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Potential ethnic conflict in Greece

greece helped abdullah ocalan pkk leader and allowed him in on purpose
Greece didn't help directly because they were afraid. Greece pulled out of NATO as protest. That is why they helped Cypriot Greek army indirectly. If Greece helped Cypriot army Greece would been in war with Turkey for unjust reasons because Greeks would have broken treaty of guarantee. You are not aware of a lot of things and I will refute them one by one. .

I am afraid you are the one who is not aware of many things. For starters you mix up the timeline of events.

Greece extended political help and military help secretly. They send volunteer guard that committed genocides. Greece supported this all politically. Again they only didn't extend full help because that would mean Greece would be in war. Greece had huge roll in Srebrenica massacre because it blocked Turkish intervention. Greece didn't allow Turks air space permission.

You are now crossing into fantasy land. The things you are talking about simply never happened. I was actually in service at the time and our camps were full of NATO personnel.

It is one thing to not know the truth, but actually making myths of the half truths into a constructed reality is another.

There clearly is as I explained above. Greece did this all in a sneaky way and they didn't give full support because that would mean declaration of war on Greece. My point is that Greece can be very dangerous and unstable for the coming 10 years. Especially since the rise of Golden Dawn and growing support by the day. It shouldn't be ruled out that something will happen since very hard times are coming to Greece, politcally, financially, economically, etc. These circumstances make it very likely of a conflict in the future where chaos erupt and massacres happen.

No you haven't explained everything.

Most of what you have written is a cheap and bad sci fi movie. Take my advice, if you believe all the things you wrote, you are not only in error but you are in error in a harmful and sinister way.
You really have trouble separating truth from fantasy.
you dont see an organisation that killed 30,000 civilian terrorist?

Because we did not recognise PKK as a terrorist organisation. Like it or not that is the truth. You want hear nothing but it from me.
What other ethnicities exist in Greece other than the small immigrant minorities? Maybe some Albanians in the north. Nevertheless i dont believe the authorities would allow anything like Srebrenica to take place in Greece when there is no threat from immigrants taking over certain parts of the country.
What other ethnicities exist in Greece other than the small immigrant minorities? Maybe some Albanians in the north. Nevertheless i dont believe the authorities would allow anything like Srebrenica to take place in Greece when there is no threat from immigrants taking over certain parts of the country.

did you see golden dawn members they want all the asian immigrants out and hate them , they give blood to only greeks.
you dont see an organisation that killed 30,000 civilian terrorist?

No, I am sorry. My personal opinion is that they are fighting a liberation war. They are clearly not Turks. They want self determination away from Turkey.

Are they any different from Bosnians wanting out of Yugoslavia? Or even Greeks from the Ottomans back the 1800s ?

were the Bosnians terrrorists ? were the Greeks terrorists or a revolting ethnicity trying to separate from a larger State?

Turkish policies I have to say are ambiguous and dubious at best and hypocritical.

let me give an example:

In Greece there exists a muslim minority of people. This is focused in Thrace. A large number of this minority is of Turkish origin.
I.e. as they stand they are Greek-turks.

If these people were to start a separatist guerrilla war to get broken off Greece and adjoin with Turkey, Turkey would support them and definitely not see them as terrorists!!!

To save you any trouble, even on this very forum there were turkish compatriots of yours who actually wrote on this fourm that this should be done!!
Further more official Turkish foreign policy has hinded that this is a long term potential goal for Greek-turks.

who is hypocritical now ?

did you see golden dawn members they want all the asian immigrants out and hate them , they give blood to only greeks.

They are a right wing party. They can do whatever they see best as long as they don't break the law. I don't like them, but as long as they don't break the law...

What other ethnicities exist in Greece other than the small immigrant minorities? Maybe some Albanians in the north. Nevertheless i dont believe the authorities would allow anything like Srebrenica to take place in Greece when there is no threat from immigrants taking over certain parts of the country.

There are 2 other ethnicities. Turks and Pomaks.
No they're not, only part of the Armenians expelled.
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