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Potential ethnic conflict in Greece

Ottomans expelled all Christian ethnicities in 1915 by killing them.

Stay on topic please FFS. You don't have to spam this cr*p everywhere; :offtopic:

I do not believe there will be ethnic conflict in Greece; atleast not for a long while.
In Greece there exists a muslim minority of people. This is focused in Thrace. A large number of this minority is of Turkish origin.
I.e. as they stand they are Greek-turks.

If these people were to start a separatist guerrilla war to get broken off Greece and adjoin with Turkey, Turkey would support them and definitely not see them as terrorists!!!

To save you any trouble, even on this very forum there were turkish compatriots of yours who actually wrote on this fourm that this should be done!!
Further more official Turkish foreign policy has hinded that this is a long term potential goal for Greek-turks.

who is hypocritical now ?
You don't know it. Turkey would openly declare war rather than supporting terrorist groups on her behalf.

Regardless of whatever you think, PKK is a terrorist organisation recognized by UN. They constantly conduct activities in both rural and urban areas resulting in hundereds and thousands of civilian casualities. You should at least be an honorable enemy rather than accepting blood in your hands. Yet here you are desperately trying to justify their actions.

What a shame, you don't have my respect anymore.
You don't know it. Turkey would openly declare war rather than supporting terrorist groups on her behalf.

Regardless of whatever you think, PKK is a terrorist organisation recognized by UN. They constantly conduct activities in both rural and urban areas resulting in hundereds and thousands of civilian casualities. You should at least be an honorable enemy rather than accepting blood in your hands. Yet here you are desperately trying to justify their actions.

What a shame, you don't have my respect anymore.

And some people say there won't happen a war. Greeks are capable of supporting terrorist groups like PKK but also extending help to other countries to carry out massacres against muslems like in Serbia. The only reason that Greece is not doing anything one of those things is because it is weak at the moment.
I don't think hungry people can have identity problems.

sir, whole EU is moving toward 'PIG Fighting', a simple word i say. first they are harassing Ms Morkel to share the whole debt of EU, which she has confirmed that she will have to killed/scored first to get this done. as, she simply wont let her people to become a similar country like other EU's members. as, even if Germany may share whole EU's debt, it will then be forever, as since then, Germany will make money and countries like Italy, Spain, Britain etc will eat on it. and about the Greece, the topic on the discussion, they will find it hard to feed even their police also, how will they fund a military? read these news as below:

my post #20 of the thread as below for Greece:

Merkel said Tuesday that full debt sharing would not occur "as long as I live."

On the eve of a European summit, German Chancellor Angela Merkel touts tighter budgetary controls and says debt sharing will not occur 'as long as I live.'

BERLIN — As European leaders gather in Brussels on Thursday for a two-day summit aimed at resolving the Eurozone's debt crisis, German Chancellor Angela Merkel's response to the most aggressive proposal pushed by her neighbors is, in essence: Over my dead body.

With borrowing costs for Spain and Italy approaching unsustainable levels, European Union leaders have stepped up their pressure on Germany to accept solutions it has long resisted. But Merkel, whose country has Europe's largest economy and probably will foot the highest share of the bill for rescuing its struggling neighbors, has dug in her heels.

In response to the widespread call for euro bonds, which would allow European countries to issue debt jointly and could ease the cost of borrowing for highly indebted southern European countries, Merkel said Tuesday that full debt sharing would not occur "as long as I live."

Germany leader opposes full debt sharing in Eurozone crisis - Los Angeles Times

Mod Edit: Please don't use insulting words towards nations and countries.
You don't know it. Turkey would openly declare war rather than supporting terrorist groups on her behalf.

Regardless of whatever you think, PKK is a terrorist organisation recognized by UN. They constantly conduct activities in both rural and urban areas resulting in hundereds and thousands of civilian casualities. You should at least be an honorable enemy rather than accepting blood in your hands. Yet here you are desperately trying to justify their actions.

What a shame, you don't have my respect anymore.

I think I would not be worthy of any respect if I were to not tell you the truth.

irrespective of what you think, everything I wrote on the post you quoted is true. I have seen things that you haven't. I was posted in Thrace for over a year. I have seen the leaflets and I have talked to the Greek-Turks there. Some of them were posted with me the same station.

These are things you don't know about (and how could you?) and that is why you have an idealised perception of Turkey.
It is not so.

And some people say there won't happen a war. Greeks are capable of supporting terrorist groups like PKK but also extending help to other countries to carry out massacres against muslems like in Serbia. The only reason that Greece is not doing anything one of those things is because it is weak at the moment.

You are just ignorant and full of hate. You are not a serious person to have a discussion with. You just want a valve to vent your anger and your hostility.
You are just ignorant and full of hate. You are not a serious person to have a discussion with. You just want a valve to vent your anger and your hostility.

Stop being childish, ignorant and name-calling based on nothing.

