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Post project announcement by India, China began troop movement

Consider this Mr.
China initiated their reforms about 20 years ago than us .That means they are just 20 years ahead than us.
Now India is one of toughest nation that can do business.China is much different in that case.
But India is already rised up to the 3 largest economy in PPP rate around 7 .3 trillion$.Just Consider we dont even unleash our full reforms.That is why I said this is just a beginning .

Those lame excuses of China about 1962 is just a hogwash.They had firm support of mighty Soviet Union at that time.And we had a Ahimsa PM in centre at that time.
But Narendra Modi is not an Ahimsa guy.There is a reason fo the landslide victory of NDA govt .You will get that in coming years.
Umm..PPP is for loser countries who need to soothe egos,nominal is what counts.You aren't going to pay the world in ppp dollars but what you actually have.China is increasing the gap with India all the time contrary to what you think.The fact that India is a hard place to do business is actually a handicap.SO all in all,your excuses of china was 20 years ahead or red tapism is just that,excuses to soothe egos and make believe delusions
Sino-soviet split was in effect in 62 and china was at the weakest point in its recent history and yet China thrashed India such that Indians went to the americans,the successors of the british empire,the latter being the masters of Indians so it was only natural for Indians to look at America for protection.
Modi is just a braggart,a typical Indian,one who can speak,kind of like Nehru was.He is as good or rather as bad as any leader of India,for its not as if his presence will magically fix the fundamental and overwhelming superiority China has over India,so much that India has no hope of matching China.
accordingto world bank 13.4% chinese n 21.9% of indians are below national proverty line....so stop your day dreaming chinese brothers ....
Consider this Mr.
China initiated their reforms about 20 years ago than us .That means they are just 20 years ahead than us.
Now India is one of toughest nation that can do business.China is much different in that case.
But India is already rised up to the 3 largest economy in PPP rate around 7 .3 trillion$.Just Consider we dont even unleash our full reforms.That is why I said this is just a beginning .

Those lame excuses of China about 1962 is just a hogwash.They had firm support of mighty Soviet Union at that time.And we had a Ahimsa PM in centre at that time.
But Narendra Modi is not an Ahimsa guy.There is a reason fo the landslide victory of NDA govt .You will get that in coming years.
no chinese are only 10 yrs ahead of india in terms of dollar economy..they r too a 2 trillion dollar economy in 2004 where we r today...that does nt means chinese are poor in 2004
Umm..PPP is for loser countries who need to soothe egos,nominal is what counts.You aren't going to pay the world in ppp dollars but what you actually have.China is increasing the gap with India all the time contrary to what you think.The fact that India is a hard place to do business is actually a handicap.SO all in all,your excuses of china was 20 years ahead or red tapism is just that,excuses to soothe egos and make believe delusions
Sino-soviet split was in effect in 62 and china was at the weakest point in its recent history and yet China thrashed India such that Indians went to the americans,the successors of the british empire,the latter being the masters of Indians so it was only natural for Indians to look at America for protection.
Modi is just a braggart,a typical Indian,one who can speak,kind of like Nehru was.He is as good or rather as bad as any leader of India,for its not as if his presence will magically fix the fundamental and overwhelming superiority China has over India,so much that India has no hope of matching China.

I know you cant digest facts .That is why you still spewing stupidity and successfully embarrassing yourselves .Actually what is your qualifications to criticise PPP rating ?I mean ,Do you have any qualifications to criticise IMF , World Bank and other international institutions that is using PPP rates for study?
Even renowned Economists like Paul Krugman and others didnt that.
We know PPP is not use full for international business.
But I already said this is just a start.
Actually what do you know about the things happened during 1962 ?Indians asked for help ,not from US or UN.But from USSR .But they had a cold attitude and didnt help us Do you know what is the reason.It was a time where Cuban Missile Crisis dominated internationally and USSR needs Chinese help for that.That is why Chinese cowardly choose that time .Nice Backstabbing ,Isnt it?That is Why India left their Non Violence policy there and started military building up and also nuke weapons development.

