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Pravin Sawhney: China has made it clear Ladakh belongs to Pakistan and will reverse 370 by force

I strongly recommend everyone watch this video completely from start to end.

The first half of video he talks about history of LAC, second half of the video talks about today's clashes and implications.

@GHALIB Pakistan demands Kashmir and ladakh on the same basis as India annexed deccan by force.
There is still time. We can make Kashmir an independent state. India can keep ladakh, Pakistan can keep GB.
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He has been thoroughly proven correct after what PLA is doing to india....captured your territory, and kill 23 soldiers of yours incl. commanding officer and dumped them into the valley ridges.

China has inflicted a defeat so humiliating on india, so brazen that entire world is surprised. Modi is silent, so is your army looking for 'de-escalation'

You as a people remain defeated, conquered psychologically, and humiliated in front of your enemies.

@drumstick @silent_poison @Nilgiri @Joe Shearer Just imagine fellas how utter contempt and lowly status we Pakistanis are seeing indian army with right now.

You lot see it for yourself....how 7x smaller Pakistani military takes on 7x larger india. We bomb your posts for your shelling. We kill your soldiers in equivalent amount if not more when we take losses by your firing, heck---we openly announce and conduct air strikes on india and shoot down your jets when you dare to do aerial incursion in our air space.

Thats when our armed forces are numerically much smaller than yours----but our bravehearts fight like wolves. Outnumbered, but not outgunned.

And now look at you sissies---when faced with an adversary equal in size----your army is literally getting arse raped. Not an exaggeration, "literally!" Chinese took over your territory in brazen aggression without facing a single bullet in resistence, and now are killing your soldiers en masse. 23 soldiers+ commanding officer lost in one go? This is beyond humiliating. Your weak and cucked PM Modi hasn't even tweeted a thing nor said one word.

Even you guys are feeling internally embarrassed. I can see it on Indian social media. All you have left is fake news of "Chinese losses were double. We won. blah blah" just like after PAF's domination at Kashmir during 27th Feb airstrikes.

What a monumental loss of national pride and collective indian face. Your right-wing govt left you with no place to hide your face. Astonishing
To Pravin's credit, he has accurately predicted almost everything so far.

He was right that China was not happy about Article 370
He was right that China was not happy about India getting close to US
He was right that China has the power to dictate where the border is

whether china is happy or not its none of our concern... they can cry about it. they cried in 1985 when we annexed Arunachal Pradesh and in 1975 when we merged Sikkim.
They cried in Doklam when we gone beyond our borders to Bhutan to protect our friends... so crying is what they been taught.... we are only the catalyst.
He has been thoroughly proven correct after what PLA is doing to india....captured your territory, and kill 23 soldiers of yours incl. commanding officer and dumped them into the valley ridges.

China has inflicted a defeat so humiliating on india, so brazen that entire world is surprised. Modi is silent, so is your army looking for 'de-escalation'

You as a people remain defeated, conquered psychologically, and humiliated in front of your enemies.

@drumstick @silent_poison @Nilgiri @Joe Shearer Just imagine fellas how utter contempt and lowly status we Pakistanis are seeing indian army with right now.

You lot see it for yourself....how 7x smaller Pakistani military takes on 7x larger india. We bomb your posts for your shelling. We kill your soldiers in equivalent amount if not more when we take losses by your firing, heck---we openly announce and conduct air strikes on india and shoot down your jets when you dare to do aerial incursion in our air space.

Thats when our armed forces are numerically much smaller than yours----but our bravehearts fight like wolves. Outnumbered, but not outgunned.

And now look at you sissies---when faced with an adversary equal in size----your army is literally getting arse raped. Not an exaggeration, "literally!" Chinese took over your territory in brazen aggression without facing a single bullet in resistence, and now are killing your soldiers en masse. 23 soldiers+ commanding officer lost in one go? This is beyond humiliating. Your weak and cucked PM Modi hasn't even tweeted a thing nor said one word.

Even you guys are feeling internally embarrassed. I can see it on Indian social media. All you have left is fake news of "Chinese losses were double. We won. blah blah" just like after PAF's domination at Kashmir during 27th Feb airstrikes.

What a monumental loss of national pride and collective indian face. Your right-wing govt left you with no place to hide your face. Astonishing
Lol. Pakistan can revel in a false sense of security if it wants to. The Chinese know exactly what happened. They aren't releasing figures of their dead "as a goodwill gesture". They didn't have much goodwill when they were releasing pics of Indian dead.

The Americans can and bomb you when they feel like. You can't even stand up to them. But when India stands upto to China, you get this false sense of security. Lol. If you had ever stood up instead of always using proxies, you would know what it means.
boring post, your contempt is laughable... keep it with you. Even Afghanistan army is enough for you. a country who fought and lost ALL its wars don't have to teach its big brother...

again to remind this pakistani poster, dont bring any other incident and derail this thread. to give answer to you is so easy but this is not the time.... i'll choose a time clear all your naive doubts.