Is it not true not Greece supported those things in the past? Why can't it happen again ? There is potential for conflict in Greece especially with the deterioration of Greece. All I'm saying Turkey needs to be prepared when **** hits the fan in Greece.
I think I would not be worthy of any respect if I were to not tell you the truth.

irrespective of what you think, everything I wrote on the post you quoted is true. I have seen things that you haven't. I was posted in Thrace for over a year. I have seen the leaflets and I have talked to the Greek-Turks there. Some of them were posted with me the same station.

These are things you don't know about (and how could you?) and that is why you have an idealised perception of Turkey.
It is not so. .
Turkish Republic can not be held responsible for whatever you may or may not have experienced in Western Thrace, your own country.

So unless you were posted in Diyarbakır too, drop this matter. I've seen enough.

@Hello_10 Eurozone itself was created to balance Germany's excessive export rates, but it grew to a point where Germany can't sustain anymore

Eurozone must shrink rapidly to at least half it's size now.
Anyhow, shall we stay on topic, because the PKK problem is very looooooong; we can discuss it in the near future, in another thread.
Turkish Republic can not be held responsible for whatever you may or may not have experienced in Western Thrace, your own country.

So unless you were posted in Diyarbakır too, drop this matter. I've seen enough.

@Hello_10 Eurozone itself was created to balance Germany's excessive export rates, but it grew to a point where Germany can't sustain anymore

Eurozone must shrink rapidly to at least half it's size now.

I am not sure I understood you correctly.

If however you mean that I am comparing the Greek-Turks with the Turkish-kurds (or the PKK), I am not.

My point was that IF the Greek-turks of Thrace were to start their own PKK, would you (Turkey) consider them a terrorist organisation ?

this is the question you need to ask I think.

Stop being childish, ignorant and name-calling based on nothing.

Is it not true not Greece supported those things in the past? Why can't it happen again ? There is potential for conflict in Greece especially with the deterioration of Greece. All I'm saying Turkey needs to be prepared when **** hits the fan in Greece.

I stand by what I said. Have you noticed how different my discussions are with LegionnairE and some others? Why not with you? The different element is you!

You can call me childish all you like, it won't change the facts. You lack the clear head and the clear heart to discuss.
You didn't even answer one of my questions..

You obviously don't like to see the realities.
@amalakas unless you start repressing,killing them... Which would end up starting a major war Greece can not win. You are so wrong.

And Turks have numerous countries to call home, Turkey, Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan etc. They don't need to start a seperatist movement in anywhere.

And PKK isn't just a seperatist movement It's a bloody terrorist organization that sucked the life out of southeastern Turkey. And a terrorist does not have an identity, whatever ideology it has be it religious or nationalistic all it will get from Turkey is this:

This Greek defends and supports PKK terrorist organisation openly and then whines about Turks being hostile and hating him. He is completely delusional. This shows how dangerous Greeks can be. We must expect everything from them. We must be prepared if something happens to Muslim minority in Greece and act fast when it happens. How Greeks acted towards Turks the last couple of decades is disgusting in terms of relationship. Support of PKK, householding of terrorist leaders, support of Muslim massacres in Balkan and Cyprus, propaganda, etc.

Again, are you surprised that Turks are hostile to you when you defend these things?
@amalakas unless you start repressing,killing them... Which would end up starting a major war Greece can not win. You are so wrong.

And Turks have numerous countries to call home, Turkey, Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan etc. They don't need to start a seperatist movement in anywhere.

And PKK isn't just a seperatist movement It's a bloody terrorist organization that sucked the life out of southeastern Turkey. And a terrorist does not have an identity, whatever ideology it has be it religious or nationalistic all it will get from Turkey is this:

I am sorry, I again didn't understand you. Where exactly do you see the difference is such a case. I am not sure I can tell from your posts.

You didn't even answer one of my questions..

You obviously don't like to see the realities.

I am sorry, I looked at your previous post and I didn't see any questions. Of course I will answer everything. What were the questions again?
I am sorry, I again didn't understand you. Where exactly do you see the difference is such a case. I am not sure I can tell from your posts.
How is it so hard to understand? I'm telling you a terrorist is a terrorist. If there was such an organisation operating in thrace we would gladly bomb it to extinction if you do or can not do so. Regardless of their nationality or religion.

Unlike you, we aren't desperate to weaken Greece.
How is it so hard to understand? I'm telling you a terrorist is a terrorist. If there was such an organisation operating in thrace we would gladly bomb it to extinction if you do or can not do so. Regardless of their nationality or religion.

Unlike you, we aren't desperate to weaken Greece.

You would gladly bomb it? You would gladly bomb terrorists in Greece? Is that what you are saying?

Because I meant the Greek side of Thrace.

Look, there is a simple distinction between a terrorist and a freedom fighter. Instead of debating this sensitive issue for you (clearly) let us examine it this way.

I want your personal opinion about something, simply and clearly. Was the IRA a terrorist organisation or freedom fighters?
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