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Post project announcement by India, China began troop movement

Who is ranting here?the person claiming ppp is an accurate measure for comparing countries over nominal basis or a person who has no idea of his own history or the fact that till the end of 80s CHina was behind India in gdp and claims that India and CHina were same in gdp.
On the contrary,all you have done is exactly what you accuse others of i.e, being a gas bag.You present no facts and instead rely on empty rhetoric and excuses to continue this discussion in the hope that I finally get bored enough to leave you alone and declare victory.
A simple minded person who cannot grasp the fact that when comparing nations their PPP is nearly irrelevant and its nominal that is used.That the same services and products and their quality differs vastly and that's what brings to a large extent the difference in ppp and instead thinks that is an asset..tch tch,uneducated literates.

Nominal GDP matters if trade is with outside world.And I already told you that we are just start our journey in there.
Chinese have their own system and I already told you that they are not a consumption driven economy but a export oriented economy.That is why they can amass that much dollars from outside world.
China is reputed for manipulating their figures and noone in this world can verify their source and staistics.
Chinese iron fist method and forceful overtiming labouring of their works enable their govt to create cheap consumable products that could flood foreign markets.
But noone can follow this method in other democratic nations.Otherwise you should have a dictatorship or Communist dictatorship like Chinas
Go and google about 1962 war and Indian nukes development.You will getwhat I meant.
Cuban missile crisis was happened in October month 1962 .And entire year Chinesesuddenly divert their attention into our border.
We can awake a man in a genuine sleep but cant if he is pretending .Your post is same like that.

I dont have any time to spend for postings links for idiots like that and neither wanted.But if you can backup your claim with credible links,unlike you I can change my opinions.
You are too much eager for green pasture in other side .Noone gonna force to stay in here you can go and it will ease our burden.But you cant enforce your opinions on other Indians in AP.
chinese education..cheap without warrenty.....IMF is dumb as per your say....ppp exchange rate are relatively reliable and stable over time.bycontrast market rate are more volatile and using themcould produce large scale swing in agreegate measure of growth even growthrate of individual countries are stable.market based rates are only relevant incase of internationally traded goods.No traded goods n service are tend to be cheaper lower income countries than high income countries.
The term PPP is not invented by Indians nor the chinese ,like the nominal gdp it is also used for comparision of world economics.
Umm..Actually it you Indians who are calling IMF and every other global institution dumb when you say PPP is a more accurate or even as accurate measure of countries and their economy,for all global institutions use nominal to measure countries.So I guess it's the famous Indian ratta system at display here?Devoid of any critical thinking ability?
The rest of your post about good s and services being cheaper is laughable..for as I said before,when you want to trade with nations you use nominal,if you guys closed yourselves off and traded only within yourself,it would be relevant.Unless you meant o say you buy an iphone or a samsung galaxy at a fraction for what the rest of the world pays due to PPP?
EVen then,there is a difference in the quality of goods and services in different countries..a cab ride in India will be far less comfy than one in Japan or US,a roadside meal will show the same.A train ride is torture in India while it's a pleasure in Japan or other better off countries, and yet in ppp basis both are seen as same when it is not.That is what ppp doesn't cover..the quality of service in relation t its cost..by all means services rendered by Indians in India is cheaper but also lacking in quality due to the the lack of benefits or returns.
chinese education..cheap without warrenty.....IMF is dumb as per your say....ppp exchange rate are relatively reliable and stable over time.bycontrast market rate are more volatile and using themcould produce large scale swing in agreegate measure of growth even growthrate of individual countries are stable.market based rates are only relevant incase of internationally traded goods.No traded goods n service are tend to be cheaper lower income countries than high income countries.
The term PPP is not invented by Indians nor the chinese ,like the nominal gdp it is also used for comparision of world economics.
Umm..Actually it you Indians who are calling IMF and every other global institution dumb when you say PPP is a more accurate or even as accurate measure of countries and their economy,for all global institutions use nominal to measure countries.So I guess it's the famous Indian ratta system at display here?Devoid of any critical thinking ability?
The rest of your post about good s and services being cheaper is laughable..for as I said before,when you want to trade with nations you use nominal,if you guys closed yourselves off and traded only within yourself,it would be relevant.Unless you meant o say you buy an iphone or a samsung galaxy at a fraction for what the rest of the world pays due to PPP?
EVen then,there is a difference in the quality of goods and services in different countries..a cab ride in India will be far less comfy than one in Japan or US,a roadside meal will show the same.A train ride is torture in India while it's a pleasure in Japan or other better off countries, and yet in ppp basis both are seen as same when it is not.That is what ppp doesn't cover..the quality of service in relation to its cost..by all means services rendered by Indians in India is cheaper but also lacking in quality due to the the lack of benefits or returns.
Nominal GDP matters if trade is with outside world.And I already told you that we are just start our journey in there.
Chinese have their own system and I already told you that they are not a consumption driven economy but a export oriented economy.That is why they can amass that much dollars from outside world.
China is reputed for manipulating their figures and noone in this world can verify their source and staistics.
Chinese iron fist method and forceful overtiming labouring of their works enable their govt to create cheap consumable products that could flood foreign markets.
But noone can follow this method in other democratic nations.Otherwise you should have a dictatorship or Communist dictatorship like Chinas
Go and google about 1962 war and Indian nukes development.You will getwhat I meant.
Cuban missile crisis was happened in October month 1962 .And entire year Chinesesuddenly divert their attention into our border.
We can awake a man in a genuine sleep but cant if he is pretending .Your post is same like that.

