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Premadasa threatened war with India, says former envoy

That's not true. Pakistan first interfered by sheltering militants in East Pakistan from North-East India.

I said, we didn't forget 1971. And that is the reason, there will be full spectrum response whenever it would be needed.
I said, we didn't forget 1971. And that is the reason, there will be full spectrum response whenever it would be needed.

Yes, you tried for full spectrum response resulting in the loss 40,000 precious lives of fellow Pakistanis with your own creation.
This is no laughing matter. If Sri Lanka did declare war on India, victory would have been awarded to Sri Lanka ..not militarily but in international diplomatic terms. The bottom line is that if SL asked India to pull out of the SL civil war and if India did not comply then India would be viewed as an aggressor at the UNO. Would India's economic rise have been possible if it was engaged in war with a tiny island neighbor and if the world subsequently decided to slap it with sanctions for its conduct ? I think not. This was not a case of defending Indian soil. This was a case of India sending in peacekeeping troops who were subsequently asked by the legitimate government of SL to withdraw. In my view our ambassador did show disrespect to the PM of SL and it is nothing for us to beat our chests about. It is a shame to our reputation of being a peaceful nation and it is nothing short of being a bully

Very true! It would have been a diplomatic vicotry for SL and probably a tactical victory for India.

Unless Sri Lanka would attempt an operation Chengiz Khan

In any case there won't be a diplomatic victory for Sri Lanka. When Bangladesh didn't allow Rohingyans to enter, did they loose something. Influx of Tamil was concern for us and for our national security, for that we have to do anything possible and at that time, some other country could have taken the opportunity if we went on war with Srilanka which I think won't be even a month long.

As for people calling it arrogance, we know what can divide a country and we have learned it the hard way so these move will always have support of billions of Indians. National security is always the highest priority.

Economics wise, this would have brought sanctions against us which I think would be great for India if you look growth of self-reliance after 1998 Nuclear test. Our economic condition was not that good which could have been a concern but certainly would have made us to take the hard and important decisions. Rajiv Gandhi would be still alive and we might have Tamil and Sinhalese country in Sri lanka if not all for Tamils.
I have to say to TN Tamils, Eastern provincial council elections was held a week ago, "Genocidal" "Fu*king Sinhalese" President's party UPFA won the Eastern province. lol I think you don't hear these news in media in Tamilnadu.
But Indians pulled out, oh man they always do that
^ Yup, we always do but we do enough damage to put these countries decades behind. Sri lanka remained busy for decades. They are now picking up. Imagine if they were developing without any conflict, a country which instead of following codes of neutrality in 1971 war, opted to help Pakistan. India can afford hundreds of thousands of soldiers in Kashmir, pump up $ 40 billion in defense, which make other countries which are not in good term to do the same. Sometimes you don't have to fire a bullet to head to kill if you can break the backbone named economy and making your enemy paralytic or in internal problems for decades.

One should see the deep effects of such moves. We did loose our PM which was a drawback,
Such Indian arrogance can only be expressed against small countries.

Come threaten Pakistan, and India will get a war, the likes of which they haven't seen since Mahabharata.

In any case, Sri Lanka is not the same country as it was then. In the aftermath of its major victory against Indian supported terrorists LTTE, it has emerged more confidant and more powerful than ever before.

It has more powerful friends in the region than ever before - ever threatening India was never Sri Lanka's friend in the first place.

And there is no Hanuman in current India and infact, Rawan shifted to India from Lanka a long time ago.

And the Indian Rawan will lose big if it dares to even threaten Sri Lanka now. As the time passes, Sri Lanka would become even more powerful and out of India's threat reach.

You should be humble after atleast comparing the size of Pakistan in 1947 and now that would make you realise what Indian Army is capable of.
Mehrotra reportedly replied: “Excellency, I have come here to discuss peace with you, but if you want war you will have it.”

He added in the journal’s Oral History column: “These words, delivered in a very serious manner, brought him down. I was observing him keenly; he was not expecting that kind of reply.

ClassiC ....
Yes, you tried for full spectrum response resulting in the loss 40,000 precious lives of fellow Pakistanis with your own creation.

Gali ki aurton ki tarha baatein kartay ho kabhi kabhi.

Kahan ki kahan mila di.
In any case there won't be a diplomatic victory for Sri Lanka. When Bangladesh didn't allow Rohingyans to enter, did they loose something. Influx of Tamil was concern for us and for our national security, for that we have to do anything possible and at that time, some other country could have taken the opportunity if we went on war with Srilanka which I think won't be even a month long.

As for people calling it arrogance, we know what can divide a country and we have learned it the hard way so these move will always have support of billions of Indians. National security is always the highest priority.

Economics wise, this would have brought sanctions against us which I think would be great for India if you look growth of self-reliance after 1998 Nuclear test. Our economic condition was not that good which could have been a concern but certainly would have made us to take the hard and important decisions. Rajiv Gandhi would be still alive and we might have Tamil and Sinhalese country in Sri lanka if not all for Tamils.

Courtesy @ajtr ............

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