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Power and Principle: UNSC Reforms

Possibly outsourcing, but won't there be political pushback. Americans talk of boycotting Chinese goods for 10 years now, but they can't stop their addiction. Take the law profession in the US. There are now 5 or 6 American web sites dedicated to describing how US law school is a big scam. Why? Because first year law work is going to India and American law graduates can't find any jobs. If America wants to empty out its Middle Class, I guess that's their right. I have a very secure job, so who cares.
Possibly outsourcing, but won't there be political pushback. Americans talk of boycotting Chinese goods for 10 years now, but they can't stop their addiction. Take the law profession in the US. There are now 5 or 6 American web sites dedicated to describing how US law school is a big scam. Why? Because first year law work is going to India and American law graduates can't find any jobs. If America wants to empty out its Middle Class, I guess that's their right. I have a very secure job, so who cares.

Let see where the American majority's line in the sand is, the point where they are pissed off enough to actually do something.
In the span of several years that I 've been in this forum, I, together with my fellow Chinese compatriots of course, have exposed successfully about a dozen or so Chinese-wannabes in total under flase flags. Some of them were fill with body odors that one could smell it from the North Pole , whereas some others were more subtle. Nevertheless, it's not only WHAT they said, but perhaps more importantly HOW they said it and HOW they backed up/ the way HOU they REASONED that have been proven to be quintessentially non-Chinese, native or ethnic!

It's very very likely that S 10 would be it! Evidences are plenty for anone with his brain where it should be to see.

To be perfectly honest, the next one on my "Chinese-Wannabe suspects Watch list " ( sorry CardSharp, your Chinese PC Trademark is deep into your bone already :lol: ) calls himself "DingDong" What a typical Chinese name that is ! :rofl:
Since you fancy being the ultimate authority on who gets to be Chinese, sure you can consider me an Indian. Whatever helps you sleep at night and keep us "false-flag" Indians at bay. Personally, paranoia and cropophila are enough traits to warrant a psychiatric assessment IMO.
I very much doubt that. :)

The Indian media lives to bash China and Pakistan.

And before you make the "free media" argument, Hong Kong has free media, yet we don't constantly write BS about other countries.
So your reasoning is that India media act like retards, so you gotta go the same route yourself to get back at them. Interesting thinking from people these days, and here I thought people always should aim higher, not lower.
So your reasoning is that India media act like retards, so you gotta go the same route yourself to get back at them. Interesting thinking from people these days, and here I thought people always should aim higher, not lower.

You're taking the internet too seriously. :D

How is posting on an anonymous internet forum, in anyway comparable to national media sources?

Since you couldn't read what I posted before, I have no idea if you are Chinese or Indian, but your personal attacks against Chinese members make you just as bad as the people you criticize.
You're taking the internet too seriously. :D

How is posting on an anonymous internet forum, in anyway comparable to national media sources?

Since you couldn't read what I posted before, I have no idea if you are Chinese or Indian, but your personal attacks against Chinese members make you just as bad as the people you criticize.
Certainly you can say whatever you want on the internet, just as Indians are entitled to say whatever they want on their media. Both of you do it so others can see. In the end, all these demonzining and bashing are the same in nature no matter through what medium you've expressed them. These comments serve no constructive purpose other than inviting more distrust.

As far as the so called "personal attack" goes, I assume you were talking about my comments directed at the Speeder 2? Ihave to remind you that observational remark is different than smearing. He did talk about human defecation on rail tracks did he not? And he sure seem plenty paranoid to me. Leanr to distinguish between them.
As far as the so called "personal attack" goes, I assume you were talking about my comments directed at the Speeder 2? Ihave to remind you that observational remark is different than smearing. He did talk about human defecation on rail tracks did he not? And he sure seem plenty paranoid to me. Leanr to distinguish between them.

