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Potential ethnic conflict in Greece


This Greek defends and supports PKK terrorist organisation openly and then whines about Turks being hostile and hating him. He is completely delusional. This shows how dangerous Greeks can be. We must expect everything from them. We must be prepared if something happens to Muslim minority in Greece and act fast when it happens. How Greeks acted towards Turks the last couple of decades is disgusting in terms of relationship. Support of PKK, householding of terrorist leaders, support of Muslim massacres in Balkan and Cyprus, propaganda, etc.

Again, are you surprised that Turks are hostile to you when you defend these things?

There are a lot of countries that (tacitly) support the PKK. Why are you so surprised?
You would gladly bomb it? You would gladly bomb terrorists in Greece? Is that what you are saying?

Because I meant the Greek side of Thrace.

Look, there is a simple distinction between a terrorist and a freedom fighter. Instead of debating this sensitive issue for you (clearly) let us examine it this way.

I want your personal opinion about something, simply and clearly. Was the IRA a terrorist organisation or freedom fighters?
Don't speak english? anywhere, anytime.

Normally I'd refuse to comment as i'm not fully informed about the whole race and sect issues of UK. But i do know that IRA knowingly targeted civillians which makes them no better than any other terrorist group.

We, did not gain our independence by killing innocents. That's not the way to do things, you can't save your nation by bringing dishonor to it. This also applies for Hamas, Palestine i know died along with Yasar arafat.
That's what they deserve. They will continue to live and die like dogs, where it happening is irrelevant. Those "freedom fighters".
Don't speak english? anywhere, anytime.

Normally I'd refuse to comment as i'm not fully informed about the whole race and sect issues of UK. But i do know that IRA knowingly targeted civillians which makes them no better than any other terrorist group.

We, did not gain our independence by killing innocents. That's not the way to do things, you can't save your nation by bringing dishonor to it. This also applies for Hamas, Palestine i know died along with Yasar arafat.

Ok, on the first part, I am not so sure why you would feel justified for that. Although I doubt Turkey would bomb Greek-turkish "seperatists/terrorists" .

I will respond to you on a personal level, because I know beyond reasonable doubt Turkish foreign policy is steering otherwise, and if you want we can debate this even privately and I can tell you the things I know.

So on a personal level if you feel that the difference between Freedom Fighters and Terrorists is on the people they target, I will accept this and respect it. Providing you are firm on those beliefs.

You reinforced this by mentioning the other organizations.

You have to remember that a lot of Greeks also supported the PLO, which the Isrealis considered a terrorist group.

You have here an open minded person, and I believe you have seen this in other discussions.

so here I am. Let's assume Country A, with a majority of People A and a native minority of People B.

Do people B have the right to want to separate from Country A and make their own country?

Do they have the right to do this?
What must country A do?
What is the civilized way forward ?
Let's assume Country A, with a majority of People A and a native minority of People B. Majority of people B aren't supporting the seperatist/terrorist movement among them. But the minority that want a separate country started to kill civillians, children, tourists, doctors, teachers, workers, etc... in order to make People A to accept their demands.

Do people B have the right to want to separate from Country A and make their own country?

Do they have the right to do this?
What must country A do?
What is the civilized way forward ?

That's better.
Amalakas, tell me what the difference is between PKK and for example Balkan Turk in Greece doing a terrorist attack because he wants part of Greek Thrace to be Turkish?
Amalakas, tell me what the difference is between PKK and for example Balkan Turk in Greece doing a terrorist attack because he wants part of Greek Thrace to be Turkish?

I don't know. I never said I do. I did however say that I know for a fact (because I have seen and heard things in Thrace) that Turkey will not see it as a terrorist act.

Then on the other hand (and perhaps I am wrong, I don't claim knowledge in this), I don't know what means the Kurds have to ask for independence of they indeed want it.

Don't be a defeatist.

How does TurAr know anything about the opinions of Kurds? Has there been a vote? A referendum? A census? No.

I am not a defeatist. When I don't know I ask.

when I know and I hear something different to what I know, I present it.
Don't be a defeatist.

How does TurAr know anything about the opinions of Kurds? Has there been a vote? A referendum? A census? No.

Because unlike you, sane people are not going to support a terrorists organizations to lead them. Referendum is not needed. Even a seperate country would be the wish of every single Kurd in Turkey, it still wouldn't justify the way they are demanding it.

They are even killing, threatining Kurds in order to gain their support.

So stop putting yourself in a ridiculous position over and over again. You're trying to explain the PKK to Turkish Citizens who are witnessing the terror of PKK every single day.

I don't know. I never said I do. I did however say that I know for a fact (because I have seen and heard things in Thrace) that Turkey will not see it as a terrorist act.

Then on the other hand (and perhaps I am wrong, I don't claim knowledge in this), I don't know what means the Kurds have to ask for independence of they indeed want it.

I am not a defeatist. When I don't know I ask.

when I know and I hear something different to what I know, I present it.

Let alone Kurds, even PKK do not want a separate state from Turkey. They just like to suck the blood of Turkish people, that's all. With a quick research on the internet you'd see their way of wanting "freedom".
Don't be a defeatist.

How does TurAr know anything about the opinions of Kurds? Has there been a vote? A referendum? A census? No.

Actually there was... Turkish citizens do something called elections and in Kurdish majority proviences AKp was defeated only in 4 of them and DTP can't even say that they want independence because the fear of backlash they would get from Kurds...

And be carefull, I have seen you and Shahin doing PKK and ASALA propaganda for more than once and I won't tolerate any of that.
Because unlike you, sane people are not going to support a terrorists organizations to lead them. Referendum is not needed. Even a seperate country would be the wish of every single Kurd in Turkey, it still wouldn't justify the way they are demanding it.

They are even killing, threatining Kurds in order to gain their support.

So stop putting yourself in a ridiculous position over and over again. You're trying to explain the PKK to Turkish Citizens who are witnessing the terror of PKK every single day.

Let alone Kurds, even PKK do not want a separate state from Turkey. They just like to suck the blood of Turkish people, that's all. With a quick research on the internet you'd see their way of wanting "freedom".

I will not label the PKK a terrorist organization just because tell me to, especially considering that you deny the Armenian Genocide. No, I will make a rational judgement for myself.

Neither am I saying that PKK has my unconditional support in everything they do. Same way as I do not support some of the ways how Armenia liberated Artsahk (namely their conduct with civilians). However, I do support the overall objective of both of them: a free and independent NKR in Armenia's case and a Kurdish state independent of Turkey in the PKKs case.
I will not label the PKK a terrorist organization just because tell me to, especially considering that you deny the Armenian Genocide. No, I will make a rational judgement for myself.

Neither am I saying that PKK has my unconditional support in everything they do. Same way as I do not support some of the ways how Armenia liberated Artsahk (namely their conduct with civilians). However, I do support the overall objective of both of them: a free and independent NKR in Armenia's case and a Kurdish state independent of Turkey in the PKKs case.

You can think what you want as long as you don't posts propaganda of recognised terrorist organizations, your messege was deleted for being off-topic and critising a mod by a post. If you find any bias in my actions against you or any other member please contact WebMaster. This is the forum policy.

Edit: Sorry, I shouldn't have used UN. My mistake.
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