Narendra Modi already proved his action when he gave enough reply during last LoC skirmish .He again proved his decisive policy when IA sent 3 battalions to deal with our tent makers :lol:.This 2014 and we have nukes.
So just show some responsibility for that 50 cent and think twice before spewing stupidity and ridiculing yourself
no chinese are only 10 yrs ahead of india in terms of dollar economy..they r too a 2 trillion dollar economy in 2004 where we r today...that does nt means chinese are poor in 2004

But they started reforms around 20 years ago than us.That is what I meant.
But they started reforms around 20 years ago than us.That is what I meant.
Pointless factoid to console oneself,until the late 80s China was behind India in gdp and in early 90s India began its reforms,if they were ahead just because of reforms,India and China should have been near neck to neck or at least in the same league.That is not the case and India is hopelessly out matched by China which is 10 trillion gdp now compared to 2 trillion of India.BTW China was at 2 trillion a decade back and they gre at 10%+ to reach where they are.To even hope to reach that before the end of the first quarter of this century India will have to grow at 10%+ as well,of course china are projected to overtake US of A by then.
I know you cant digest facts .That is why you still spewing stupidity and successfully embarrassing yourselves .Actually what is your qualifications to criticise PPP rating ?I mean ,Do you have any qualifications to criticise IMF , World Bank and other international institutions that is using PPP rates for study?
Even renowned Economists like Paul Krugman and others didnt that.
We know PPP is not use full for international business.
But I already said this is just a start.
Actually what do you know about the things happened during 1962 ?Indians asked for help ,not from US or UN.But from USSR .But they had a cold attitude and didnt help us Do you know what is the reason.It was a time where Cuban Missile Crisis dominated internationally and USSR needs Chinese help for that.That is why Chinese cowardly choose that time .Nice Backstabbing ,Isnt it?That is Why India left their Non Violence policy there and started military building up and also nuke weapons development.

Narendra Modi already proved his action when he gave enough reply during last LoC skirmish .He again proved his decisive policy when IA sent 3 battalions to deal with our tent makers :lol:.This 2014 and we have nukes.
So just show some responsibility for that 50 cent and think twice before spewing stupidity and ridiculing yourself
It is a simple fact that PPP is just an alternative method of comparison and for your info all global institutions measure countries and compare them by PPP.Only losers like to harp on PPP.Contrary to what you say,it is your ignorance and naivety at display here.When trading with others you don't use PPP but nominal,i.e,what you actually have.
Again,an ignoramus on a military forum,unaware of his own country's recent history.India begged US to hep it,particularly its air force and in subsequent years supported tibetan separatists with the help of US and its intel agencies...but then I am talking to an Indian.
USSR didn't need chinese help for the cuban missile crisis,unless you are retarded wnough to think that CHina could do in 60s what USSR couldn't do in US backyard.But then again..I am talking to an Indian.
Narendra modi..modi modi..naretards just are dumb.His actions were meek and same as those of his predecessors with China while he adopted a firmer role in case of pak.You know why?Because he is saner than his followers and understands India is hopelessly outmatched and outclassed by China.3 battalions..3000 personnel and they couldn't even evict them from what Indians claim is their territory.Even bangladesh which is virtually a colony of India would show more spine if it was India pitching tents,with Indian personnel being forced out.But then Indians find solace in someone violating their sovereignty blatantly,finding excuses to console oneself.
Imagine if someone barged into your house and is lying on your sofa watching tv,without your permission and later leaves of his own volition and the owner can only watch meekly and impotently and then later brag that the former person was a coward as he didn't evict him out of his own place and left.That is what India looks like.
It's time for China to whoop India's arse again.

