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Pravin Sawhney: China has made it clear Ladakh belongs to Pakistan and will reverse 370 by force


Pakistan literally won all wars on Western front. Even your own ex-Army veterans and defence analysts admit to this fact. Had Pakistan lost, there wouldn't be a Pakistan nor Azad Kashmir would still be with us. You were 10x larger in 1965 and yet suffered the humiliation of signing agreement of stalemate with a 10x smaller country. Where in history a larger military signed agreement of stalemate with small military and considered it a "victory" :sarcastic:....Even 1971 was a strategic Muslim victory in subcontinent and Hindu loss---but that's a different topic.

Here, your own ex-Army veteran admitting the truth. View attachment 642378

You can keep writing laughably embarrassing lines like "Even Afghan Army is enough for you"----but it doesn't change the facts that we, a 7x smaller nation, dominated you last Feb while when faced with equals---you are literally getting humiliated worldwide. Just google Bloomberg's report on the whole fiasco. Or BBC's. Or Guardian's

Lol, we dont need PLA action to feel any sense of security vis-a-vis inferior india.

We feel secure because we have defeated your aggression again and again. Forget nugatory mudslinging----we all saw with our own eyes what Pakistan military did to you and how globally india was humiliated by us :)

That gives us our sense of security. Our capability. Our execution of military prowess against india. Our unrelentless will to fight down a larger enemy with success

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While when faced with equals, you are literally getting arse raped. 60 sq km territory under Chinese boots. 23 soldiers dead. No retaliation from your side. Not even one bullet. indian army is proving to be gutless chickens. No wonder smaller Islamic armies consistently conquered and ruled Delhi for 1000 years or so.


Please save this post for future reference and keep reminding Indians with it.
India will be very vulnerable in the winter when their supply lines get cut off but China's supply lines keep running.

When winter comes, China and Pakistan will strike from two fronts in Ladakh and go for the kill.

Sir, their supply line is already been cut off that's another tension for them which is why they are trying to cool down Chinese because they know if the situation stays same Pakistan will hunt them down too!

Meanwhile, Pakistan's supply lines are also running (I doubt they'd be supplying everything 2x to basically fight till glory)

I doubt there will be three fronts from China-Pakistan-Nepal and there will be multiple internal fronts too (freedom movements)
I strongly recommend everyone watch this video completely from start to end.

The first half of video he talks about history of LAC, second half of the video talks about today's clashes and implications.

i am thinking of Leh, if china is completely saying that it belongs to them then thery will go to Leh ??

wasnt satrangi song made in Leh ?
i am thinking of Leh, if china is completely saying that it belongs to them then thery will go to Leh ??

wasnt satrangi song made in Leh ?

Chinese have planned everything far ahead, I expect that not only do they have plans to take Leh but they can do it as well if Pakistan joins in to provide the extra firepower in a two-front offensive in Ladakh.

When or how, I don't know. But I think we are now starting to see the first steps of that plan implemented.
Well, thank you for at-least appreciating!

I've multiple friends in India, they have always made it clear that they are not interested in the army, political talks because they don't know who is at right (be it Pakistan or India) and who is wrong but they don't even want to know so let the peace of mind stay. They have never abused me, they have never abused Pakistan in front of me, they are very keen to know about our 5 times Salaat offerings and the procedure, etc. So, basically the normal or local citizen is not interested in living in war kind of situation all the time, they want peace just like us but there are always bad people in good ones and good people in bad ones so yeah those people want to suppress, want to forcefully take decisions, want to disturb the peace of the region (here I will agree with you too) still I think going so extreme with respect to religion is not necessary because then what would be the difference between them and us if they are abusing our religion and we are abusing their religion in retaliation?

Also, I agree with you that they never learn because how can people be so dumb? We beat the shit out of their pilot and they made him a hero like seriously "Hamara pilot hota hum uski taanay dy dy kar sharam se maar dety" so yeah sometimes I think the brain is missing in their heads but then I think God can't make a mistake it's themselves who doesn't want to use their common sense and wants to believe on falsehopes!