Pakistan literally won all wars on Western front. Even your own ex-Army veterans and defence analysts admit to this fact. Had Pakistan lost, there wouldn't be a Pakistan nor Azad Kashmir would still be with us. You were 10x larger in 1965 and yet suffered the humiliation of signing agreement of stalemate with a 10x smaller country. Where in history a larger military signed agreement of stalemate with small military and considered it a "victory" :sarcastic:....Even 1971 was a strategic Muslim victory in subcontinent and Hindu loss---but that's a different topic.

Here, your own ex-Army veteran admitting the truth.
Indian analyst accepting india never won against Pak.png

You can keep writing laughably embarrassing lines like "Even Afghan Army is enough for you"----but it doesn't change the facts that we, a 7x smaller nation, dominated you last Feb while when faced with equals---you are literally getting humiliated worldwide. Just google Bloomberg's report on the whole fiasco. Or BBC's. Or Guardian's

Lol. Pakistan can revel in a false sense of security if it wants to. The Chinese know exactly what happened. They aren't releasing figures of their dead "as a goodwill gesture". They didn't have much goodwill when they were releasing pics of Indian dead.

The Americans can and bomb you when they feel like. You can't even stand up to them. But when India stands upto to China, you get this false sense of security. Lol. If you had ever stood up instead of always using proxies, you would know what it means.

Lol, we dont need PLA action to feel any sense of security vis-a-vis inferior india.

We feel secure because we have defeated your aggression again and again. Forget nugatory mudslinging----we all saw with our own eyes what Pakistan military did to you and how globally india was humiliated by us :)

That gives us our sense of security. Our capability. Our execution of military prowess against india. Our unrelentless will to fight down a larger enemy with success

Business Insider on India's Embarrassing Failure.jpg
Indian Wing Commander Bloodied and Captured 2.jpg
NY Times saying Pak Humiliated India.jpg
Pak 3x missile strike threat made Modi pee.png
Russia Today Laughing at India blowing up its own helicopter.jpg

While when faced with equals, you are literally getting arse raped. 60 sq km territory under Chinese boots. 23 soldiers dead. No retaliation from your side. Not even one bullet. indian army is proving to be gutless chickens. No wonder smaller Islamic armies consistently conquered and ruled Delhi for 1000 years or so.
To Pravin's credit, he has accurately predicted almost everything so far.

He was right that China was not happy about Article 370
He was right that China was not happy about India getting close to US
He was right that China has the power to dictate where the border is
Also he was right china can bang india
I strongly recommend everyone watch this video completely from start to end.

The first half of video he talks about history of LAC, second half of the video talks about today's clashes and implications.

He is getting more and more traction because of the laughable state of their other news networks. Him and Lt. Gen. (retd) Panag articles are quite accurate and both have been proven right.

Pakistan literally won all wars on Western front. Even your own ex-Army veterans and defence analysts admit to this fact. Had Pakistan lost, there wouldn't be a Pakistan nor Azad Kashmir would still be with us. You were 10x larger in 1965 and yet suffered the humiliation of signing agreement of stalemate with a 10x smaller country. Where in history a larger military signed agreement of stalemate with small military and considered it a "victory" :sarcastic:....Even 1971 was a strategic Muslim victory in subcontinent and Hindu loss---but that's a different topic.

Here, your own ex-Army veteran admitting the truth. View attachment 642378

You can keep writing laughably embarrassing lines like "Even Afghan Army is enough for you"----but it doesn't change the facts that we, a 7x smaller nation, dominated you last Feb while when faced with equals---you are literally getting humiliated worldwide. Just google Bloomberg's report on the whole fiasco. Or BBC's. Or Guardian's

Lol, we dont need PLA action to feel any sense of security vis-a-vis inferior india.

We feel secure because we have defeated your aggression again and again. Forget nugatory mudslinging----we all saw with our own eyes what Pakistan military did to you and how globally india was humiliated by us :)

That gives us our sense of security. Our capability. Our execution of military prowess against india. Our unrelentless will to fight down a larger enemy with success

View attachment 642381 View attachment 642382 View attachment 642383 View attachment 642384 View attachment 642385

While when faced with equals, you are literally getting arse raped. 60 sq km territory under Chinese boots. 23 soldiers dead. No retaliation from your side. Not even one bullet. indian army is proving to be gutless chickens. No wonder smaller Islamic armies consistently conquered and ruled Delhi for 1000 years or so.

Haha. Sure sure. Nothing lost in Western sector by Pakistan. Not Turtuk. Not Chachro. Nixon not ensuring stopping of Indian advance in West Pakistan in 71. Americans not requesting stopping the advance to Lahore in 65.

You have been a land conquered by all and sundry - Hindus, Sikhs, Muslims and Christians. Never really put up much of a fight. That's just a sad historical fact of the region of present day Pak. And even you know it.
Few weeks back, I called bullocks on Joe shreare and his analysis of chinese intrusion. His analysis was so faulty that I questioned how he even managed to accumulate so many positive ratings and high stature over here.

Personal friendships and having free time to inflate posts with English diction. Some people are impressed by that.

Also he was right china can bang india

China acknowledges Ladakh as Pakistani territory. My favorite part of that video.

Good to hear it from an Indian. Face the Music.