I dont have any time to spend for postings links for idiots like that and neither wanted.But if you can backup your claim with credible links,unlike you I can change my opinions.
You are too much eager for green pasture in other side .Noone gonna force to stay in here you can go and it will ease our burden.But you cant enforce your opinions on other Indians in AP.
And the simple minded idiocy and pathological need to find excuses for failure show up again.Nominal is what is used to measure different countries and that is it and all the economists and global institutions worth their reputations agree with this and it is only deluded Indians like you who insist PPP is a more relevant measurement than nominal
.All that gibberish written..India is a net importer country which means it has to trade with the world,so unlike your claim of "we are just beginning" the reality is completely opposite.India actually is crippled in this regard and its ppp is near useless when you see it's a net importer,particularly of mid and higher end manufactured products and services.
China is accused but not proven to fudge its stats..big difference.The rest of the world accepts its stats as reliable enough or the most reliable available.Chian just used to cuban missile crisis to whack India just as India used bangla oppression by west pakistan in 1971..all you provide is excuses and excuses.
Ironically,even your ending jab applies more to you than anyone else.After all,stupidity can't be cured..as you have shown throughout this entire thread and most probably do on this forum all the time.
And the simple minded idiocy and pathological need to find excuses for failure show up again.Nominal is what is used to measure different countries and that is it and all the economists and global institutions worth their reputations agree with this and it is only deluded Indians like you who insist PPP is a more relevant measurement than nominal
.All that gibberish written..India is a net importer country which means it has to trade with the world,so unlike your claim of "we are just beginning" the reality is completely opposite.India actually is crippled in this regard and its ppp is near useless when you see it's a net importer,particularly of mid and higher end manufactured products and services.
China is accused but not proven to fudge its stats..big difference.The rest of the world accepts its stats as reliable enough or the most reliable available.Chian just used to cuban missile crisis to whack India just as India used bangla oppression by west pakistan in 1971..all you provide is excuses and excuses.
Ironically,even your ending jab applies more to you than anyone else.After all,stupidity can't be cured..as you have shown throughout this entire thread and most probably do on this forum all the time.

What the hell are you talking 50 cent? Who told you that PPP is better than nominal GDP ?Both are important .That is why the entire institutions published both these values.
Now you made first breakthrough ,you conceded that China used those opportunity means we didntget Soviet support and then reluctantly agreed wirh US sugesstions.
In 1971 we intervened in BD because entire NE arwa was flooded with 10 million BD refugees and started to strain our alreadyrecessed economy.These are known facts from neutral sources.
But still India didnt intervene.Then PAF initiated so called Operation Chenghis khan and then we declared war against them.Do you know what was Indiras response for Operation Chenghis Khan?
'Thank God Pakistan attacked us'Now we are going to attack them.
If you dont know these basic facts then dont argue with me.
Umm..Actualy it you Indians who are calling IMF and every other global institution dumb when you say PPP is a more accurate or even as accurate measure of countries and their economy,for all global institutions use nominal to measure countries.So I guess it's the famous Indian ratta system at display here?Devoid of any critical thinking ability?
The rest of your post about good s and services being cheaper is laughable..for as I said before,when you want to trade with nations you use nominal,if you guys closed yourselves off and traded only within yourself,it would be relevant.Unless you meant o say you buy an iphone or a samsung galaxy at a fraction for what the rest of the world pays due to PPP?
EVen then,there is a difference in the quality of goods and services in different countries..a cab ride in India will be far less comfy than one in Japan or US,a roadside meal will show the same.A train ride is torture in India while it's a pleasure in Japan or other better off countries, and yet in ppp basis both are seen as same when it is not.That is what ppp doesn't cover..the quality of service in relation to its cost..by all means services rendered by Indians in India is cheaper but also lacking in quality due to the the lack of benefits or returns.
Good news accordingto world bank in ppp terms poor population decrased by 75%.
NB:it is said by World bank not by me plz do care to read...
India's poor may shrink 75% by new World Bank formula | Business Standard News
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