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Post Graduate Talib was forced to pick up gun: Mother

I am the son of Saddam....

This a juicy full toss that deserves a sixer, but considering you are new to forum and have to catch up by declaring me terrorist and my country a terrorist supporter before you get used to this forum, I will let you go unharmed. Best of luck you have taken up an argument fight with a person you assume to be terrorist supporter, and that person is not willing to reply in kind. :enjoy:
My molested bacha... Shove it up your chimney and sulk on your bfs shoulders .. Complain about nuke" and it's penetration like a good lil betch you really are.

Penetration k side effects... Retard read what you post... This table counts your casualties from 94...

Chutiye hunger and disease doesn't automatically mean shit... I can post same even from South Africa .. Gobar Ganesh.

5000 too maray haien .. 600 million janwaron ki tarah rehtay ho.. Khanay kou Kutch hai nahi .. Middle class is next to invisible ... Pey pagal kuttiya Kia tarah Bhonkna zaroor hai...
shhh calm down Bacchabaz victim ..its called showing you the mirror ..Google it for more ..and even a slum dweller has more per capita and enjoy basic necessities of life free from polio and piss poor HDI indicators and here middle class do not called City bus as metro nor they drive 80s cheap crap like Suzuki Mehran.

aur chitiya come back when 30000 MW electricity produced in which is not before 2020.
1 less wahabi terrorist scumbag.. more better the planet..

Four Scumbags were killed by Mujhadeen day before Yesterday if u remember :D


RIP Brother :(
May Allah forgive him, have mercy on him, and grant him jannah. Ameen
May Allah give you and your family patience, and faith Through this insha'allah ...Ameen
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Well i am not new to the forum.... I just don't bother to comment. I have seen the level of arguments and also seen the way it is moderated.
Coming to calling your country a terrorist supporting.... You can ban me at most... But that doesn't change the facts as well as the world view.
Four wars.... Lakhs of casualties and country broken i to two.... And yet there is no deficiency of idiots who are willing to blow himself seeking martyrdom...... Because for some life starts after.... Kaboom.
There is thing for sure.... J&K will remain the way it has.. India is not going to give an inch. But neither does India want Pakistan occupied kashmir...

And what is the world view that Indians are so up to date with and we Pakistanis are not? And by the way which world are we referring to here?

And I am not interested in discussing past wars you can keep thinking you are the sole victors and without anyone's help you achieved East Pakistan debacle.

But please enlighten me how many suicide attacks have happened in IOK? or India? I mean suicide bombers going off in ordinary people? in temples? in markets? in schools?. Compare the statistics with those Pakistan faced in last ten years and then conclude yourself whether the ones fighting in Kashmir are brave or not they fight face to face with occupying forces and not like cowards supported by your country who will go kaboom in any ordinary place filled with innocent people.
And what is the world view that Indians are so up to date with and we Pakistanis are not? And by the way which world are we referring to here?

And I am not interested in discussing past wars you can keep thinking you are the sole victors and without anyone's help you achieved East Pakistan debacle.

But please enlighten me how many suicide attacks have happened in IOK? or India? I mean suicide bombers going off in ordinary people? in temples? in markets? in schools?. Compare the statistics with those Pakistan faced in last ten years and then conclude yourself whether the ones fighting in Kashmir are brave or not they fight face to face with occupying forces and not like cowards supported by your country who will go kaboom in any ordinary place filled with innocent people.

I've said it before, I'll say it again.

The Indic race is not hardwired for self destruction.

The Iranic race happily manages to blow itself up.

Show me one Indian Muslim terrorist who has had the guts to strap a bomb to himself.

Cycles and scooters and cars and autos and dustbins and under cafe tables in schoolbags are more their style.

I would not be surprised if its the same on your side with the Punjabi talibs versus those from your north west.
Well i understand and completely sympathise with the deaths in your country. Go and look at the threads... Will you find any Indian supporting the terrorists... And why not discussing past... That's where everything begun.. Who created Taliban..in the first place.... Your country is to be blamed for it. How many of the terrorists killed in Pakistan were Indian.... How many Indians have ever claimed Peshawar incident or any other incident in Pakistan is the inside job of ISI.... But according most Pakistanis 9/11, 26/11, Parliament attack are all inside jobs.... The fact is the minds are ao filled with poison and hateed that rational thinking is the last thing one can do. You see conspiracy in everything....

No dear I have said it before and I will say it again (no shame in accepting that), A billion or more angels are missing from skies. My guess is they are somewhere in this world all living together as a country.
No dear I have said it before and I will say it again (no shame in accepting that), A billion or more angels are missing from skies. My guess is they are somewhere in this world all living together as a country.

In that case there are 200 million fallen angels living also in a country next door.
I've said it before, I'll say it again.

The Indic race is not hardwired for self destruction.

The Iranic race happily manages to blow itself up.

Show me one Indian Muslim terrorist who has had the guts to strap a bomb to himself.

Cycles and scooters and cars and autos and dustbins and under cafe tables in schoolbags are more their style.

I would not be surprised if its the same on your side with the Punjabi talibs versus those from your north west.

When you are willing to die you don't care whether you strap bombs to your body or you take head on with your enemy. The only distinction here is they die gracefully for their cause bravely fighting the oppressing forces and not harm innocent infidels in masses in one kaboom for their cause.
When you are willing to die you don't care whether you strap bombs to your body or you take head on with your enemy. The only distinction here is they die gracefully for their cause bravely fighting the oppressing forces and not harm innocent infidels in masses in one kaboom for their cause.

My original point remains.

Indic musalmanon mein guts nahin hai apne aap ko barood se udana.

You know it, I know it.
So beware then, innocents have never sinned and fallen have tasted that blood.

Tum kitna sin karoge bhai?

For every one sinner we have 6 angels.

We can really afford to allow two of those to fall, taste blood and sin with you.

That still leaves us with a country of angels four times the size of the once fallen, now no more.

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