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Possible expansion of Pakistan

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May 27, 2015
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Well, guys, I am already ready for getting trolled for this. But so be it.

I am hearing some noises from Pakistan and from Afghanistan that few parts of Afghanistan that they want to join Pakistan. And if this happens, then there dies the idea of Durand line, automatically.
My question is if almost half of Afghanistan wants to join Pakistan, then will we welcome it? This also has the potential to end the endless wars in Afghanistan. Although demographics in Pakistan will be changed, but then we will also be more of a central asian nation, than South Asian.

Your views, please.

@ghazi52 @Mentee @Irfan Baloch @newb3e @PaklovesTurkiye @MastanKhan
I will personally support this idea.
Well, guys, I am already ready for getting trolled for this. But so be it.

I am hearing some noises from Pakistan and from Afghanistan that few parts of Afghanistan that they want to join Pakistan. And if this happens, then there dies the idea of Durand line, automatically.
My question is if almost half of Afghanistan wants to join Pakistan, then will we welcome it? This also has the potential to end the endless wars in Afghanistan. Although demographics in Pakistan will be changed, but then we will also be more of a central asian nation, than South Asian.

Your views, please.

@ghazi52 @Mentee @Irfan Baloch @newb3e @PaklovesTurkiye @MastanKhan
I will personally support this idea.
And who will protect the newly drawn borders?

We can't even stop the routine IED's in Balochistan as is.
Well, guys, I am already ready for getting trolled for this. But so be it.

I am hearing some noises from Pakistan and from Afghanistan that few parts of Afghanistan that they want to join Pakistan. And if this happens, then there dies the idea of Durand line, automatically.
My question is if almost half of Afghanistan wants to join Pakistan, then will we welcome it? This also has the potential to end the endless wars in Afghanistan. Although demographics in Pakistan will be changed, but then we will also be more of a central asian nation, than South Asian.

Your views, please.

@ghazi52 @Mentee @Irfan Baloch @newb3e @PaklovesTurkiye @MastanKhan
I will personally support this idea.

No thanks. We're fine. Even when a Pakistani breathes, we get blamed for destroying Afghanistan and killing millions of Afghans. Imagine what would happen if we allowed them to join us. Also, think of the violence and instability they would bring.
Look towards the East for expansion, my friend.
images (46).jpeg

That's bad idea I guess
No thanks. We're fine. Even when a Pakistani breathes, we get blamed for destroying Afghanistan and killing millions of Afghans. Imagine what would happen if we allowed them to join us. Also, think of the violence and instability they would bring.
With every challenge comes an opportunity. This will actually be a good step. I know Karachi will further be filled with more Pashtoons, but maybe this way we constitute a more homogenous society.
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With every challenge comes an opportunity. This will actually be a good step. I know Karachi will further be filled with more Pashtroons, but maybe this way we constitute a more homogenous society.

Who knows, you may be right.

However I can here the chorus of Afghan protestors chanting, "Sanction Pakistan", "Stop killing Afghans" and "Stop Pakistan proxy war".
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Afghanistan has its own culture and history, to “merge” it with Pakistan will not play over well with their world view. Best to be good neighbors and trading partners. A unified peaceful and independent Afghanistan will be the best way for them to work out their issues and attract foreign aid and trade.

Just think of all the ways our politicians could screw up the fragile relationship. This is why Pakistan should support Afghanistan reconstruction, and eventually we should hope they are stable and peaceful enough that we can have a Schegan style (free movement between countries as in the European Union) arrangement with them in 15-20 years.

We should keep our focus on building up Baluchistan and other underdeveloped parts of our own country. We also need to focus on our economy.
Absolutely 100% agree. Short term pain for long term gain. It should be a long term plan to merge our nations in a mutually beneficial way. This is something that cannot happen now - it would be chaos, but something we should build a 50 year roadmap towards.

There are ethnic, religious and cultural ties between our two countries. Yes there is a world of difference between Karachi and Kunduz, but the difference between Kunduz and Peshawar is a lot less.

There is massive mistrust to overcome though - it can only really happen if it's win-win for all involved.

In my mind we benefit because;

1. We gain access to Central Asia.
2. Afghanistan's minerals.
3. We finally have a western border that won't have a security threat.
4. End of this pukhtun nation BS.

Afghanistan could stand to benefit because;

1. Access to the sea.
2. Reduced pukhtun dominance.
3. Infrastructure development.
4. Access to a large military to provide security.

Before we can even consider this we must do the following;

1. Work towards peace in Pakistan and Afghanistan.
2. Crush anti Pakistan voices inside Pakistan and Afghanistan
3. Crush anti new govt forces inside Afghanistan
4. Act as a genuine broker for the interests of all Afghans in the role we play in facilitating negociations for a new govt.
5. Support the rebuilding of Afghanistan and the repatriation of refugees.
6. Support the new Afghan govt develop essential services and industries in Afghanistan.
7. Help Pakistani businesses invest in Afghanistan.
8. FTA between Pakistan and Afghanistan.

Right now the general Pakistani footprint inside Afghanistan and visa versa is negative. We need to change that perception.

We need good things that happen inside Afghanistan to be associated with Pakistan. We need those Afghan refugees settled here to be success stories and those repatriated to be telling stories of the support they got from Pakistan to re-establish themselves back home. We also need a Afghanistan to recognise Durand line, to end terrorism across it and to export legal produce, not just Opium and guns.

A political reset is also required. The govts on both sides need to re-think the old adveserial roles, drop the smoke and mirrors and cloaks and daggers and try an approach of honesty.

Honestly - if we can manage just this and never merge - our relationship would be fine. However i think if we did manage this, then a merger might something you could sell in 40-50 years time.
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Islamabad does need a bigger buffer zone actually...

It would be better to just take the Kabul basin and surrounding areas, since it's a part of the Indus river system, which is the core of Pakistan. Both the Kunar and Kabul rivers would be under Pakistan control. Not to mention, since there are natural borders like Pamir/Hindu Kush mountains, the Western flank of Pakistan would be protected and have natural barriers.

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