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Prayer is forbidden in this city !!

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If Muslim countries themselves ban Hijab and Beards, we lose moral right to attack so called "commies". It would be very hypocritical for us to call out China.

I don't see you post about Tajikstan banning Beards. You don't care about Tajikstani Muslims?

And why are we bothering about small things like Hijab and Beards anyway. There's full fledge genocide going on against Kashmiri people. Why don't you cry about them?
Oh no we don't, there's no such thing as losing moral rights LMAO.

Wrong is wrong, no matter how right they wanted you to believe such. We are all responsible to defend our muslim Uyghurs brothers, just because our country (ie rulers) like to suck chinese cock doesn't mean we must follow the same route.

Tajikistan, Uzbekistan etc are all a perfect example of why muslims under commie rule are a source of concern, basically this is the region that gave birth to famous muslim scholar like imam Al Bukhari, and now after decades of communists rule they banned the hijab (I only know recently btw).

I know you like chinese cock so much, it's my mission to separate you and other honest muslims that is basically just ignorant. I can still correct them.
Lol.. excuse for your selective clause. They are now under Muslim rulers. And why they didn't overturn the rules previously?

Muslim have enough of being make use by others as cannon fodder for their political agenda.
Not exactly muslim rulers when most of their leaders are soviet leftovers, I wouldn't be surprised if they couldn't read the Qur'an.
Oh no we don't, there's no such thing as losing moral rights LMAO.

Wrong is wrong, no matter how right they wanted you to believe such. We are all responsible to defend our muslim Uyghurs brothers, just because our country (ie rulers) like to suck chinese cock doesn't mean we must follow the same route.

Tajikistan, Uzbekistan etc are all a perfect example of why muslims under commie rule are a source of concern, basically this is the region that gave birth to famous muslim scholar like imam Al Bukhari, and now after decades of communists rule they banned the hijab (I only know recently btw).

I know you like chinese cock so much, it's my mission to separate you and other honest muslims that is basically just ignorant. I can still correct them.

Not exactly muslim rulers when most of their leaders are soviet leftovers, I wouldn't be surprised if they couldn't read the Qur'an.

Uzbek doesnt ban hijab, I will try to search other Central Asian countries


This is coverage from Net TV, Indonesian TV station quite recently

Radical threat in Xinjiang is real. The video I showed are in Ningxia. Major mosque are open in Ramadan only. Most daily prayer are done at their local are when authority build prayer rooms to carry out their prayers. Local need to register to ensure you are local so no foreign element enter the mosque and start their radical process.

You are moron.. This is anti-humanity and against freedom of religion. You are openly saying that Islam is an extremist religion it can't be practiced. You are a great damage to china. You have said the religion of 2 billion people is illegal.. You are a great damage to your country
Uzbek doesnt ban hijab, I will try to search other Central Asian countries

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This is coverage from Trans TV, Indonesian TV station quite recently

Tell that to @Maira La ,
You are moron.. This is anti-humanity and against freedom of religion. You are openly saying that Islam is an extremist religion it can't be practiced. You are a great damage to china
Umm he's just being honest, he doesn't even realize how stupid he sounded like when he said that permission are needed to enter mosques.
Tell that to @Maira La ,

Umm he's just being honest, he doesn't even realize how stupid he sounded like when he said that permission are needed to enter mosques.

If they face a muslim blockade their economy could tank more then half overnight since there is like 57 muslim majority countries and Also the Uighurs are not even a threat as they are very very very very tiny minority in china it is like a drop of water compared to an ocean. China is 1.4 Billion vs 8 million uighurs? A drop of water vs an ocean. According to my survey majority of the Uighurs are not muslims where as the remaining are even active in the chinese entertainment and what not
If they face a muslim blockade their economy could tank more then half overnight since there is like 57 muslim majority countries and Also the Uighurs are not even a threat as they are very very very very tiny minority in china it is like a drop of water compared to an ocean. China is 1.4 Billion vs 8 million uighurs? A drop of water vs an ocean
Well tell that to the commies, he's just unwillingly being honest with you. His stance could well be the stance of 1.4 billion other chinese.
If they face a muslim blockade their economy could tank more then half overnight since there is like 57 muslim majority countries and Also the Uighurs are not even a threat as they are very very very very tiny minority in china it is like a drop of water compared to an ocean. China is 1.4 Billion vs 8 million uighurs? A drop of water vs an ocean

China has been preparing for extremely difficult situations. Of course, I personally think that the possibility of occurrence is very small. The government of Muslim countries is more rational than you, and the future of Muslims is modernization rather than ISIS.
China has been preparing for extremely difficult situations. Of course, I personally think that the possibility of occurrence is very small. The government of Muslim countries is more rational than you, and the future of Muslims is modernization rather than ISIS.

