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Post project announcement by India, China began troop movement

Are you expected us to attack Indian and let Indian gorverment cries like a little girl to the west for help or to UN to get the condamnation on China? :lol:..this remind me of a little kid said to an adult "slap me if you dare, what you're waiting for?"...LMAO.

I am just asking you to prove that you guys have balls to attack us now. :lol:
Chinese are our allies, they have proven to be brothers in arms - you support your friends.

Yes, We know the depth of China Pakistani Relations. You are fighting with India for Kashmir and you gifted a part of Kashmir to china.
I asked you about your qualifications.Let we see it then we can talk about PPP rate and its merits and demerits.
Ha :lol: 50 cent army have its own set of qualification.

Look man .I spend a lot of time to study the history because that was one my favourite hobby at leisure time.So dont try to argue with me unless you want an embarrassment.
Then again I am talking to a 50 cent.
After the Tibetan uprising we helped Dalai Lama ,CIA recruited by Tibetans and trained them under Special Activities Division and protected Dalai Lama until Indian border. Chinese dont like our support to Lama and attacked illtrained ,illequipped army posts in huge numbers.
And they choose Cuban Missile Crisis for this.
Nehru inititially seeked Soviet help but they didnt help us.
Then US came for our help but we didnt trust US that much and limited their presence .
What do you know about Cuban Missile Crisis? It was one of the most anxious time in 20th century and USSR isolated internationallly only Chinese was their to help them.
USSR didnt heard our plea because they had need Chinese diplomatic support during Missile crisis.

Absence of such strings enabled USSR to help us in 1971 by even deploy Red Army in Chinese border.

About Your last para BS.If it is the case then I should say PRC is the real impotent because their Southern Tibet is in our hand.Developing it,Investing in it .They cant do nothing about it. :rofl:
So much bullshit in one post.An idiot with delusions of superpowerdom lecturing others about qualifications,by all means let discuss PPP vs Nominal.In fact,the whole world must be unqualified by your logic that it doesn't use PPP instead of nominal.Now the great Indian economist knows more than the rest of the world combined:rofl:
You are a man of poor intellect if you don't even know the history of your own country,even after spending or claiming to spend so much time on it.
Why did my last para hurt the ego about unchallenged India and its power?Really hit home didn't it?:lol:
China initiated its reform under Deng Xipong in 1978.India started it only after 1991 and 91to 99 was a political turmoil period in India.But dont worry we are going to spike up our GDP growth .Even at this present stage they cant talk to us like they did to Vietnam or other SCS nation.
Warning miinistries warnings and tent war is not an issue to us.Like I said this is nust a beginning.
Yeah right and China's economy was smaller than India until 90s..so basically India had started it reforms when India and China were neck to neck,now India is a midget compared to China and the gap is widening every year.They add an India into their gdp every couple of years and you dream of competing with China.
You sound the same as delusional BD members dreaming of taking over India..but then you guys are cousins after all.
So much bullshit in one post.An idiot with delusions of superpowerdom lecturing others about qualifications,by all means let discuss PPP vs Nominal.In fact,the whole world must be unqualified by your logic that it doesn't use PPP instead of nominal.Now the great Indian economist knows more than the rest of the world combined:rofl:
You are a man of poor intellect if you don't even know the history of your own country,even after spending or claiming to spend so much time on it.
Why did my last para hurt the ego about unchallenged India and its power?Really hit home didn't it?:lol:

Oh boy :rofl:
If PPP was not good for economic study then why did the international organistation consider PPP for tabulating statistics ?Give me a Convincing answer then we can talk about it.
What do you know about PPP?

I know now you cant swallow your claims and arguements .Bitter isnt it?
I know a lot about our nations history ,50 cent tratiors would have their own limitations.Giveme a single credible point that can cut my claims about 1962.Then we can talk about your knowledge about history.
In last para you put up a stupid comparison ,now you realized that it was a mistake because you posted that stupidity without even consider there was a possibility that I posted there.
Yeah right and China's economy was smaller than India until 90s..so basically India had started it reforms when India and China were neck to neck,now India is a midget compared to China and the gap is widening every year.They add an India into their gdp every couple of years and you dream of competing with China.
You sound the same as delusional BD members dreaming of taking over India..but then you guys are cousins after all.

