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Pornography found in the OBL hideout

there is some serious malfunction the white-house administration system. If you call it handling a case then I must say world's sole super power is making fun of its self. First, there were photo shopped pictures of OBL and then there are these contradictory news items coming from there.
:P But Osama did have a problem with ****. and one wonder if for that he had left comfortable palace and modern US cities and opted to watch it in mountains ?

geez he could have better deal with all those pieces of meat from US who are working in third world movies as extra dancers these days . why he had to opt the tedious path just to watch **** ?

If you are thinking he chose to live there just to be able to watch ****, you are missing the point.
Nothing unusual about a man watching ****, 3 wife or whatever. As long as you are not caught, you are okey.
Just because he was busy doing other things, does not mean he will forget to be a man. :). He married his 15 year old wife when he was fighting a war.
It helps to focus the task at hand. :)
If you are thinking he chose to live there just to be able to watch ****, you are missing the point.
Nothing unusual about a man watching ****, 3 wife or whatever. As long as you are not caught, you are okey.
Just because he was busy doing other things, does not mean he will forget to be a man. :). He married his 15 year old wife when he was fighting a war.
It helps to focus the task at hand. :)

You really buying this bullshiitt????
there is some serious malfunction the white-house administration system. If you call it handling a case then I must say world's sole super power is making fun of its self. First, there were photo shopped pictures of OBL and then there are these contradictory news items coming from there.

umair till this day we were of the view that only American women are BLOND
You are trying too hard to save osama's honor. He doesn't have any to begin with.

:laugh: and you Indians are trying hard to save US honour viz a viz this silly claim of finding such stuff lolzzzzzzzzzzzzz
:laugh: and you Indians are trying hard to save US honour viz a viz this silly claim of finding such stuff lolzzzzzzzzzzzzz

US doesn't have honor either. They have tried in the past to character assassinate their enemies. But I don't see the point of Pakistanis supporting Osama. If anything he dented the honor of your country.
You really buying this bullshiitt????

All I am saying is nothing wrong in watching ****. I am defending osama, for the first time :).
That is if it was indeed he who used the collection. It could as well have been his couriers/helpers.
There could be hidden messages in the ****... just thinking aloud.
US gov should immediately release the collection, I will take the pain of finding hidden messages. :)
US doesn't have honor either. They have tried in the past to character assassinate their enemies. But I don't see the point of Pakistanis supporting Osama. If anything he dented the honor of your country.

The people that are supporting OBL are just very sad people unfortunately.
It's funny - people assume because it is a U.S. report on OBL stuff that it must automatically be fabricated. Maybe it is. But... maybe it isn't. Maybe the old b*****d had a fine **** stash.

I find the fact that he married a 15 year old far more shocking than a smattering of ****.

We'll never know the absolute truth. But if the goal was to make bin Laden look bad, they'd have claimed they found a gay **** stash. Or kiddie ****. THAT would have done the trick.
he is a man, he has needs, so do all men``:D
US should release another fake video of Obama...I mean Osama masturbating :D
And believe me Indians will buy that :P

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