time to resolve the Kashmir dispute forever can open a second front against India. This will be a time when our smaller neighbors will like to settle some scores with India over no. of issues, what if than Bangladesh, Sri Lanka or even Nepal open fronts against India?? though this may look a bit of exaggeration but we should not turn a blind eye to this situation also (just a thought).
This is no laughing matter. If Sri Lanka did declare war on India, victory would have been awarded to Sri Lanka ..not militarily but in international diplomatic terms. The bottom line is that if SL asked India to pull out of the SL civil war and if India did not comply then India would be viewed as an aggressor at the UNO.

Wimpish attitude...reason why India would never be a great power. We care too much for "morals" and the assorted bullshit.

If they want war -we better give them one and not act like wimps worrying what some goras would think of us.

And contrary to your thinking there is nothing great except some fragile-ego-massage in being regarded as a peaceful nation even if you are invaded. The concept of ahimsa as given by Gandhi has totally destroyed and distorted the original message of dharma as given in the Gita.
^That's why China's interest in Sri lanka is not just strategic but economic too. india can counter it by investing heavily and acquiring its market before China do. If we fail at this, Sri Lanka have to go to China's side.

I hope Indian parties instead of playing for vote bank politics on Tamils put our national interest as top priority.

Are you out of mind? supporting SL tamils its tamilan's duty here nothing to do with vote bank politics as you think. Tamils(both Indian and SL tamils) in Switzerland , Norway , Australia , England , US etc..protested against SL human right violations and they insisting their respective to support the UN resolution against SL government , so those people did for vote bank politics? don't speak like a stupid. SL tamils issue is always sentimental for us.
I have to say to TN Tamils, Eastern provincial council elections was held a week ago, "Genocidal" "Fu*king Sinhalese" President's party UPFA won the Eastern province. lol I think you don't hear these news in media in Tamilnadu.

Enjoy the fruits of the demographic,cultural destruction of the Tamil areas.
I quite agree. Today Sri Lanka will not try to do anti-Indian activities. Instead India - Sri Lanka -BD -Mayanmar can form an economic arc that rivals East Asia..

You are being idealistic. The only long term allies or whatever you call it, of India in South Asia would be Myanmar, Nepal and Bhutan. Never trust a sinhala. Their hate for India is paralleled only by the Pakistanis and some jamati bangladeshis.
Wimpish attitude...reason why India would never be a great power. We care too much for "morals" and the assorted bullshit.

If they want war -we better give them one and not act like wimps worrying what some goras would think of us.

And contrary to your thinking there is nothing great except some fragile-ego-massage in being regarded as a peaceful nation even if you are invaded. The concept of ahimsa as given by Gandhi has totally destroyed and distorted the original message of dharma as given in the Gita.

And remain in the economic quagmire of the 70's after the world slaps us with sanctions. Now you remind me of the attitude of one of our neighbors...starve , be an outcast internationally, be called a failed state but as long as you can walk around with a great bloated and undeserving ego.
And remain in the economic quagmire of the 70's after the world slaps us with sanctions. Now you remind me of the attitude of one of our neighbors...starve , be an outcast internationally, be called a failed state but as long as you can walk around with a great bloated and undeserving ego.

So you would rather be invaded and not respond because that would allegedly hurt your international image ? That be damned. Why did India then cross the international border in '65? Why did it meddle in Pakistani internal affair in East Pakistan ? Why didnt it just close the international border and let the West Paks deal with the East paks in whatever way they deemed fit. testing a nuclear bomb did bring on the sanctions too..did we not cross it ?

Failed state..for what ? for replying in kind to an invasion from another country ? Man you are hyper-exaggerating. Nothing of that sort would have ever come to pass.

This is the fetish for political correctness and need to appear tolerant that will cause the downfall of India in the long run. You got to understand that a big country like India can never be kept isolated, kept down for long, NEVER EVER. First we should understand our strength. Only then others will.
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