CCP knows their limitations .Chinas and Indias economy was same in earlier 80s .Then they initiated reform.We did it after 20 years at defaulting stage.
Oh boy :rofl:
If PPP was not good for economic study then why did the international organistation consider PPP for tabulating statistics ?Give me a Convincing answer then we can talk about it.
What do you know about PPP?

I know now you cant swallow your claims and arguements .Bitter isnt it?
I know a lot about our nations history ,50 cent tratiors would have their own limitations.Giveme a single credible point that can cut my claims about 1962.Then we can talk about your knowledge about history.
In last para you put up a stupid comparison ,now you realized that it was a mistake because you posted that stupidity without even consider there was a possibility that I posted there.
CCP knows their limitations .Chinas and Indias economy was same in earlier 80s .Then they initiated reform.We did it after 20 years at defaulting stage.
Sigh,again the ignorance of a naive Indian..PPP is an alternate measurement and that is just that.It's just a measure to show the price difference of different countries.In your simple minded views,you have conveniently ignored or can't see why all institutions use nominal and not PPP to measure countries.
You are an ignoramus on your own history,that is all you have proved.China was actually behind India in gdp until the end of 80s unlike what you claim and when India began its reform,both were more or less neck to neck and should have been so even now.
But the reality is completely different,now China dwarfs India with India having little hope of ever catching up.

As I have done countless times on this forum,I don't entertain ignorant members to waste my time.All you do is spew nonsense to soothe your ego and find excuses for the failure of your country.
But then as I said before,I am talking to an Indian.
Why don't you first educate yourself of some little facts on economy and the history of your own country before making a mockery of yourself on this forum?
Yeah right and China's economy was smaller than India until 90s..so basically India had started it reforms when India and China were neck to neck,now India is a midget compared to China and the gap is widening every year.They add an India into their gdp every couple of years and you dream of competing with China.
You sound the same as delusional BD members dreaming of taking over India..but then you guys are cousins after all.
dear abbotani...please read this to enhance your knowledge on ppp
Purchasing Power Parity: Weights Matter - Back to Basics: Finance & Development
Couple of corrections here
After the Tibetan uprising we helped Dalai Lama ,CIA recruited by Tibetans and trained them under Special Activities Division and protected Dalai Lama until Indian border. Chinese dont like our support to Lama and attacked illtrained ,illequipped army posts in huge numbers.
And they choose Cuban Missile Crisis for this.

Initially Tibetans were disarmed, but post 1962 war, they were trained.

Nehru inititially seeked Soviet help but they didnt help us.
Then US came for our help but we didnt trust US that much and limited their presence .
What do you know about Cuban Missile Crisis? It was one of the most anxious time in 20th century and USSR isolated internationallly only Chinese was their to help them.
USSR didnt heard our plea because they had need Chinese diplomatic support during Missile crisis.
US assistance was a bit too late.
Sigh,again the ignorance of a naive Indian..PPP is an alternate measurement and that is just that.It's just a measure to show the price difference of different countries.In your simple minded views,you have conveniently ignored or can't see why all institutions use nominal and not PPP to measure countries.
You are an ignoramus on your own history,that is all you have proved.China was actually behind India in gdp until the end of 80s unlike what you claim and when India began its reform,both were more or less neck to neck and should have been so even now.
But the reality is completely different,now China dwarfs India with India having little hope of ever catching up.

As I have done countless times on this forum,I don't entertain ignorant members to waste my time.All you do is spew nonsense to soothe your ego and find excuses for the failure of your country.
But then as I said before,I am talking to an Indian.
Why don't you first educate yourself of some little facts on economy and the history of your own country before making a mockery of yourself on this forum?