Well, you can use whichever way you want to put the fire out of the fire I just thought as a Muslim it was my duty to let you know about a few Imp things, God bless!
Brother as I said b4 you are 100% correct. May Allah bless you and bring your friends in india to the right path
I told you that this time there will be three fronts China-Pakistan-India and Chinese National English Language Newspaper confirms that:

I think Nepal is thrown in there just to scare the Indians even more but a two-front offensive is not just possible but likely.
Mashallah you intention is good and your direction perfect. Sadly I know many Hindus and have been to india. I have yet to meet in real life people as dumb ignorant and stupid as some Hindus on pdf. Yes the abuse islam on here. They glorify rape and condone it. They cheer for the rape and beating of muslims by RSS gangs. So although I agree with you sometime only fire can put out a fire. These people are the worst of creation and they will never learn. So although I agree with you I suggest you try talking to these people and you may change your mind

these bad hindus have allowed to live 20 crore muslims among them and prosper even after 1947 partition in the name of islam.
these bad hindus have allowed to live 20 crore muslims among them and prosper even after 1947 partition in the name of islam.
Allowed....hahaha...remember who ruled you for a 1000 years. You have only had freedom since 1947 and you have managed to f that up as well. So much ethnic strife. Killing rapes and not one of your neighbours is happy with you. So as you are used to speaking shyte and you armed forces getting their asses handed to them I would stfu
Allowed....hahaha...remember who ruled you for a 1000 years. You have only had freedom since 1947 and you have managed to f that up as well. So much ethnic strife. Killing rapes and not one of your neighbours is happy with you. So as you are used to speaking shyte and you armed forces getting their asses handed to them I would stfu

yes hindus allowed muslims to live with them amicably even after partition of india on basis of religion .
yes hindus allowed muslims to live with them amicably even after partition of india on basis of religion .
Allowed are you stupid....hindus in pakistan are NOT ALLOWED. They are Pakistani. As I have said to you many time you are stupid....each time you reinforce my thinking. India is not secular than its fascist.
Yeah I think this is Pakistan's mistake for not understanding this earlier.

Since August 5, 2019, Imran Khan has erroneously believed for almost a full year that diplomacy can reverse 370. But this will not work.

China is about to show Pakistan how its done the correct way: Reverse 370 by force.

Pakistan might get more aggressive now if it can see that Chinese aggression yields big results. Pakistan military will be watching these India-China clashes very closely to see if now is the time Pakistan can successfully use military force to make gains in Kashmir. If China can corner India to reverse 370 by force, I think Pakistan will get more aggressive because military will see that a combined two-front Pakistan+China aggression against India does work more than diplomacy.

I think this is one rare opportunity to reach out to China and build pressure from both borders to liberate Kashmir. This chance wont come again. And India will never listen to words. India will only understand language of force. Its naive on part of Pakistan to think rolling back article 370 will help Kashmir cause. Kashmir needs liberation. This is perhaps the best time and this opportunity may never come again.

Pakistan has been measured and I can understand as Pakistan has lost too much credibility in since Musharraf times fighting American war and getting dirty in it. That war has brought us to our knees in economy. So while we had no narrative on terrorism but just defensive statements, we also lost on economic front. But despite those setbacks, this is one rare opportunity.
Allowed are you stupid....hindus in pakistan are NOT ALLOWED. They are Pakistani. As I have said to you many time you are stupid....each time you reinforce my thinking. India is not secular than its fascist.

pakistani hindus sikhs were expelled en mass , they are reduced from 23 percent to less than 1 percent . indian muslims prospered in india , muslim population rose better rate than hindus , millions of masjids came up in last 70 years .
Pravin Sawhney: China has made it clear Ladakh belongs to Pakistan and will reverse 370 by force
Maj. Dr. Pravin Sawhney has lost his mind with grief over the recent events, thus is confused. Kargil belongs to GB, Pakistan and Leh belongs in Tibet, China.

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