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Pornography found in the OBL hideout

The pornography recovered in bin Laden’s compound in Abbottabad, Pakistan, consists of modern, electronically recorded video and is fairly extensive, according to the officials, who discussed the discovery with Reuters on condition of anonymity


After three wifes at the compound, I guess he was still not statisfied.....:woot:
I simply cannot believe people would put it past OBL to look at ****.

Some of the bigger **** watchers are the ones with beards
Why would he watch/download **** with 3 wives living with him in his hideout, along with 10 children living in that same house as well? Shouldn't having 3 wives quench the 'thirst' of ****? Looks like he hadn't gotten laid in a long time :lol:

He may be searching out something new from those three wives :devil:
this is height of stupidity aussie, this is heigh of stereotyping, please dont throw garbage like that, you should also know your criminal backgrounds

post reported

Its about osama bin laden moron not arabs.

Its also off south park.

Also alot of people have criminal backgrounds.OOOO INSULT.

So touchy:woot:

Edit:I apologise i realize some countrys arnt as layed back as here.
Any idea what was his favourite **** star..considering the no of videos he has......Lets see the taste of this man...

Cmon man...they wont show that **** to the media,reason 1 of da **** star was:"MICHELLE OBAMA"!!!!!:D
The US is not realeasing his Photographs, but they should realase the **** Videos, let the world confirm it.
I am amazed- still no nukes were found in his place- or some ISI documents- or some Pakistani active military personal cheque book- or a photo of Osama with Shuja Pasha-
**** storage is so common among men these days. I have no problem with adult **** by the way. ^^

:P But Osama did have a problem with ****. and one wonder if for that he had left comfortable palace and modern US cities and opted to watch it in mountains ?

geez he could have better deal with all those pieces of meat from US who are working in third world movies as extra dancers these days . why he had to opt the tedious path just to watch **** ?
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