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Post Strike on Indian Army Ammo & Supply Depot

And guess who ended up making lame excuses,

If we had Rafale fighter jets, results would have been different: PM Modi

But why IAF was able to intrude so deep in Pakistan airspace. It needs to be properly investigated. Really embarassing. No self respect.
That was the moment when IAF choose to kill a crow & couple of trees and couldn't achieve anything except for the RSS Log Book success. On other hand, PAF showed a more of a strike in bright daylight and IAF was like sitting duck loosing couple of Jets & then shot down own Chopper.... that was the moment of kaboom especially when some villagers stole the black box of IAF Heli.
why Indians like to taunt pdf twitter account for this? on 27th February a lot of indians were sharing this screen grab of this pdf tweet
But why IAF was able to intrude so deep in Pakistan airspace. It needs to be properly investigated. Really embarassing. No self respect.

speaking of self respect, this is what should be done in priority but seems not the forte with IAF...

Official sources said one of the Pakistani aircraft was shot down in a dog fight — it took place near Sher Makri in Nowshera — by the IAF which also lost a MiG-21 Bison and its pilot was missing. The Pakistan Army later said the Indian pilot was in their custody.

That is the same location (IoK) where a witness being interviewed by Indian News Channel said that an IAF jet flying from Rajauri Sector was on fire and went down. So they claimed it to be an F-16 in haste but later found it an MKI and then only shown a piece of AMRAAM which actually took it down and never mentioned Sher Makri are of Bhawani or the wreckage at all. Can anyone expect Indians not doing so despite the area is in IoK?

why Indians like to taunt pdf twitter account for this? on 27th February a lot of indians were sharing this screen grab of this pdf tweet

yeah similar to they have been sharing MiG wreckage for F-16 and later shared AMRAAM to claim but convinced to ignore ground realities and beating of the day. Since when we are supposed to treat them trolls seriously. Grieving souls had no other option but to taunt and dream a lot. In-fact, the eye witness from Sher Makri area, in above post, had more self respect to speak the truth.
I honestly think we missed real opportunities on 27/ feb / day time

expose them for what they are liars . How I wished PAF had struck these targets and there birds.
There are plenty of targets scattered around for aerial strikes, a few dozen km in distance from LOC, as you can see in this thread, showing a real bomb strike by PAF, not a written analysis by an armchair strategist. Let the long range deep strikes fall under BMs domain.
And it is said that the second H-4 strike at Brigade HQ is even more clearer which PAF is yet to release.
Taking out an Infantry Bde HQ means losing coordination between at least 3-4 battalions of infantry and maybe an artillery regiment. As a result then, temporarily Division HQ has to coordinate with these infantry battalions independently or assign these infantry battalions to another Brigade of the Division, which means delay in all Ops for infantry battalions of that Bde and maybe even shift/change of plans. Losing at least 4 key officers - Bde Commander (Brig), G1 Ops (Lt Col), the all important BM (Major) and G-3 Ops (captain).
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