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Post project announcement by India, China began troop movement

Don't talk China like the hopeless Bhutan. You will never know what surprise we will reserve India, if your special frontier force can come to our side, what prevent us to do even great damage to your side?.

You lack the ability to mobilize a disaffected ethnic group behind our line's.

We have a disaffected ethnic group baying for revenge/blood behind your line's.

Then we will see how the tent warriors fight a war on every side inside and outside.

As you escalate the conflict your oil supplies will be stopped. Then how well your industry function? China will lose much more overall than we will lose in terms of lives.
You lack the ability to mobilize a disaffected ethnic group behind our line's.

We have a disaffected ethnic group baying for revenge/blood behind your line's.

Then we will see how the tent warriors fight a war on every side inside and outside.

As you escalate the conflict your oil supplies will be stopped. Then how well your industry function? China will lose much more overall than we will lose in terms of lives.

How about we school UFLA and Maoist on how to take care of India, they're just waiting this moment for the liberation. And if you ever dare to touch our oil tanker, you will see your water supplies blocked and how about hundred millions Indians will live, we can live even a month without oil, are you Indians able to live one day without water? if that happen India will collapse at no time...and we shall see who will be the great loser.
How about we school UFLA and Maoist on how to take care of India, they're just waiting this moment for the liberation. And if you ever dare to touch our oil tanker, you will see your water supplies blocked and how about hundred millions Indians will live, we can live even a month without oil, are you Indians able to live one day without water? if that happen India will collapse at no time...and we shall see who will be the great loser.

Come to terms with reality about status of ULFA and Maoist.

We consider maoists as our own people and thats why we have not yet deployed heavy weapons or army against them. Once you build a school and hospital these maoists return to normal life.

Compared to our neighbours who are using F-16 to bomb their rebels.

Block water supplies? Have you seen India on a map?

Your PLAN cannot operate in IOR during war.
No refuelling ports. Sri Lanka will be off limits

Send a few nuke subs then see how they are taken apart from the air. Maybe then we will see the true meaning of Sino-Pak friendship.

The Type 094 resting peacefully next to wreck of the PNS Ghazi.

Deeper than the deepest ocean.

You lack the capability to use PLAAF in IOR.

Liaoning is just a incubator/Testing ground for PLAN own indigenous carriers. Worth weight in gold and thus won't be sent to IOR just to get sunk
Come to terms with reality about status of ULFA and Maoist.

We consider maoists as our own people and thats why we have not yet deployed heavy weapons or army against them. Once you build a school and hospital these maoists return to normal life.

Compared to our neighbours who are using F-16 to bomb their rebels.

Block water supplies? Have you seen India on a map?

Your PLAN cannot operate in IOR during war.
No refuelling ports. Sri Lanka will be off limits

Send a few nuke subs then see how they are taken apart from the air. Maybe then we will see the true meaning of Sino-Pak friendship.

The Type 094 resting peacefully next to wreck of the PNS Ghazi.

Deeper than the deepest ocean.

You lack the capability to use PLAAF in IOR.

Liaoning is just a incubator/Testing ground for PLAN own indigenous carriers. Worth weight in gold and thus won't be sent to IOR just to get sunk

Do you know what I mean school ULFA and Maoist?? :lol: I was not talking about building school..LMAO basically we will provide them the military assistance, advise, information about Indian military movement and deplyment so they can plan effectively the attack.

If you think it's fine for China to block the water than we have no problem with that neither ,water is belong to China anyway.

Sur our PLAN can stay long in IOR to finish Indian Navy before any need to refuell and resupply food, a modern warfare all vitory wil be decided with a matter of hours. And as I mention previously if we ever deploy our DF-21D on Tibet, virtuall all your naval bases are withing the range when they need to anchor to the seaport for refuel, all these become a sitting duck ...we can just have a turkey shoot anytime we want.
None of your navy ship will have any place to hide.
Do you know what I mean school ULFA and Maoist?? :lol: I was not talking about building school..LMAO basically we will provide them the military assistance, advise, information about Indian military movement and deplyment so they can plan effectively the attack.

If you think it's fine for China to block the water than we have no problem with that neither ,water is belong to China anyway.

Sur our PLAN can stay long in IOR to finish Indian Navy before any need to refuell and resupply food, a modern warfare all vitory wil be decided with a matter of hours. And as I mention previously if we ever deploy our DF-21D on Tibet, virtuall all your naval bases are withing the range when they need to anchor to the seaport for refuel, all these become a sitting duck ...we can just have a turkey shoot anytime we want.
None of your navy ship will have any place to hide.

I was referring to the fact that naxals maoists are not hardcore rebels. That's why we have only deployed Police and some paramilitary to contain them. They can't defeat Police what will they do against military. Unrealistic and not possible.

You cannot block water as that's not possible.

For every DF launched we can launch an Agni. Turkey shoot in Beijing Shanghai you name it.

What Modern victory?

How will Type 94 handle a P-8I?

PLAN knows it's impossible.

Come to terms with reality. Minor territorial gains in AP at cost of mass destruction of military infra and collapsed of industry. A madman would attempt it.
Mine?Unless you are talking of nuking itanagar,that is the most idiotic assertion in quite a while..and while we are at that,Itanagar in reality is just a town.
That is the point isn't it?Your leaders will never find the balls to go nuclear or even think of it,after all..in 62 Imported air force wasn't even used when PLA were literally demolishing India and massacring IA soldiers.Even in nuclear scenario,India will be one of the only truly dead civilisations while chinese may be lucky enough to be crippled and still go on.

