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Post project announcement by India, China began troop movement

Sigh..a space program is the skeletal of a reliable ballistic missile program.The reason why US of A and the west imposes sanctions on countries with nuke ambitions or BM ambitions for a space program is the beginning of a successful missile program.A SLV can afford to be giant,cumbersome and time taking.That is not the case with modern ICBM standards which need to be ready withing minutes of receiving command.
In short,think of it as miniturisation.It's easy to build and have a bulky PC with raw power while it is a hell of a lot tougher to build a tablet,laptop or even smartphones with decent specs.Why?Miniturisation.

It is one thing to achieve things on paper and operationalise it,the latter is where India fails miserably.All Indigineous weapons programs are testament to that,from Insas and ammo to Arjun and LCA.

We are going to canisterised Agni 5.Talk about miniaturisation.
India initiated IGMDP in 1980s .People like you at that time criticised us.Now we are going to self reliance in missile tech covering entire fields in 2022.
Like I said we always like peace with our neighbours.But like our HM Rajnath Singh said noone in the world can challenge our power.And such a comment from a minister carry several tonnes worth and weigh than your BS talk.
We are going to canisterised Agni 5.Talk about miniaturisation.
India initiated IGMDP in 1980s .People like you at that time criticised us.Now we are going to self reliance in missile tech covering entire fields in 2022.
Like I said we always like peace with our neighbours.But like our HM Rajnath Singh said noone in the world can challenge our power.And such a comment from a minister carry several tonnes worth and weigh than your BS talk.
Yawn,do it and then talk.Of course you guys have a habit of mouthing off before actually doing it,but do try it.
BTW Pakistan had a space program before India.A hint is enough for the wise.
Yawn,germans and their efficiency.Just because the nazis called themselves aryans from sanskrit Arya doesn't mean India will become polar opposite of it's nature.We are talking of India,the proverbial sloth not the busy as a squirrel germans.Do give relevant examples..please.
By the way,did you notice it was seven years and not one month,7 years in a time when progress in technology and science was not as difficult and resource consuming as now.That's 84 months BTW.With R7d running in parallel.The germans were always a power to be reckoned with especially in r&d and manufacturing,hence why the re-armed themselves so fast,while their opponents became complacent and ignored their military progress.
'As so happens many times in history,victory had bred an orthodoxy resistant to change and complacency which led to defeat in the next war'..something like this I remember reading.

AGNi 5 tested successfully around 3 timed .You know what ,they have already a weapon .
An eminent western scholar once mentioned that the 1962 experience united Indians at an unprecedented level.
So any future attack from northern side will pile up our confidence and we can finished our development in short time.

CCP knows that very well.Their 50 cents agents font know a shit.
Yawn,do it and then talk.Of course you guys have a habit of mouthing off before actually doing it,but do try it.
BTW Pakistan had a space program before India.A hint is enough for the wise.

:rofl::rofl: Oh Noo... NOw you're Shaming your higher than mountain friend..:lol:
AGNi 5 tested successfully around 3 timed .You know what ,they have already a weapon .
An eminent western scholar once mentioned that the 1962 experience united Indians at an unprecedented level.
So any future attack from northern side will pile up our confidence and we can finished our development in short time.

CCP knows that very well.Their 50 cents agents font know a shit.
Yeah right.Those are called tests for a reason.If just testing was enough,well it isn't enough.First induct it and then talk,a I said before.
1962,it was a massacre and Indians got massacred in unity all right.The chinese didn't discriminate.India did arm itself and has grown but China has grown leaps and bounds ahead of you.Unlike after 62 soviets are no more and Indians no longer have a benevolent superpower aiding them.It w as due to USSR that Indian military became whole after 62.Without USSR,India is just a puny player.
Yawn,do it and then talk.Of course you guys have a habit of mouthing off before actually doing it,but do try it.
BTW Pakistan had a space program before India.A hint is enough for the wise.

We did it Mr.
You are right Pakistan started Space program before us.But till now they dont have decent space vehicle
And we could have send aspacecraft into Mars with a cost much less than a hollywood movie.Your CCP even couldnt do that.You give us an example of efficiency of Indians .ISRO is our crown jewel.
Yeah right.Those are called tests for a reason.If just testing was enough,well it isn't enough.First induct it and then talk,a I said before.
1962,it was a massacre and Indians got massacred in unity all right.The chinese didn't discriminate.India did arm itself and has grown but China has grown leaps and bounds ahead of you.Unlike after 62 soviets are no more and Indians no longer have a benevolent superpower aiding them.It w as due to USSR that Indian military became whole after 62.Without USSR,India is just a puny player.

We dont need any one ,Not any more.
Like our HM Rajnath Singh said, Noone can challenge us.
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