Do you know how many people are ISIS not even 0.000001%... But you can't tell me I can't pray anywhere in Shanghai. That is bs and against freedom of religion. That is totalitarianism and dengerous for humanity. Imagine if I refuse all the Chinese in Indonesia they can't practice their religion. That is against individual freedom.

There is fine line between going retarded and doing things right.. If China starts showing totalitarianism tendencies you can bet that everyone will cut ties. This is signs of early hitler. He didn't knew he was retarded until he ran into the world
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Do you know people are ISIS not even 0.000001%... But you get tell me I can't pray anywhere in Shanghai. That is bs and against freedom of religion. That is totalitarianism and dengerous to humanity. Imagine if I refuse all the Chinese in Indonesia they can't practice their religion. That is against individual freedom.

There is fine line between going retarded and doing things right
I'm telling you, almost all PRC citizens and it's leaders have the same attitude, for them being muslims=isis.

Watch out
China has been preparing for extremely difficult situations. Of course, I personally think that the possibility of occurrence is very small. The government of Muslim countries is more rational than you, and the future of Muslims is modernization rather than ISIS.

The future of Muslim should be more modern and more religious

Tell that to @Maira La ,

Umm he's just being honest, he doesn't even realize how stupid he sounded like when he said that permission are needed to enter mosques.
Lol.. typical tactics. Some will try hard to link registration means you can't practice islam and can't go mosque. These measure are also to protect the local Muslim. They are also supportive of such measure. They Uyghur themselves also setup committee to ensure no foreign element infuriates them and report any suspicious. The radical threat to Uyghur Muslim are real.

May I know what is wrong with rooting out extremist or separatist? Unless u are supportive of such measure.
Lol.. typical tactics. Some will try hard to link registration means you can't practice islam and can't go mosque. These measure are also to protect the local Muslim. They are also supportive of such measure. They Uyghur themselves also setup committee to ensure no foreign element infuriates them and report any suspicious. The radical threat to Uyghur Muslim are real.

May I know what is wrong with rooting out extremist or separatist? Unless u are supportive of such measure.
Put a gun to anyone's head and they will agree to whatever you say, That is the reality of the way Uighurs are treated in China. It's quite revealing that what you deem as normal in China is considered deliberate discrimination in the rest of the world. Shameful.
Lol.. typical tactics. Some will try hard to link registration means you can't practice islam and can't go mosque. These measure are also to protect the local Muslim. They are also supportive of such measure. They Uyghur themselves also setup committee to ensure no foreign element infuriates them and report any suspicious. The radical threat to Uyghur Muslim are real.

May I know what is wrong with rooting out extremist or separatist? Unless u are supportive of such measure.

First of all you have lack of knowledge in this matter and second of all you think your fighting separatism but you are targetting regular everyday people and opressing minorities. Standing in the way of religious freedom.

What also makes you think such insignificiant minorities have political interests in china?`? I have seen them just leave elsewhere and they always do that whenever they feel like it. But as having political aspiration they don't have it. They are an insignificiant portion of the country 00000001% population wise
Do you know how many people are ISIS not even 0.000001%... But you can't tell me I can't pray anywhere in Shanghai. That is bs and against freedom of religion. That is totalitarianism and dengerous for humanity. Imagine if I refuse all the Chinese in Indonesia they can't practice their religion. That is against individual freedom.

There is fine line between going retarded and doing things right.. If China starts showing totalitarianism tendencies you can bet that everyone will cut ties. This is signs of early hitler. He didn't knew he was retarded until he ran into the world

I personally do not believe in religious freedom, I believe in sovereignty. I don’t think you really understand religious freedom, which was a concept put forward by the West during the Cold War.
I personally do not believe in religious freedom, I believe in sovereignty. I don’t think you really understand religious freedom, which was a concept put forward by the West during the Cold War.

You shoot yourself in the foot there completely and blatantly... Anyone whos against religious freedom will never dominate this world nor win ww3. That is a forgone conclusion. Do you know what the world calls such person? An Enemy against all of humanity.. Try to deny the abrahamic faiths religious freedom Christians, Muslims or Jews in today's world?`China will go back to stone ages
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