Modi is stupid sociopath living in his wet dream as if he and India were somebody. :rofl:
The only Sociopath's that I see are on PDF!....In real Geo politics..India and China are Partners in this global world....So please stop this childish postings....The days of any one country defeating the other ore over.(especially if they are Nuclear Powers).
I am sure you are one of those kids who keeps his *** whooped all the time...so I understand your Rant!
you struggle? you are the most coward bunch in the world, thousand year of being colonized, then begging for freedom. Unlike viets, they at least can fight.
It wont take me a minute talking about Nanking!......so dont start something you will never finish!....History has many lessons taught ...its how you improve and move along that is important!....so next time dont forget that!
How about doing something now instead of giving us empty threats? :)

Are you expected us to attack Indian and let Indian gorverment cries like a little girl to the west for help or to UN to get the condamnation on China? :lol:..this remind me of a little kid said to an adult "slap me if you dare, what you're waiting for?"...LMAO.
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Pointless factoid to console oneself,until the late 80s China was behind India in gdp and in early 90s India began its reforms,if they were ahead just because of reforms,India and China should have been near neck to neck or at least in the same league.That is not the case and India is hopelessly out matched by China which is 10 trillion gdp now compared to 2 trillion of India.BTW China was at 2 trillion a decade back and they gre at 10%+ to reach where they are.To even hope to reach that before the end of the first quarter of this century India will have to grow at 10%+ as well,of course china are projected to overtake US of A by then.

China initiated its reform under Deng Xipong in 1978.India started it only after 1991 and 91to 99 was a political turmoil period in India.But dont worry we are going to spike up our GDP growth .Even at this present stage they cant talk to us like they did to Vietnam or other SCS nation.
Warning miinistries warnings and tent war is not an issue to us.Like I said this is nust a beginning.
It is a simple fact that PPP is just an alternative method of comparison and for your info all global institutions measure countries and compare them by PPP.Only losers like to harp on PPP.Contrary to what you say,it is your ignorance and naivety at display here.When trading with others you don't use PPP but nominal,i.e,what you actually have.
Again,an ignoramus on a military forum,unaware of his own country's recent history.India begged US to hep it,particularly its air force and in subsequent years supported tibetan separatists with the help of US and its intel agencies...but then I am talking to an Indian.
USSR didn't need chinese help for the cuban missile crisis,unless you are retarded wnough to think that CHina could do in 60s what USSR couldn't do in US backyard.But then again..I am talking to an Indian.
Narendra modi..modi modi..naretards just are dumb.His actions were meek and same as those of his predecessors with China while he adopted a firmer role in case of pak.You know why?Because he is saner than his followers and understands India is hopelessly outmatched and outclassed by China.3 battalions..3000 personnel and they couldn't even evict them from what Indians claim is their territory.Even bangladesh which is virtually a colony of India would show more spine if it was India pitching tents,with Indian personnel being forced out.But then Indians find solace in someone violating their sovereignty blatantly,finding excuses to console oneself.
Imagine if someone barged into your house and is lying on your sofa watching tv,without your permission and later leaves of his own volition and the owner can only watch meekly and impotently and then later brag that the former person was a coward as he didn't evict him out of his own place and left.That is what India looks like.

I asked you about your qualifications.Let we see it then we can talk about PPP rate and its merits and demerits.
Ha :lol: 50 cent army have its own set of qualification.

Look man .I spend a lot of time to study the history because that was one my favourite hobby at leisure time.So dont try to argue with me unless you want an embarrassment.
Then again I am talking to a 50 cent.
After the Tibetan uprising we helped Dalai Lama ,CIA recruited the Tibetans and trained them under Special Activities Division and protected Dalai Lama until Indian border. Chinese dont like our support to Lama and attacked illtrained ,illequipped army posts in huge numbers.
And they choose Cuban Missile Crisis for this.
Nehru inititially seeked Soviet help but they didnt help us.
Then US came for our help but we didnt trust US that much and limited their presence .
What do you know about Cuban Missile Crisis? It was one of the most anxious time in 20th century and USSR isolated internationallly only Chinese was their to help them.
USSR didnt heard our plea because they had need Chinese diplomatic support during Missile crisis.

Absence of such strings enabled USSR to help us in 1971 by even deploy Red Army in Chinese border.

About Your last para BS.If it is the case then I should say PRC is the real impotent because their Southern Tibet is in our hand.Developing it,Investing in it .They cant do nothing about it. :rofl:
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