Or 'I dont have any thing in my empty arsenal' :rofl:
You should reply like that.Different nations have different price structure and life expense wjthin their nation.So purchasing power of citizens in different nations would vary drastically.
Internay Indias growth is much strong or India is domestically consumption driven economy not an export oriented economy like China.So there would be some lagging in our nomunal GDP.
The points I stated have essential proven links and back up.But you countered it without any base or counter it for the sake of countering.Or more like ranting.
I have enough knowledge in history ,technology and lot of otber subject.By supporting China with some baseless boasting, you are even embarrassed Chinese and even yourself.
dear abbotani...please read this to enhance your knowledge on ppp
Purchasing Power Parity: Weights Matter - Back to Basics: Finance & Development
Sigh,what else did I say?PPP is a measure of the price difference between different countries or to dumb it down for you and sreekumar,how much a dollar goes or buys in different countries.
That is worthless when trading internationally.There the nominal counts not the ppp.
For example-lets say the case of a meal and a electronic gadget.Let's assume an average meal in India may cost a dollar while in US it may cost 10 dollars..so in ppp terms 1 dollar in India is the same as 10 dollars in the US.However,lets say you want to buy a dvd player worth 100 dollars,you aren't going to pay 10 dollars for it because a dollar in India is worth 10 dollars in ppp..you are still going pay a full 100 dollars.
Couple of corrections here

Initially Tibetans were disarmed, but post 1962 war, they were trained.

US assistance was a bit too late.

I was talking about the way they helped Dalai Lama.They were recruited by CIA and five of them got SAD training for personal protection of Dalai Lama.

US was came for us and offered help.But Nehru was reluctant might due to socialist ideaology.There was some reports about some 5 US bombers in NE area and also U2 facility in India.
Or 'I dont have any thing in my empty arsenal' :rofl:
You should reply like that.Different nations have different price structure and life expense wjthin their nation.So purchasing power of citizens in different nations would vary drastically.
Internay Indias growth is much strong or India is domestically consumption driven economy not an export oriented economy like China.So there would be some lagging in our nomunal GDP.
The points I stated have essential proven links and back up.But you countered it without any base or counter it for the sake of countering.Or more like ranting.
I have enough knowledge in history ,technology and lot of otber subject.By supporting China with some baseless boasting, you are even embarrassed Chinese and even yourself.
Who is ranting here?the person claiming ppp is an accurate measure for comparing countries over nominal basis or a person who has no idea of his own history or the fact that till the end of 80s CHina was behind India in gdp and claims that India and CHina were same in gdp.
On the contrary,all you have done is exactly what you accuse others of i.e, being a gas bag.You present no facts and instead rely on empty rhetoric and excuses to continue this discussion in the hope that I finally get bored enough to leave you alone and declare victory.
A simple minded person who cannot grasp the fact that when comparing nations their PPP is nearly irrelevant and its nominal that is used.That the same services and products and their quality differs vastly and that's what brings to a large extent the difference in ppp and instead thinks that is an asset..tch tch,uneducated literates.
Sigh,what else did I say?PPP is a measure of the price difference between different countries or to dumb it down for you and sreekumar,how much a dollar goes or buys in different countries.
That is worthless when trading internationally.There the nominal counts not the ppp.
For example-lets say the case of a meal and a electronic gadget.Let's assume an average meal in India may cost a dollar while in US it may cost 10 dollars..so in ppp terms 1 dollar in India is the same as 10 dollars in the US.However,lets say you want to buy a dvd player worth 100 dollars,you aren't going to pay 10 dollars for it because a dollar in India is worth 10 dollars in ppp..you are still going pay a full 100 dollars.
chinese education..cheap without warrenty.....IMF is dumb as per your say....ppp exchange rate are relatively reliable and stable over time.bycontrast market rate are more volatile and using themcould produce large scale swing in agreegate measure of growth even growthrate of individual countries are stable.market based rates are only relevant incase of internationally traded goods.No traded goods n service are tend to be cheaper lower income countries than high income countries.
The term PPP is not invented by Indians nor the chinese ,like the nominal gdp it is also used for comparision of world economics.
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