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Power and Principle: UNSC Reforms

i pity you
Skirting contentious issues, visiting President Pratibha Patil on Thursday held discussions with the top Chinese leadership which supported India's aspirations of becoming a permanent member of the UN Security Council, a stand welcomed by the Indian side.

look at the meaning of the word aspiration


i) this is not "quote", but someone "said". Things become complicated if this "someone" is "Times of India" according to historical lessons :lol:

ii) there is a gap as wide as the Pacific between "support aspirations", "greter role"and "Permanent seat WITH VETO" in diplomatic languages.

Say IQ is truly amazing scientific concept, eh? :lol:

Before you start to pity this and that, answer me when was the last time you had a full square dinner ? :lol:
I am not sure if most Indians look at international relationship like you do.. Which regards Russia, US and China carry about their international relationship with India as their primary focus. Wake up, wake up. India is not the primary focus of these countries. As matter in fact, India would be require to choose between US and the west vs China/Russia axis. If India move closer toward Russia, US will not trust India. If India move toward US and the west, Russia would not trust India. The reason is because Russia and China do not trust the US. To be honest with you, the world is shaping up to be where Russia/China in one camp and USA, western Europe, Japan and Australia in another camp. I wonder which side is India in? Eventually, India will be force to choose.

currently india still enjoys close relation with russia,50-50 with usa, but not good with china.
relations with usa will improve but not on the cost of russia as u mentioning,atleast for next 20 yrs.
india is moving on very tight rope.
The UN security council is not a Democracy and never will be. Why would Western powers want to share power with any country?

Nobody will share power. Veto nations are used to this arrangement for the last 60 years or so. Their strategies and partners in many cases are based on this matrix. Any change will certainly cause big impacts on how affairs are conducted and influence exerted.
For S10 My friend there are more indian trolls in here than chinese, the main purpose of indians in this forum is to bash china and show off infront of our pakistan brothers , unless you are an indian using a false flag you would have spoted by now.

a small correction - "since you are an indian using a false flag, you wouldn't have spoted by now."

Watch for China to throw Pakistan under the bus and back India. This may happen once India increase its trade ties with China and support China against US. When this happens, Pakistan would have no choice but to side with the US. This does not seem plausible but this is the Russian intension.

I don't know where you get your ideas from. I honestly doubt that would be the case. Pakistan and China's friendship isn't something that you can dash away for no reasons. Supporting India doesn't necessarily mean we will abandon others. This isn't the way we Chinese work. Pakistan will continue to be a close and dependable friend of ours. :cheers:

Yes well Indian media does have the unfortunate propensity towards being unashamed braggarts.

I don't think China will ever come out and say no to India's UNSC aspirations but it will continue to be apprehensive about helping India along the reforms and perhaps championing a two tiered system as long as India continues to show signs of being hostile to China and pliant to western interest in international affairs.

During his visit, Tang said, "The Chinese government is supportive of a reasonable and necessary reform of the UN Security Council, believing that the reform should take into account the interest of all parties, the developing countries in particular, follow the principle of equitable distribution, and give priority to increased representation of the developing countries. The Chinese government values India's influence and role in international and regional affairs and is willing to see a greater Indian role in the international arena, the United Nations included."

"We hope to see India playing a larger and constructive role in the Security Council for world peace and development," Tang said in response to questions by journalists. "China fully understands and endorses your country's interest in playing a bigger role in international affairs," he said.


China is the fourth of the five permanent members of the Security Council to support India's claim to a permanent seat in the Security Council. The US is now the only one opposed to India's candidacy...


You know what, troll, I just love how the "game"is played. :rofl:

i) Tang has never said that "China support India's for a Permamnent seat in UNSC with a Veto! " ( just in case...)

ii) The rest are all what "journalists" "think" and their "analysis".

iii) I though Obama admin "supported" India's seat firstly, didn't it? How come "The US is now the only one opposed to India's candidacy..." ???

Considering your staggering IQ, I'll elaborate a step further - The whole joke is Uncle Mao's calling Uncil Sam's bluff!

Uncle Sam checkmated Uncle Mao months ago in Obamao's India vist by claiming US support of India's bid, in order to gain some export orders as well;

What Uncle Mao is doing is to call the bluff, and checkmate Unckle Sam.

