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Prayers Needed For My Father

Thank you all, his condition is slightly stable since yesterday night but still not out of ICU


I used to know a Baqai in Karachi university late 70's or early 80---dept---I don't know geology or biochem---not very tall---wore glasses---but a very good person---

Sir must be some other guy, my dad is graduate of Punjab University, he did his masters in Statistics
Nice to hear that. May he recover soon.

Thank you all, his condition is slightly stable since yesterday night but still not out of ICU

Sir must be some other guy, my dad is graduate of Punjab University, he did his masters in Statistics
I made my prayers and also asked my mother to make prayers for your father. I didn't want to just announce and say RIP, when I first saw your thread.
he has accute infaction in two places in his brain, infaction can be treated with medicine, hopefully fingers crossed we might be able to get him shifted to private room tonight, i previously thought having two school going kids that schools are biggest money minting mafia out there but i am learning the hard way that hospitals are two steps ahead in that
update: brought him back home, his condition as far as vitals are concerned is stable, like i mentioned he had a stroke which affected two sides of his brain, through physiotherapy and medication there has been a slight improvement e.g. previously he was unconscious all the time but now he is opening his eyes and moves his head on sound, he looked at me and squinted his eyes as if he was trying to recognize ...

doctors are saying that there is blood in his brain which they are trying to get rid of through medicines, we have to keep a watch on him for three weeks and than it would be decided if there is any need for an operation or not, since he is 83+ (now here is another problem, in those days parents deliberately used to put the year of birth wrong for sake of retirement age and other things so we presume his actual age is 85 or more) putting him in general anesthesia can be dangerous so if it comes to that than we will decide risk vs advantages/disadvantages but that is again three weeks from now

I thank you all for all the prayers and request you all to please continue your prayers for him, we might not know each other but hey we all have a common interest which binds us i.e. love for our country

Thanks Again

Saquib Baqai
Put your hand on your dad chest and recite durood sharif and then this Dua inshallah he will be feeling good
"O Lord of the people, remove this pain and cure it, You are the one who cures and there is no one besides You who can cure, grant such a cure that no illness remains".
Then again recite durood sharif
thanks, will give it a shot ...

by the way my Indian friends, my dad was born in Delhi and when migrated to Pakistan he was 15 years old, i have had fascinating time listening to stories from India and how he and his cousins used to steal mithai from hindu uncle ki dukan and than used to get spanked from my dadda lol
Allah aap kay walid saha ko sehat tandrusti ata karay or aap ko itaqamat or himat day is mushkil waqat mein (ameen).

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