Get a life idiot.That post was not for you.But for that China Guy.And in such a scenario both oldest civilizations will be wipe out from these world.There will be no winner
Get a life idiot.That post was not for you.But for that China Guy.And in such a scenario both oldest civilizations will be wipe out from these world.There will be no winner
Oh shut up imbecile,if you can't face reality not my fault.Your low yield nukes are laughable when compared to China's,that is if Indian leadership has ever balls to even think about it.
As I said,not anyone's fault but yours that yo can't face reality.
Oh shut up imbecile,if you can't face reality not my fault.Your low yield nukes are laughable when compared to China's,that is if Indian leadership has ever balls to even think about it.
As I said,not anyone's fault but yours that yo can't face reality.

If you get some payments from 50 cent army show that gratitude to those CCP .Dont try to spend it in here.
15Kt old tech Littleboy was enough to wipe out a citylike Hiroshima. GOI officials officially acknowledged stockpile of 200KT Thermonukes in our arsenal.So keepthat BS to yourself.
If you get some payments from 50 cent army show that gratitude to those CCP .Dont try to spend it in here.
15Kt old tech Littleboy was enough to wipe out a citylike Hiroshima. GOI officials officially acknowledged stockpile of 200KT Thermonukes in our arsenal.So keepthat BS to yourself.
Yea and how are hiroshima and nagasaki today?Thriving again and japan as a whole.As I said,if you can't face reality or are incapable to do so,not my fault.
What about Indian nukes?Unproven,low yield nukes with little testing or refinement and you are dreaming of wiping of a nation the size of China?The delivery systems are still mostly in test phase with your Agni 5 still in testing and no reliable nuclear triad,for yours is still in the nascent stage.A
Talk about delusions.
Come to terms with reality about status of ULFA and Maoist.

We consider maoists as our own people and thats why we have not yet deployed heavy weapons or army against them. Once you build a school and hospital these maoists return to normal life.

Compared to our neighbours who are using F-16 to bomb their rebels.

Block water supplies? Have you seen India on a map?

Your PLAN cannot operate in IOR during war.
No refuelling ports. Sri Lanka will be off limits

Send a few nuke subs then see how they are taken apart from the air. Maybe then we will see the true meaning of Sino-Pak friendship.

The Type 094 resting peacefully next to wreck of the PNS Ghazi.

Deeper than the deepest ocean.

You lack the capability to use PLAAF in IOR.

Liaoning is just a incubator/Testing ground for PLAN own indigenous carriers. Worth weight in gold and thus won't be sent to IOR just to get sunk

A Pakistan-China combined attack can turn India into ASHES.
Yea and how are hiroshima and nagasaki today?Thriving again and japan as a whole.As I said,if you can't face reality or are incapable to do so,not my fault.
What about Indian nukes?Unproven,low yield nukes with little testing or refinement and you are dreaming of wiping of a nation the size of China?The delivery systems are still mostly in test phase with your Agni 5 still in testing and no reliable nuclear triad,for yours is still in the nascent stage.A
Talk about delusions.

And Chinese are not gonna for a war against us.Unlike you CCP knows its consequences.And AGNI 5 will inducted in 2015.If there is some emergency they can inducted within a month.After all they did 2 or 3 successful test.
All of these low yield and allegations are just a baseless exercise.Now using most advanced supercomputer,They are developing powerful nuke version.
Like I said We always like peace with our neighbours.But CCP cant spend their cheap trick against us .Itmight be work small SCS nations.But they know the drastic consequences if they try to spend against us.
And Chinese are not gonna for a war against us.Unlike you CCP knows its consequences.And AGNI 5 will inducted in 2015.If there is some emergency they can inducted within a month.After all they did 2 or 3 successful test.
All of these low yield and allegations are just a baseless exercise.Now using most advanced supercomputer,They are developing powerful nuke version.
Like I said We always like peace with our neighbours.But CCP cant spend their cheap trick against us .Itmight be work small SCS nations.But they know the drastic consequences if they try to spend against us.
Yeah right :lol:
Who is going to set up the production facilities for Ballistic missiles in a month?India with its pitiful manufacturing base which struggles to make basic ammo and arms?Yeah right,if only ICBM were as simple as getting a diwali rocket.FOr ICBMs to pass tests,at least a dozen or more tests are required,data gathered and crunched and utilised for consecutive tests.So going by your logic,India should have to test it every couple of days in order to produce and induct it in a month.The soviets played this exact tactic of exaggerating their missile capability and production back in the 50s and 60s,with gorbachev claiming they were making BMs like"sausages" and in as much numbers and ease.You Just display your ignorance by claiming A-5 can be inducted in a month with just a couple of successful tests.
For those supercomputers to simulate nuclear tests they need raw data gathered from lots of nuclear tests,data which India is starved of because of the low number of tests carried out.Unless of course Indians found nuclear tests data in mahabharata :lol:
Again,an Indian member shoots his mouth before even starting to think.:-)
India was subjugated by Islam for 1000 years. After PLA smashes India into many smaller pieces, Islam will take over India again.
The delivery systems are still mostly in test phase with your Agni 5 still in testing and no reliable nuclear triad,for yours is still in the nascent stage.A
Talk about delusions.

Er....Agni 3 already covers all of China. Plus Agni-2 alone covers major Chinese cities. In a nuclear war with there is no point in targetting every nook and corner of China, unlike India China has 50% of its population in cities
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