Again a boring post...your opinions are useless. and your source is like pravin then its ok. this is the reason pakistanis in such a shitty condition. even Afghanistan army can kill your soldiers....

your loss of ALL your wars is known to everyone, and if you want world to believe one tweet? one news article? :lol::lol::lol::lol:

no wonder pakistan has no reputation ...
Haha. Sure sure. Nothing lost in Western sector by Pakistan. Not Turtuk. Not Chachro. Nixon not ensuring stopping of Indian advance in West Pakistan in 71. Americans not requesting stopping the advance to Lahore in 65.

You have been a land conquered by all and sundry - Hindus, Sikhs, Muslims and Christians. Never really put up much of a fight. That's just a sad historical fact of the region of present day Pak. And even you know it.


Yeah dude---its like exchange of territories never happen? Pakistan conquered indian territories like Khem Kharan, tracts in Rajistan. Hell, the chamb sector gains made by Pakistan army are still under our control. That's the whole point. A 10x smaller nation stood up, and fought you to stalemate. A 10x larger country was forced to sign an agreement of stalemate with a 10x smaller country with exchange of territory. That's how bravely we fought you down.

Your own ex-Army veteran admitting this military reality

Indian analyst accepting india never won against Pak.png

But when you faced your equals, not the enemy that's 2x larger or 3x larger, but pretty much equals---you literally got humiliatingly defeated. Forget the 60's, even today---nothing has changed.

While we, a 7x smaller nation fight you on equal grounds and keep the conflict on equal footing---you are literally getting arse raped by PLA, which isn't even 1.5x of your army.

And please, Muslim Punjabi generals led Akbar's armies to conquer Hindu lands. Pashtuns like Abdali decimated Marathas over and over. Nobody invaded East of Indus to conquer fields of Punjab. They invaded Hindustan and all captured the capital Delhi. YOU were conquered. YOUR CAPITAL was conquered again and again and again. Not ours :)

You can mental masturbate all you want. It wont change the history of Muslim conquest of Hindus. There wasn't "Turkish conquest of Punjab" or "Afghan conquest of Saraiki people" :lol: It was Turkic and Afghan conquests of Hindustan and its capital Delhi.

Again a boring post...your opinions are useless. and your source is like pravin then its ok. this is the reason pakistanis in such a shitty condition. even Afghanistan army can kill your soldiers....

your loss of ALL your wars is known to everyone, and if you want world to believe one tweet? one news article? :lol::lol::lol::lol:

no wonder pakistan has no reputation ...

Not only we defeated you in all wars, as admitted by your own ex-Army veteran here

Indian analyst accepting india never won against Pak.png

THE world laughed at Pakistan defeated and humiliation of indian military last Feburary. Just see it for yourself :lol::rofl:

Business Insider on India's Embarrassing Failure.jpg
Indian Wing Commander Bloodied and Captured.jpg
No building hit--Reuters (IAF failed miserably).jpg
NY Times saying Pak Humiliated India.jpg
Russia Today Laughing at India blowing up its own helicopter.jpg

No wonder india is such a pathetically weak state. That's why Chinese just walked over, occupied your territory and are killing your soldiers en masse and you can't do a single thing but cry. Your PM hasn't even made a statement yet :lol::lol::lol::lol:
boring post, your contempt is laughable... keep it with you. Even Afghanistan army is enough for you. a country who fought and lost ALL its wars don't have to teach its big brother...

again to remind this pakistani poster, dont bring any other incident and derail this thread. to give answer to you is so easy but this is not the time.... i'll choose a time clear all your naive doubts.
Pakistan fought and lost all its wars...
So azad Kashmir wasnt taken from you.
1965 you came for tea at Lahore ask your big mouth commander why he ran
Paksitan itself was carved out of hind
Kargil...you still dont have the heights...but fake encounters and fake medals were the call of the day. Later to be proved a lie.
1971 was a civil war that yiu took advantage...
Now sikhs are unhappy. Kashmiris are boiling and even tamils naga and many more. We will payback for 71 in full at a time and place of our choosing. Meantime we will let our chinese brothers play with you a little.

Little song for you to enjoy (hand to hand combat)
Again a boring post...your opinions are useless. and your source is like pravin then its ok. this is the reason pakistanis in such a shitty condition. even Afghanistan army can kill your soldiers....

your loss of ALL your wars is known to everyone, and if you want world to believe one tweet? one news article? :lol::lol::lol::lol:

no wonder pakistan has no reputation ...
What's the matter...
You appear to be in a foul mood today.

Got up on the wrong side of the War.
suddenly your boring messages turned up from losing all wars to this?? in the meantime you must have realized that pakistan losing all wars is right.

you go back see where Balakot is.... how far it is from LoC.... and then come back again.
Also see where Lahore is ... how far from LoC..... and then come back again.
You check where Dhaka is ... how far from pakistan.... and then come back again

we dont believe the nyt and these paid publications... we know since then all the terrorists are literally hiding.... these days we have a hit list of whom to kill and where.....

you are lost everything and all you can do is cry.... Siachin, Kashmir, East pakistan.... list goes on. and we will get back the occupied territory before 2022... be here to see it... bookmark this post.
don't embarrass your face .

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