Now Uncle Sam has to be against India now as the article cited above.

India is a just a footsoilder in Big Boys' board game, is that clear?

:rofl: :rofl::rofl:
If size of the economy was considered, China would've never seen the P5 membership. China was poor country just like India when UN formed. I don't know what was the economic security it provided to UN.

There is no comparison between India & China, for India it still far from reality to compete China. Well you have to look economical statistics and then decide truth of arguments.

World Energy and GDP
Now S10, try this :

If " China is supportive of India's aspiration and bigger role on sanitation".

What does it mean?

It means that

A. "China is supportive of India's open-defecation"?, or

B. "China is supportive of India's open-defecation only on rail tracks"? , or

C. "China is supportive of India's open defecation anywhere other than rail tracks"? , or

D. "China is supportive of India to build an indoor-pumping system? or build two of them"?, or

E. all of above, or

F. none of above

Or what?

That 's exactly what Mr Tang said, and what Mr Obamao said as well, during their respective trips. :rofl:

This is kind of tasteless.
a small correction - "since you are an indian using a false flag, you wouldn't have spoted by now."

Yes I am an Indian because you said so. Your ability to screen people from a computer monitor is unmatched.

Now S10, try this :

If " China is supportive of India's aspiration and bigger role on sanitation".

What does it mean?

It means that

A. "China is supportive of India's open-defecation"?, or

B. "China is supportive of India's open-defecation only on rail tracks"? , or

C. "China is supportive of India's open defecation anywhere other than rail tracks"? , or

D. "China is supportive of India to build an indoor-pumping system? or build two of them"?, or

E. all of above, or

F. none of above

Or what?

That 's exactly what Mr Tang said, and what Mr Obamao said as well, during their respective trips. :rofl:
India is bidding for a permanent seat at the UNSC and asked China for its support. China stated it supports India's aspiration to play a greater role. That does not sound like rejection to me. Perhaps you should check your reading comprehension.

Also, maybe you should look into this strange obsession of yours with bodily waste. It's not very healthy. Normal human beings don't usually make analogies with defecation, and certainly not in strange places like rail tracks.
During his visit, Tang said, "The Chinese government is supportive of a reasonable and necessary reform of the UN Security Council, believing that the reform should take into account the interest of all parties, the developing countries in particular, follow the principle of equitable distribution, and give priority to increased representation of the developing countries. The Chinese government values India's influence and role in international and regional affairs and is willing to see a greater Indian role in the international arena, the United Nations included."

No point trying to explain it to Indians.

If they think they already have China's support for the UNSC (LOL what a joke)... then what are they waiting for, get the seat already. :D
Speeder 2 is crazy nationalist. S10 has been one of the best Chinese posters here.

So you call me Crazy nationalist?

Thank you very much! I am flattered, truely.

So my question for you is: if someone is against a Nationslist, what is he then? An anti-Nationalist.

In other words: a person who is pround of go against his own "supporsed" common national ( & sometime also racial) key interests, in order to make himself feel good and sound more politically correct.

I am glad that you made that clear.
So you call me Crazy nationalist?

Thank you very much! I am flattered, truely.

So my question for you is: if someone is against a Nationslist, what is he then? An anti-Nationalist.

In other words: a person who is pround of go against his own "supporsed" common national ( & sometime also racial) key interests.

I am glad that you made that clear.

No offense but you tend go overboard on things. Being nationalist is fine but you take it too far sometimes. I'm all for China but it doesn't mean I want to start wars with everybody.

Then you accuse S10 of being Indian. If you had read his posts on other threads you would realize he supports China as well.
No offense but you tend go overboard on things. Being nationalist is fine but you take it too far sometimes. I'm all for China but it doesn't mean I want to start wars with everybody.

Then you accuse S10 of being Indian. If you had read his posts on other threads you would realize he supports China as well.

Go easy. it's not an offence, really.

It's always a honor for me to be addressed as a nationalist, even a crazy one. I felt truely flattered.

As for your remark that "S10 has been one of the best Chinese posters here", I reckon, no, I insist that S 10 should thank you by inviting you to one of his curry breakfast in Delhi sometimes. :rofl:
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