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Potential ethnic conflict in Greece

Again, you are free to report my actions against you or any other member if you find them biased. Please don't break the forum rules again.

Edit: I told you that don't post here, send a pm WebMaster if you find any bias in my actions. Of rthe last time I am deleting your posts.
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I will not label the PKK a terrorist organization just because tell me to, especially considering that you deny the Armenian Genocide. No, I will make a rational judgement for myself.

Neither am I saying that PKK has my unconditional support in everything they do. Same way as I do not support some of the ways how Armenia liberated Artsahk (namely their conduct with civilians). However, I do support the overall objective of both of them: a free and independent NKR in Armenia's case and a Kurdish state independent of Turkey in the PKKs case.

Of course you don't. Since we all know how "rational" you are, i didn't have any hope anyway... What does "genocide" has to do with this?

You may support their objective. But the thing is their goal is not the reason why they recognized as a terrorist organization. Their way of reach that goal is the reason why they are terrorists. By the way even they know that their goal is impossible to reach.

This is how your "rational" mind working:

I will gladly acknowledge PKK as terrorists if you acknowledge the Genocide.

You are a person that blaming patriot Kurds as being dogs. You are a person that accusing someone as being defeatist just because he asked questions about PKK to learn the truths. You are a propaganda machine. You are filled with hate, you can not even hide it anymore.
You should've been banned long time ago, i hope you will continue with this mentality and "rationality".
His rational judgement based on his side, what do you think he would say if Karabagh was legally belongs to Armenia and majority of the population Azeri ? a totally different view on ethnical issues :)
Ok, on the first part, I am not so sure why you would feel justified for that. Although I doubt Turkey would bomb Greek-turkish "seperatists/terrorists" .

I will respond to you on a personal level, because I know beyond reasonable doubt Turkish foreign policy is steering otherwise, and if you want we can debate this even privately and I can tell you the things I know.

So on a personal level if you feel that the difference between Freedom Fighters and Terrorists is on the people they target, I will accept this and respect it. Providing you are firm on those beliefs.

You reinforced this by mentioning the other organizations.

You have to remember that a lot of Greeks also supported the PLO, which the Isrealis considered a terrorist group.

You have here an open minded person, and I believe you have seen this in other discussions.

so here I am. Let's assume Country A, with a majority of People A and a native minority of People B.

Do people B have the right to want to separate from Country A and make their own country?

Do they have the right to do this?
What must country A do?
What is the civilized way forward ?
I've mentioned Hamas as a terrorist organization because it's exactly what they are. Having support of Gaza population isn't a parameter of defining this. Their actions are. PLO on the other hand wasn't a terrorist organization for all i know operation entebbe was a setup.

And for your question
If great majority of B people wants a seperation then they can form political parties and foundations to pursue a political solution. Well I'm not very familiar with politics but there should be a UN dealing with these kind of matters.

And if other means fail and if proud people of B decides to take up arms against their "oppressors" targeting civillians, smuggling drugs and killing and kidnapping doctors and teachers sent to actually serve B will not help their cause. Actually all kinds of pre-emptive strikes make the problem grow biggger.

I also think unless A people deny B of her basic human rights B do not have the right to shed blood over it.
I've mentioned Hamas as a terrorist organization because it's exactly what they are. Having support of Gaza population isn't a parameter of defining this. Their actions are. PLO on the other hand wasn't a terrorist organization for all i know operation entebbe was a setup.

And for your question
If great majority of B people wants a seperation then they can form political parties and foundations to pursue a political solution. Well I'm not very familiar with politics but there should be a UN dealing with these kind of matters.

And if other means fail and if proud people of B decides to take up arms against their "oppressors" targeting civillians, smuggling drugs and killing and kidnapping doctors and teachers sent to actually serve B will not help their cause. Actually all kinds of pre-emptive strikes make the problem grow biggger.

I also think unless A people deny B of her basic human rights B do not have the right to shed blood over it.

Thanks for the honest reply man.
Your dreaming, it is the Turkish republic that usually makes scapegoats of their minorities and is known for genocides. Don't confuse it with the Cyprus issue which you have slyly only giving the exaggerated Turkish perspective.

Just read the article by Jan Egeland and Judith Sunderland, Special to CNN.

Violence has become such a part of daily life for migrants and asylum seekers in Greece that an Afghan community festival in May included a skit about a man being brutally beaten in a park by Greek racists.

Full Text of the article can be read via Greece
Just read the article by Jan Egeland and Judith Sunderland, Special to CNN.

Violence has become such a part of daily life for migrants and asylum seekers in Greece that an Afghan community festival in May included a skit about a man being brutally beaten in a park by Greek racists.

Full Text of the article can be read via Greece

Not only against migrants and asylum seekers.

The thing I'm more worried about is the Balkan Turks and Balkan Muslims that are native to that land. Those people are in danger if chaos erupts and extreme parties like Golden Dawn get more power.
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