Actually, I was referring to this:

It really shows immaturity as well as a fragile psyche. The only way to satisfy their weak ego is to talk smack on others, like insecure teenagers (Hell, they probably are). I don't know what is worse. The idiot that started the trolling or the idiots that get riled up by it. China is already economically and militarily ahead, so why all the hate?

And your continuous claim that the Chinese foreign ministry "somehow" pledged to support India's UNSC bid, by quoting an article written by an Indian. And which, as far as I know, you still haven't been able to prove.

Anyway there is no point continuing this discussion, best to leave it there. And no, I don't approve of many (or even most) of the things that Speeder says, but as far as I have seen, he at least manages to avoid making personal attacks.
Now i don’t want to derail the thread, here is my last post on the related issue.

S 10,

There are many Chinese here who have criticised me and laughed at me all these times, and keep doing so once in a while, some in ways far more sarcastic than you did , yet how come I seldom suspect their Chineseness but you?

Well there are plenty of evidences, some being soft and other being hard , push me into the thought , with only 6 or 7 posts I ‘ve seen from you so far. Let me tell face to face some selected one. This is important as there are only 2 “Chinese” in my suspicion list, Dingdong of “Singapore”is the other one:

1. you never criticised India alone. Never, as far as the posts I saw. Why?

2. however, you did to China alone. Why?

3. you did is not out of being PC , for members such as Cardsharp is also PC, but he stands straight in almost all fundamentally key national issues; while you don’t. Why?

4. you criticised me being …, yet thru the same pages, there were remarks from Indian members which were more ….; yet you shushed. Why?

5. whenever you were forced to answer question related to India’s negative side, your wordings are like “so what? So is China…” –obviously trying to escape any criticism. Why?

6. when a member politely present you a non-googleable simple Chinese words asking you what does it mean, you refused to answer while obviously being online, when you could have answered it easily in one sentence and largely rid of most suspicions towards you. Why?

7. even when a member repeatedly asked you for an explanation, you have refused to answer it and deliberately avoid answering it, repeatedly. Why?

Gosh, I miss the old good Grey Boy 2 for his trademark test method of asking you “which part of China you are from? “then posting a corresponding popular local dialect to ask you what does it mean. I bet your chance of getting away would be slimmer in that way.

8.Your recent posts are, more or less, the ones with maximum wordings regarding “personal attacks”. Looks like you are trying to say “you Chinese racist basta$$”, while crying. Why?

9. then I really became more suspicious, and started to look at your avatar side: it said you registered at 2009 ( one of the oldest guys out there; and about the time when my first ID was banned) , has 180 posts so far ( one of the least posters out there) ; and you location is: look at you thru window – a seemingly random thought when you wrote it, yet it shows your subconscious intention, indicating the high likehood that you frequently visit this site. This, however, contradict with the size of your posts. You post # is extremely low. WHY? Is that too farfetched for one to hypnotise that you might have DOUBLE ID here with the other one showing the reasonable amount of posts corresponding to your join date , or re-join date since you could be banned previously under some other ID…?

10. yes, I mentioned “human defecation” which MOD rightly deleted because it usually make true Indians jump out on the table ( you did, “by chance”). CardSharp responded “it’s tasteless” ( well, I would say it’s defecation, I would avoid it at all costs cuz it stinks, tasteless or not :lol:) Considering the contest where I used it , I would say it serves as a probably non-PC but definitely related analogy. But you see, a Chinese member criticised me on that yet he didn’t nap all the way many posts later; You did. Why?

…. Etc. etc. These are just for a starter. Too many question marks in my eyes already with only seeing 6 or 7 posts of yours… think about it., is it so farfetched for me to reasonablely assume that you might not be a Chinese, at all ?

Do not answer me, S10. Try PM me if you have to. But please, DO NOT assume, ever, that my IQ is at the same level of yours.

good nite, guys.
Actually, I was referring to this:
Do you deny that many Chinese posters fit into that description? Perhaps you've never been to a Chinese forum in your life? The contempt they show towards other countries are self-evident. Now not saying I am not guilty of the same charge, but at least I realize it's not a very healthy altitude.

