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Pornography found in the OBL hideout

A few days later a report will come that OBL also watched child ****. Then another report which claims he was a hard core party goer and also loved to smoke weed etc.
I am amazed- still no nukes were found in his place- or some ISI documents- or some Pakistani active military personal cheque book- or a photo of Osama with Shuja Pasha-

"Evidence" will be created, er, discovered as the need arises.
True...And dictatorships are quite good at manufacturing 'evidences' against those who challenge the governments.

Absolutely. It's not either or.

My point was that even democratic governments become dictatorial, including media control, when the magic words "national security" are used. I am not debating the need for secrecy, but the potential for abuse.

The OBL case is an extreme example. I was amused at the way the Murdoch media reported the story, "The US government confirmed that they have recovered a stash of pornography...".

It's funny - people assume because it is a U.S. report on OBL stuff that it must automatically be fabricated. Maybe it is. But... maybe it isn't. Maybe the old b*****d had a fine **** stash.

I find the fact that he married a 15 year old far more shocking than a smattering of ****.

We'll never know the absolute truth. But if the goal was to make bin Laden look bad, they'd have claimed they found a gay **** stash. Or kiddie ****. THAT would have done the trick.

the fact that he was a jehadist anf tht he believed in heaven and he was doing all this for his islam, then its pretty obvious why people dont believe such a crap
I am not surprised, he apparently drank lots of Coca-Cola too. A total hypocrite, of course.
I mean telling other people to blow themselves up but not wanting to do it himself = hypocrite. (and no one will dispute that)
All this stuff just shows you what a giant hypocrite and loser he was..
I am not surprised, he apparently drank lots of Coca-Cola too. A total hypocrite, of course.
I mean telling other people to blow themselves up but not wanting to do it himself = hypocrite. (and no one will dispute that)
All this stuff just shows you what a giant hypocrite and loser he was..

drank coca cola :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:
I know you like conspiracy theories, but why is it so hard to believe? He was a rich child, a poser, a hypocrite. Don't Muslim always say he doesn't represent Islam? So why is it hard to believe he was a phony hypocrite?

Reuters is not known for reporting false information btw..

Osama Bin Laden's Pakistani Compound's Most Shocking Revelations (PHOTOS)

Weed, ****,'natural Viagra', 3 wives and Coca Cola. He was living the 'good live' in a nice mansion while preaching to poor people to kill themselves in the name of "Islam". That sounds exactly like the douchebag mass-murderer he was.

But believe whatever you want, the world is glad to be rid of this pathetic joke, that's all that matters for now.
I know you like conspiracy theories, but why is it so hard to believe? He was a rich child, a poser, a hypocrite. Don't Muslim always say he doesn't represent Islam? So why is it hard to believe he was a phony hypocrite?

Reuters is not known for reporting false information btw..

Osama Bin Laden's Pakistani Compound's Most Shocking Revelations (PHOTOS)

Weed, ****,'natural Viagra', 3 wives and Coca Cola. He was living the 'good live' in a nice mansion while preaching to poor people to kill themselves in the name of "Islam". That sounds exactly like the douchebag mass-murderer he was.

But believe whatever you want, the world is glad to be rid of this pathetic joke, that's all that matters for now.


this is the pornography found??

No Goats in Osama's not so secret anymore hideout?-
US should release another fake video of Obama...I mean Osama masturbating :D
And believe me Indians will buy that :P

Just like many Pakistanis believe in Michael Moore and his loony conspiracy theories? Dont you guys lap up almost every "alternative" 9/11 or 26/11 theories out there?
he is living in one house with 3 wives and their kids for 5 years and not leaving the house once! Osama was seen banging his head against walls in the last days and is suspected of having called US commandos himself, begging them, 'For god sakes, plz, put a bullet in my head! or may be he need to watch **** , for his frustration .
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