And your continuous claim that the Chinese foreign ministry "somehow" pledged to support India's UNSC bid, by quoting an article written by an Indian. And which, as far as I know, you still haven't been able to prove.
There has been plenty of news sources that Chinese diplomats welcome India's greater role in the UNSC. India is already a non-permanent member and has been seeking a permanent seat. When you ask your company for a better position and the reply was "certainly you should play a more important role", do you actually consider that a rejection?

Anyway there is no point continuing this discussion, best to leave it there. And no, I don't approve of many (or even most) of the things that Speeder says, but as far as I have seen, he at least manages to avoid making personal attacks.
You kept stating personal attacks, and yet I have not mentioned a single person by name. Perhaps you think of it as personal attack because it hit a nerve somewhere? Again, observational comments are not personal attacks.

Do not answer me, S10. Try PM me if you have to. But please, DO NOT assume, ever, that my IQ is at the same level of yours.

good nite, guys.
Somehow I have to justify myself to your paranoia? It seems I have to add grandiose sense of existance on to that list. Like I said, you can think of me as whatever nationality you like if it helps you sleep at night.
Do you deny that many Chinese posters fit into that description? Perhaps you've never been to a Chinese forum in your life? The contempt they show towards other countries are self-evident.

Honestly what is this magical nationality that doesn't get huffy or arrogant on the internet? It's human to be vain.
Honestly what is this magical nationality that doesn't get huffy or arrogant on the internet? It's human to be vain.
Apparently acknowledging that fact for many Chinese is China-bashing and Indian loving. Oh and I need to prove my "Chinese-ness" now. Some people are quite amusing.
Apparently acknowledging that fact for many Chinese is China-bashing and Indian loving.

I used to be pro-China/India friendship (ask Cardsharp), but now I'm not. Geopolitical realities and all that.

What does that make me then?
Apparently acknowledging that fact for many Chinese is China-bashing and Indian loving. Oh and I need to prove my "Chinese-ness" now. Some people are quite amusing.

I used to be pro-China/India friendship (ask Cardsharp), but now I'm not. Geopolitical realities and all that.

What does that make me then?

Let this go, it can't end well. I don't even understand what the problem is.
There has been plenty of news sources that Chinese diplomats welcome India's greater role in the UNSC. India is already a non-permanent member and has been seeking a permanent seat. When you ask your company for a better position and the reply was "certainly you should play a more important role", do you actually consider that a rejection?

You said that the Chinese foreign ministry had pledged to support India for a permanent seat at the UNSC. And you said that this means India would be getting veto power.

Yet you have given us no sources to support this claim, you have just stretched some words to convey a meaning that was not explicitly given.

If you have something better then I would love to hear it.
Do you deny that many Chinese posters fit into that description? Perhaps you've never been to a Chinese forum in your life? The contempt they show towards other countries are self-evident. Now not saying I am not guilty of the same charge, but at least I realize it's not a very healthy altitude.

There has been plenty of news sources that Chinese diplomats welcome India's greater role in the UNSC. India is already a non-permanent member and has been seeking a permanent seat. When you ask your company for a better position and the reply was "certainly you should play a more important role", do you actually consider that a rejection?

You kept stating personal attacks, and yet I have not mentioned a single person by name. Perhaps you think of it as personal attack because it hit a nerve somewhere? Again, observational comments are not personal attacks.

Somehow I have to justify myself to your paranoia? It seems I have to add grandiose sense of existance on to that list. Like I said, you can think of me as whatever nationality you like if it helps you sleep at night.

Others I agree with but not the first. There are just as many hard right defeatists on Chinese forums are there are hard left nationalists. I try to maintain objectivity and provide facts, but the facts support the left most of the time. Unlike some, I do not believe that objective = unbiased. Truth is often biased. You do not give the same classroom time to ancient Greek physics and Newton's physics.
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